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 Oct 2017
Mohd Arshad
The birds cross the sea
To search for their survival

The sea
Doesn't frisk them
 Oct 2017
Jeremy Bean
I don't get angry with the sun
For being what it is
Or doing what it does
When my skin burns
From overexposure
I just become disappointed
With myself
You were no different
I just wanted you to be
 Oct 2017
Confined in close quarters
begging for quarantine
love tastes like carrion

Breathing mold spores
appeals more than
the kiss of a dying heart

For to taint joy
with the stink of decay
haunts honesty with living lies

A heavy heart
cannot power the light
that fuels a soul
 Oct 2017
eunsung aka Silas
trust is easier to break
than to put together again
 Sep 2017
mark john junor
On hold, I'm on hold
if I may be so bold
I hate being on hold....
    feels like you are being so cold
    leaving me on hold....
On hold, I'm on hold
my beard has grown mold
while I'm on hold
    Sold my living soul
    to get off being on hold
Now I'm feeling bold
worth my weight in gold
poke you in the eye scold you for your lie
    Tale all told
    of me being on hold
    rhyme and reason rolled into your sneezing
    while I'm on hold
then my provider be dammed sixfold
cutting off my call in a stranglehold
On hold, I was on hold
goes beyond the threshold
lost my foothold
gotta callback to be
put on hold, on hold, on hold
 Sep 2017
The word potential is one of self sabotage.
It is dedicated to those unable to put their dreams to work.
Potential is a word given to the indicated who are poised to have talent but no drive, ambition but no discipline.
Potential is given to the abundant group of people who are able to breathe but never live life.
A word made to create your grave before you've died.
I haven't figured out how to stay away from the trap.
However, a promise to myself is that I will do more then breathe.
 Sep 2017
When now becomes never
and fists remain clenched
through a heart distance silenced
macerated between fingers
in disconnected chunks of purity

When now becomes never
under the weight
of broken promises
fractured dreams still glimmer
like a sharpened knife in the sun

When now becomes never
days turn decades of disillusion
the tiniest lifeline of hope
slicing through every breath
the cruelest kindness
aspirating the viscous memory of emotion

When now becomes never
the beacon of a smile
fades into the darkness
that always surrounds it

When now becomes never
love lives on behind empty eyes
that hide a soul given
when never was never an option
 Aug 2017
Mohd Arshad
Think of your choice........
Pencils draw only sketches............
 Aug 2017
Mohd Arshad
If thrown at
No care if
Like a coin
With a hard
Or melted into
Dripping from
And will jump to
And our hard_gained
Will smoulder to
And then though
Pull our teeth to
It couldn't be
Back like a cow
At the door or

It is fettered by
Not by our
And if sensible
We must get it
Offering no
 Jul 2017
Mohd Arshad
Don't forget to kiss her
If you find her standing alone
During uproar in the house
And none is close to her
To care her sobs and sighs.

Remember she is beauty:
Honey drizzles from her lips
Water sparkles from her cascade-hair
Butterflies rest on her delicate cheeks
And birds swing on her branches-hands.

Remember she is our beloved
Who loves her much, but we are being selfish.

Hold her tightly
Till they come to their senses
And hug her with much cheerfulness.
 Jul 2017
Mohd Arshad
The earth leaked, not roof
The bodies floated, not straws
We wept, even animals
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