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 Oct 2014
mark john junor
she talked to me with a sunset of sorrows in her face
tried to reassure but to no avail
she just needed to hear someone care
and you really cant blame
hard enough to find a hand to hold
in these cold days

she kicked open the door
and erupted out into the cool night air
with loud proclamation of innocence
but the few took notice
hard enough to find a clean slate to start over with
gotta make do with rewriting your own dark history's
put a few smiley faces in there for good measure
aint nobody keepin' score

she leaned back
in the passenger seat waiting to see where
desperation was gonna take her
so she pushes the apprentice of shadows
who was waiting for a loose maiden to rescue
for an escape from the dullness of the day
cause its hard enough to find distraction in your own head
from the long road and tricky questions
so she will latch onto his madness for a while
cause its better than being alone
 Oct 2014
He grabs me in his arms,
And for a moment I feel insecure.
My body is frightened, maybe
Just a little more than my mind.
Without warning, he makes me
Feel more complete and beautiful.
And I find myself falling into him.
It's such a joke, for me to feel
Even the slightest bit of confidence.
But with him I feel it all.
He leans into my ear and whispers,
"Hold on."
These two words have haunted me
Ever since the first day we
Locked our bodies.
It's frightening how two words
Can make you want so much more.
I'm just the girl                  I'm just the creep
Who loved you                  That loved you
Who else could I               Who else could I
be?                                       be?
What else could I              What else could I
do?                                       do?
Please notice the               Please notice the
past tense                           past tense
Cause it's not like             Cause it's not like
before                                 before
I did love you once          I did love you once
But now I love you          But now I love you
no more                             no more

This girl right here
That loved you long ago
Well, I'm finally through
Just thought you should know
I no longer dream of you
I no longer wish you were mine
Truly, I loved you once
But I've left those feelings behind

                    I'm sitting here thinking about
                    His mischievous smile
                    When you walk by, I look there
                    To where my new prince
                    charming sits,
                    You leer at me, finally realizing
                    That you're lost at sea
                    Without me.
                    I'm gone, you see...
                   You should've caught me
                   When you still captivated my naiveté.

You should have loved this girl back
I've got so much heart to share
I could have loved you so right
Unfortunately, you never did care
I'm glad I'm so over you
I can finally move on to someone new
What I want, you never did give
A real man and poet, who's so true

                   I've already torn you out
                   From your throne in my heart,
                   I dragged you out by the throat,
                   While you got scratched by all
                   the thorns
                   Lying neatly everywhere.
                   You stare at me from the ground,
                   Pleadingly, but
                   No... I have grown.

Not only do you no longer reside
Inside this heart made of gold
You no longer haunt my dreams
You no longer have the key to my soul
The love I gave, you took for granted
But now my heart is free to love another
After this, my poetry will have no more specks of you
You'll be out of my mind forever

                    No longer will I fall into your divinity,
                    I can't stand your fake holiness.
                    I am the devil that caresses your soul,
                   The creep that awaits you in
                    your mirror
                   The little parasite that will
                    poison your mind
                   Whispering hymns and psalms
                    into your fingers and lips.

