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 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
Are you happy?
Are you really happy?

Happiness is an illusion a distant conception dreamt up and designed by advertising and marketing agents to get you to buy trivial, meaningless, material junk.

We once tried to break away from this with counter culture, rock ‘n roll and punk.

Not long until the battle was over and we thought we’d won
But little did we know their rain had just begun.

Believing we were safe we let our guard down
Now they are back and build a Starbucks in every town.

We’re told how to look how to dress how to behave
Will watch smiling people on TV corrupt and deprave us
Now we snap back and they will not force us
Forget about what you know what you think you know especially about the value of material possessions
They are only strategically programed desires and obsessions

A guilty conscience isn't cleansed by buying a new watch
Stress is not drowned by a five dollar cup of coffee
Your life is not completed when you buy that leather couch
We can write a new page in history carve another notch
We can peel the label of consumer off and finally be free
We as a generation will curse suppression and no longer slouch

Break away from advertising
Say no to the franchises
Become what you want to be
Not what the posters say you want to be
See yourself through your eyes not the TV screen
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
Blow it all up
Bring it down
Cry revolution
And resolution

We are nothing but consumers
This is thanks to our fat cat groomers

All is not all available
All is not all tangible
Do you feel free?
We breath in the illusion of freedom and choice and safety

Are politics, the markets, the earth or the human race in a state of obsolescence?

Give them money and they'll call you 'Honey'

So competitive
So greedy
So destructive
So needy
Too Dominant
So corrupt
Too abundant
So let us disrupt

Unavailable everywhere
Nothing for all and all for nothing

The human race can design a precise regimented organization, with many cells capable of operating completely independent of central leadership to sustain and prolong the life of our race.
 Jul 2014
I would paint your sky a thousand colors, if I could
And inspire the restlessness in your heart;
I would give to you a million stars, if I could
If I could, I'd gift you a new start.
 Jul 2014
rained-on parade
When I die, dear Mother
don't give my body away
to science.

I'd rather have it given away to poetry.

I want people to cut me open
and observe
how my bones were riddled with
melancholic verses of joyful pasts.

They have to see
the scarlet of my blood was the hue
I stole from the sunsets of
wishful thoughts.

Dear Mother,
give my body away
to the art of writing:
for they have to look past
everything they have ever learned.

They must know
of how much I loved and I lost,
and how that made the twine of my ribs
a story to tell.
Haven't written anything new in months.
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
"You are not special!"
People stood and shouted around me
As I sat and listened to other words of encouragement

"You are not special!"
People shouted trying to break free
As I sat and pondered my bodies torment

"The world around you is a lie!"
People clapped others cried
Not with sorrow but the joy of absolution

"The world around you is a lie!"
The man at the top of the room proclaimed
I listen and my duty as a being seemed to longer remain

There's nothing new out there
It's just TV reruns, reboots and reimagings, reborns and rewinds
There is no future just the past again
And again and again
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
The world is not as it seems
I've seen my life end a thousand times
In someone else’s prognostic dream

I have no name just a rank
As my years from home towered
My faith in humanity sank

When I commit suicide can it be said I died in battle?

I fear I am trivial
The last of mine kind
But I am not endangered because nobody cares

I see the world for how it is
Patterns, patterns within patterns repeated
A once unstoppable force now crippled and defeated

I do not morn or pity the dead
I envy them they're better off in my head
I'm the survivor but to what end?

When I commit suicide can it be said I died in battle?

My goldfish died, number three hundred and five
He was all I had in the world, he was my world
But I'll buy another bringing him back alive

I don't miss my family
I wasn't taught how
It isn't my fault I am cold and shallow

I've killed and saved
I've reassured those who'll never be cured
But when I'm dead I'll be called well behaved

But I'm the light of the world just more depraved
 Jul 2014
TR Takoda
I can't write good poetry anymore.

Anytime I sit down and try to pound out a few words that might make someone feel
Any emotion really
Nothing special
Maybe just a small twinkle
Or a twinge
I come up lacking.
My former knack for the typed word has gone out the window.

Along with all of my worries and cares
Don't get me wrong
I still freak out
And cry sometimes
But I'm not sad anymore.

