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 May 2014
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
 May 2014
Kevin Eli
Once I was at a house party in the highlands, I got very drunk.
We were skateboarding on the large tennis court up on the top of the extravagant property which did not belong to any of us.

I was trying to do a trick and the board flew out from under me and rolled out of control into the center net. I didn't know it, but I broke both bones below my wrist clean across.

When I fell, I was initially disoriented.
I remember everybody letting out a big gasp or "Oooh, ouch."
I staggered to my feet and tried to assess the situation.

I started to feel dizzy and fell back over.
I think two people helped me back up and got me sat down in a chair.
I remember the feeling that I was blacking out and couldn't breathe.

"I think I am going into shock." I said to everybody around me.
"I think I might need some medical attention." I said immediately after.

Nobody really paid attention.
"You're fine." Somebody said.
I shook my head as to say no, but to no avail. Nobody was listening.
"I need an ambulance"
I passed out again.

At some point, I woke up and drove myself home, drunk and with a broken arm. Nobody wanted to give their good time to help me, even though I knew everybody and I desperately needed it...

The terrifying part about this, is that it has happened before.

Know who your friends are
Know how cruel and negligent they can be.
Know how little drugs and alcohol care about you.
 May 2014
Kevin Eli
Slowly, you come before
Me in this warm light
As the only thing I want.

Don't make it a dream,
just give in.
Let me seep in.
Seep into me.

Your fold, my sin,
our whole existence, manifest
in you, my friend.
Tempt intense,
your taste, my wish
to make you want it badly.

Hold me, come again.
Intense, breathe slowly and return
this favor I ask you so sincere and desperately.
Give me your secret, your desire, your fire
what inspires
your mind and soul.

This last chance, this request
I whisper loud.
One taste, your sin, your ***.
Your salvation I beg to give you
One more time.

One caress, one gesture
One grace
This taste of you
my dark nirvana.
 May 2014
Kevin Eli
Like a blind date on wedding night,
You came before me once again.
This time, you said you loved me...

We drove and talked, you smiled
And told me everything I needed to hear.
Not what I wanted to, but what I needed.

You're changing, and I like it.

Ride with me once again,
Until the red wine is gone
and sweet nothings are said.

I admit I still love you too.
Yes, we can start over again...
Time can't change some things though.
 May 2014
Kevin Eli
Rusted train tracks slip down the road, winding into the fog.
Memories of old shows and carnivals brings me back to a time when I thought cotton candy and hot dogs were sacred.

I reach into my pocket to find twenty-nine cents.
The change from the Coca-Cola I bought that day when I was traveling for the first time alone. Three hours, Los Angeles to San Diego.

I remember my mother and father telling me to cherish the time we had together on our family vacations. I was never afraid of flying or got sick in cars or boats, but homesick? I was always looking for my origin.

In the final hours before sunset, tumbleweeds tip-toe and roll across those tracks which travel to all roads and counties, residing at this final crossing.

I didn't wait for the train to arrive before I started walking.
 May 2014
Wolf Irwin
I choose to be happy because who likes to be sad?
How can we have a good life if all we think is bad?
When the water gets rough the tough ride the waves,
There's better things to do then complain about your days,
Exercise choice to strengthen your fate,
Time is unlimited so its never too late,
If your trapped in your mind escape from that prison,
it's easy just as simple as making the decision,
Close your eyes and really take a listen,
Silence is the noise you must have been missing,
Then open your eyes and view this beauty,
One fact of life is its gorgeous truly.
 May 2014
Smudged Ink
being alone is one thing
feeling alone is misery
being in a room full of people
and still not belonging
i have to wonder
does anyone notice?
how i am there but at the same time not
do they see how i feel ignored
how i walk away feeling like there's no point
just when i thought i could be normal
i am reminded i'm that i'm not
 May 2014
"I've been shot" ,
That's when I pulled the trigger .
 May 2014
Escapes my lips when I have nothing to say
Gives me compliments when I'm good at nothing else
Lifts me up when I'm down
Moves me when my heart is still
Loves me when no one does
And I love it back
Music is beautiful
 May 2014
I liked that poem
before it was trending.
Just a little humor to add to my seriousness!
She looked twenty-one
But she was only fifteen

Trying to play with the big boys
They turned her into a dope fiend

She fulfilled the term
Being “down for the team”

Thought she had control
Until she ended up on the streets;  

Selling her body
Letting strangers get knees deep

How could her parents sleep, knowing their little girl's in the streets
Getting preyed on, like a wolf to a sheep  

Her skin so pale and legs so weak
*She prayed to God to die in her dreams
Part 1
(Please read Part 2)
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