Can't you see?
That creep that haunts you,
Is secretly me.
But now that we're both through
We'll taunt both your dreams
Tear you from the inside out
Ripping at you from you inner seams
We loved you without a doubt
But now we'll forget about you
While you're left drowning in the deep
Remember us, when you can no longer breathe
Sincerely ~ This girl and that creep
So much fun with this one! Hope y'all like it!
 Oct 2014
Mohd Arshad
I had put my dream
in a fridge;
it was taken out,
and still it was full of heat
when I bade goodbye!
Notes (optional)
 Oct 2014
Mohd Arshad
I had put my dream
in a fridge;
it was taken out,
and still it was full of heat
when I bade goodbye!
Notes (optional)
 Oct 2014
Graced Lightning
if i knew where to get drugs, i'd be a ******
2. sure, my ribs are visible, but what of it?
3. i lose myself in dreams at night and during algebra ii
4. i'm in lust with a girl with a boyfriend
5. or maybe i'm just paranoid
6. i'm lonely in these cinderblock walls
7. i find myself again under stage lights
8. i'm homeless (although not in the traditional sense)
9. i know i'm loved but
10. when my friends laugh with their other friends, it's about me
11. or maybe i'm just paranoid
12.if i lose it, who will visit me in the hell known as 'psychiatric ward'?
13. i can't hold my own in a fight because i cry into my wounds
14. besides, i don't write anymore
15. what is there to write about besides love and insanity anyway?
16. my demons visit this safe haven and desecrate it
17.their names are sarah kate and victoria
18. or maybe i'm just paranoid
19. but i swear i didn't name the voices inside my head
20. i make endless lists of things that don't matter
21. to do, to buy, to cry about, to write about
22. so i close my eyes when i sing
23.or maybe i'm just paranoid
24. and you hated this poem but
25. maybe i'm just paranoid
 Oct 2014
Two people on a bridge;
one looks downstream
the other upstream
Two people, one bridge
two different perspectives;

One sees the water gone past,
laments for its loss
The other sees the water coming
and rejoices at the opportunity

In life, you can lament what's past
and miss the good that's coming
Or you can turn the other way
and seize the moment -
Depends if you choose
to look upstream or downstream...
We so often cry over what we lost, stare down that river of lost, forgotten dreams, that we fail to grasp the wonder of that which is still to come
 Oct 2014
Mohd Arshad
if you lose the game
among the spectators in the open!

if you fail to catch a falling star
when there is only gloom in the sky!

if a piece of apple slip from your hands
and then nothing is left for your belly!

if meet with a mishap
as you are on the road for an evening walk!

if coins stop clanking in your pockets
and your children don't leave your fingers!

if your wife is not contented with her dress
to charm the guests at a beautiful ball!

for you are alone
and others will jeer at you if you grimace!

for life is a pool of sadness
and balance it with laughter!
Notes (optional)
 Oct 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
My Prayer For You Was Heard

I've been so lucky in my life
Much more then I deserve
So I find it hard to understand
How my prayer for you was heard

Most men will see your beauty
But not the sweetness of your soul
Won't see the kindness in your heart
Or the love inside you hold

They will never know your passions
See the fears you hold inside
Feel the love you have for others
Or see the sadness in your eyes

They won't know you miss your children
See the tears you cry each night
Understand your broken heart
Without them by your side

This friendship and the love we share
Is something I hold true
So no matter what our futures hold
Please know I'm here for you

I've been so lucky in my life
Much more then I deserve
So I find it hard to understand
Why my prayer for you was heard

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Oct 2014
Sometimes you feel
like a violent earthquake
lodged inside this tiny space
you passionately refer to as
the opening being a tissue paper flower
so delicately framing
the dark, endless center
(if you probed deep enough
you'd find
my heart beating
in patient rhythms
waiting upside down
beneath my left breast)
Sometimes I'm afraid
you'll get stuck in there
and I'll have to call my mother
scream into the phone "How
do I get it out of me?" She'd
probably laugh
then break the connection
(if you searched long enough
you'd find
a broken chain
of paper dolls with minds
full of passion and miracles)
Sometimes you'll ask
brave lover of mine
if it was as good for me
as it was for you
did the oceans roar
the trees sway, the heavens sigh
you look into that space between
ask if I felt the earth move
(if you dreamed hard enough
you'd find
me alone in this room
in this bed you built
trembling beneath you)
 Oct 2014
Today would have been a year for us.
After we parted
I asked you
if you would remember.
You had no idea what day it would be.
It never mattered to you
because every day we were together
was just as important.
It still bothered me though
because a year is a long time.
We didn't make it to here
because I had to go.
I still love you.
Happy would be one year.
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