The deep emotions that I felt were unexpressed in the sad little heart of a girl that stopped existing a year ago are no longer struggling to escape from the tips of my brown little fingers.

The words flow as freely as the peace in my heart
Now that I've remembered what they are.
 Jul 2014
Time hath ceased.
All clocks stopped.
Where you passed by
in dew kissed meadow,
void of thy presence.
We hear no more
at our door
thy gentle knock.
After thy passing
and before
persistent loud cry
of Whip-poor-will.
Now that is still.


© Hilda July 4, 2014
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
Well isn't this fun
Ain't it just a lot of fun?
Well ain't this fun to fantasise

I'm now a different person
In a melancholy instilling prison

Find me here I am!
Ambivalent as ever.

Should I stay or should I go

Life is too short? Not short enough for some
I am broken, small and inconsequential
Like a long fortten crumb

The vision remains in my brain
The plague still tracks through my vain
**** it man I want to run and scream

Hello death and depression my partners in crime
Your berating words echo in my hollow chest
I try to give the world my best
But I've been killed by the sight of the rest
I'm in pain can't you see

Should I stay or should I go

Aw **** it who am I kidding
I am the inane
Aw **** it who am I kidding
I am insane

The sad song follows me like a theme
I see pianos and violins convulse
In this true and hellish dream
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
Never doesn’t last very long

There is a place outside society
Where I want spend my residual years

There is a place outside religion
Where I want to worship my gods

There is a place outside art
Where I want to donate my heart

And maybe I'll be happy
Maybe I won't but it's better than this

There's a place where is doesn’t smell like teen spirit
Where people have got summer time happiness
As for identity, we transcend it.

Never doesn’t last very long

There's a place where outsiders go to fit in
There's a place where wannabes go to be an artist’s muse
There's a place where the devout go to sin
There's a place where protesters go to use
There's a place where individuals go to be the same
There's a place where fighters go to become lovers
There's a place that makes celebrity inane

I never want to be like that
I never want to fit in
I never want to be type cast
I never want to be a stereotype
I will never be what I don’t want to be


Never doesn't last very long
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
Sitting in a moon lit field
In my hands, the future I yield
I've got a personal stationary kit
Cross legged I sit
Swallowing stables to repair my inner self

Am I to be martyred?

Sitting in a moon lit field
In my hands, the future I yield
I've got a personal stationary kit
I'm in a panic, my heart's edging its final fit
Cross legged I sit
With a scissors I cut off my rough edges

Am I to be martyred?

Sitting in a moon lit field
In my hands, the future I yield
I've got a personal stationary kit
In my head I feel this is it
Using a ruler to guide my knife
Blood falls like a liquid hour glass ending my life

I can't be who I have to be
My aspirations far outweigh my ability
My motivation is hindered by my stupidity

I'm sick of the annual near life experience

Depression is the zeitgeist of our generation

Correct me if I'm wrong

Sitting in a moon lit field
In my hands, the future I yield
I've got a personal stationary kit
I try to hot clue my memories
The fondest, I fear, aren't even true

I feel like I'm being eaten alive
I'm a lobster in a *** slowly being boiled
My claws are being torn from me
My very soul being soiled
My heart is still beating
My legs are being ripped from my rife carcass
I cry louder than I ever thought possible
Still breathing I am in gross darkness
My eyes feel like they're going to bleed
My tail is ripped from me
I wish I could plea
But I'm just one
I'm just me

Sitting in a moon lit field
In my hands, the future I yield
I've got a personal stationary kit
But I will share
 Jul 2014
Tyler Cobain
There's a secret I try to keep
I hold it in but don't lose sleep
As stress grows high
I let it slide
No need for pity in my sight

I'm on my own but no one knows

I'm living by my new found creed
My heart surpassed its zenith speed
My eyes are dry
But still I cry
I guess I'll watch and wave good bye

I'm on my own but no one knows

My mind is set for a nose dive
Check my pulse I'm still alive
Turns my insides wild
But still I smile
Is that the point of sacrifice?

I'm on my own but no one knows

There's nothing here to steer me straight
No words to help decide my fate
I'm ready to leave
Without a belief
About to use up number nine

I'm on my own here I go
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