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 May 2014
We dance* for laughter,
We dance for tears,
We dance for madness,
We dance for fears,
We dance for hope,
We dance for screams,

We are the dancers,
We create the dreams!
 May 2014
I try to help
I'm a hindrance
It's never right

My tears are nothing
You laugh at me
I want to help
I'm just no good

It all means something
What you say it hurts
Ruins me piece by piece
A fragment of broken glass

When will you see?
What you do
It kills me
It breaks my heart

You're mysterious
An act or gift
You're my conscience
I love you.


I love you
You're my conscience
An act or a gift
You're mysterious

It breaks my heart
It kills me
What you do
When will you see?

A fragment of broken glass
Ruins me piece by piece
What you say it hurts
It all means something

I'm just no good
I want to help
You laugh at me
My tears are nothing

It's never right
I'm a hindrance
I try to help
My first reverse poem, let me know what you think :)
 May 2014
Have you ever dreamed of your prince?
The man who'll save you from the pain.

When the clock strikes midnight
Don't stay,

If you loose a shoe
Keep moving
It's a hint for your prince
He needs it

Don't stay
Remember you riches
They turn to rags
He will find you

Always remember
If it's meant to be
It will be

— The End —