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 Jul 2018
I am an artist...
I draw many things
But there’s one picture that no one will ever see
It’s for myself, for no one else
So I’ll draw myself a lovely picture
But I’ll dtaw it with a twist
For I will use a razor and my wrist
If I do it correctly a red fountain will appear
To take away my pain and wash away my fear
 Jul 2018
I have a Magic trick for you.

It’s quite simple, I assure you.


I paint with Silver.

And it comes out Red.

I hope everyone understands this.
 Jul 2018
I hate myself and I honestly cannot stop.
They say that I need to learn to love myself,
But I can’t when all my hope is falling off the shelf.
I’m Nobody at all,
Just a random phone call.
I’m nothing but another face in the hall.
Just another person you Saw.
I’m nothing important, another toy to mock,
And that’s pretty much why,
I hate myself and I honestly can’t stop.
 Jul 2018
its 4:30 am...
im awake thinking, living, and breathing...
but somethings different..

my heart... its breaking,aching and shaking...
all because of a guy..

my minds racing, chasing, and raising..
all the problems of my life..

and im slowly fading, wasting, and breaking..
because i dont know who i am..

not anymore...

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
 Jul 2018
i feel trapped
kind of like rapunzel
but this is my choice
i choose to not leave my room
not because i like staying in my room all day
without any food
or human interaction
but thats exactly it
i would rather starve and cry in my room all day
than go downstairs
to see her face
in my moms house
in my moms kitchen

id rather cry
in my room
staring at my grey and burgundy walls
than see her

id rather starve
in my room
than go see my dad treat her better
than he ever treated my mom
id rather be alone in my room
than see him erase my mom from the house
by painting the walls a different colour
by misplacing things in the cupboards permanently
by taking down all of her photos
by putting in new furniture to us that is familiar with that one

id rather go unheard
in my room
in my house
while my head implodes
 Jul 2018
The stereotypical thoughts are,
I slit my wrists,
I drink bleach,
I wear black 24/7,
And I’m depressed, Suicidal or Both.
The true thoughts are,
I feel things deeply,
I’m real, I don’t sugarcoat.
And I wear black because it’s Poetic.
It’s honestly my true aesthetic,
My one and only place I feel alive.
So for all of you that are Scene Kids and Emo Kids?
Talk to me.
I get you, trust me.
this is a little rant because honestly, people are very stereotypical about the Emo Community and stuff, but yeah. That’s about it.
 Jul 2018
I came home to a horrific sight.
Blood everywhere, my screams filled the night.
A note beside the body, it was a suicide,
My stomach drops, his eyes opened wide.

I Should’ve saw this coming, I knew his smile was a Lie.
I always heard his fake laughs, but I kept letting them slide.
The guilt washes over me, it’s all my fault...
i should’ve known that he was having trouble, that it was difficult.

But now... he’s dead.
And all we can do is feel the dread.
We can take on the sorrow,
There’s always a better tomorrow.
It’s going to be Grim,

But we must stand strong for Him.
But sadly... His casket will soon be sealed.

And i’m in the back.
Not a single tear,
My mind has been obscured.
I’m not crazy at all, I don’t need a cure.
But what I do know, is that time won’t Heal.

I’m broken now.
I don’t know what to feel.
If you ever need help, please talk to a professional or call the Suicide Hotline:
Maybe even a friend can help you, but please do not Commit Suicide. People do love you, people will be there for you, and people will miss you.
Please look at the bigger picture and understand that you will be a missing puzzle piece in people’s lives. People may follow your footsteps. Please, Please, Please. Stay.
 Jul 2018
My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost
I need to feel something, 'cause I'm still so far from home
Cross your heart and hope to die
Promise me you'll never leave my side
Show me what I can't see when the spark in your eyes is gone
You've got me on my knees I'm your one man cult
Cross my heart and hope to die
Promise you I'll never leave your side
'Cause I'm telling you you're all I need
I promise you you're all I see
'Cause I'm telling you you're all I need
I'll never leave
So you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you
Come sink into me and let me breathe you in
I'll be your gravity, you be my oxygen
So dig two graves 'cause when you die
I swear I'll be leaving by your side
So you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you 'cause I'm under you spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you so you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you 'cause I'm under you spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you
I will follow you, I will follow you
So you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you 'cause I'm under you spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you

~Bring Me The Horizon~
“That’s The Spirit”
This song makes me really think about things.
 Jul 2018
Cross Your heart
And Hope To Die,
Promise Me You’ll
Never Leave My Side.

Cross My Heart
And Hope To Die,
Promise You I’ll
Never Leave Your Side.
I’ll be your Gravity and you’ll be my Oxygen.
 Jul 2018
Though you’re with someone else,
I can’t help but try and keep my feelings to myself.
Your smile the sun,
Your voice the sound of a symphony that has begun.
Your laugh making my day,
Nothing you say can ruin my way.
But when I see you with someone else,
I can’t help but feel a bitter heartbreak.

Your cries make me shake,
Your true thoughts make me break.

They tell me to move on,
That it’s not worth the wait, my future will be Grim...

I can’t help it.
I can’t control it.
I love him.
 Jun 2018
Is it sad that..
I fall apart so easily?
Is it sad that..
I’m not as strong as I look?
Is it sad that..
Deep down, I’m Alone?
And one last question...
Is it sad that...
I’m typing this through tears?
 Jun 2018
Is it really worth it?
Does loving you out weigh the cons?
You mean everything to me.
But I have these voices in my head
Telling me it's wrong.
These voices make me second guess everything.
I don't know.
What if I'm doing something wrong?
What if you don't really love me?
What if I'm just fooling myself?
What if you're just playing with me?
I've had my heart played with before.
What if this is all just set up for heartbreak?
I can't withstand another break up.
What if?
These voices keep me up at night.
I can barely sleep.
Sometimes I don't sleep at all.
I just lay awake thinking of all the possibilities.
I can hear the voices telling me that you don't like me.
I can hear them saying things that I know aren't true.
But they make me doubt everything.
I don't know what the truth is anymore.
And that scares me.
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