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 Jul 2014
This will not be a flowery prose
Wrapped in an imaginary love heart
This will be my new beginning
Writing this will be a start

This is not a love story
That people love to hate
There is just the start and then the end
In between does not even rate

This is not where I will beg
With flowery words of love forgotten
This is where I’ll say to you
To me, all we had now smells rotten

This will never be a love sonnet
Whispered through the sands of time
But to me, as I remember all to be
It will remind me of you, you slime!

This is not a love poem
No longer even a love song
The bitterness of my tears
Have dragged on far too long

This is not the happy ending
I dreamed of to be true, so
This is where you kiss my ***
While assuming I’ll pine for you
19/08/2010 - going through some of my older writes. I call this my 'angry phase' :)
 Jul 2014
Joshua Haines
I wanted to write a poem about flowers, so that's what I did.
It was short, expressed how I feel, and cut like glass.
I showed my father "Flowers" and he thought it was mediocre.
And I said, "No, "Mediocre" is the poem where I talk about dying,
and I'm trying to stay alive, so I wrote about flowers."

Flowers strangling soil plots with their roots, with their existence.
And to hurt something you love with your existence is a terrible feeling.
 Jul 2014
Tom Stewart Irving
To these words please listen close,
The fairytale's not true,
An ugly duckling you never were,
You're a swan who never flew,
For your wings of brilliant white,
Wild dogs have torn apart,
They sought and they succeeded,
In stalling your depart,
Too many years upon the ground,
It's not your natural place,
Amongst the bottom feeders,
Who lack your style, your grace,
But sometimes baby fate is kind,
Sometimes gods they care,
For here I am carrying love,
And tools for wing repair,
So if I can I'll mend your woes,
With string and superglue,
And when you spread your wings and fly,
I'll hitch a ride with you.
 Jul 2014
from the wisdom of an old woman
who had a sick husband shot in the chest
five centimeters to the east
so close to the heart, he even survived
The Second World War
had seven children
and a good but short life.

old face sunburned  and sweaty,
old soul full of memories that keep her
dream awake of what was
a lifetime ago she whispers slowly from nowhere.

sometimes I'm afraid of her power
but when she speaks I'm covered in emotions
I wish that all can be the same
like once upon a time
*today, tomorrow and every day.
 Jul 2014
Austin Heath
So I had to put some effort into
finding things I regret these days,
but it wasn't too hard coming from
a bitter mindset.
Come to think of it,
I regret many years of my life,
even if I don't regret the people.
Sincerely wish that wasn't the case,
but whatever, right?
Pour me another glass of anything,
I think I'm drinking anticoagulants
these days, but remembering
is so **** painful,
I forget...
The numbers on these pencils,
so I switched to ink;
Now I cover up the mistakes
I used to erase.
Now when you call me
I don't answer quite
the same way I used to.
Now when people look
for me, they find me lost
or wandering somewhere
I really shouldn't be.
Sitting in living rooms
with pictures of people
who aren't smiling.
Fix me a drink!
No, fix the one in my hands,
or the one in the back of my
"Fix something already",
he said, comprehending
the wounds were indeed
fatal already, yet eventually.
Regret is a poison  you drink with with your mind. You won't be a happy drunk.
 Jul 2014
Sometimes I feel lonely
I'm not alone
I have a boyfriend
And great friends
But within myself
I feel abandoned
I feel lost, abused, and afraid
But mostly I'm lonely
I don't know why
All I know is I'm dying inside
It's horrible in my mind
I need stability
I need internal security
It's terrible to be lonely
 Jul 2014
Coco Li
I want you to stay sane
even for a week
maybe a month
hoping it could last for a year
and so it can be forever.

I need you here.

stay sane.
It wasn't easy for me. I've been battling anxiety for years, it was since my highschool days. It's like diving deeply underneath the ocean floor, unprepared for what's coming, full of darkness. I realize that I need to help myself. I've been doing a lot of works lately. As much as possible I talk to many people, even strangers. I just wanted to let it out. I wanted to stay sane.
 Jun 2014
Where's the beauty without the cracks?
What is color without black?
Where's the the love without the hurt?
What is success without work?

I like you better broken
You look prettier when you bleed
I like you better torn open
There's music in your screams.

Where's the happy without the sad?
What is lucid without knowing mad?
Where is life without death?
What is having if nothing left?

I like you better shattered
Sharp edges glitter in moonlight.
You look so beautiful hurting
In too much pain to sleep at night.

The pieces don't fit, who's going to fix it?
You can't stand, can't sit, who's going to fix you?
The bleeding won't quit, who's going to fix it?
Fight or flight, run or hit, who's going to fix you?

I like you better broken
There's nothing here to mend.
I like you better bleeding
With your heart in my hand.

With your heart in my hand.
I tried to think of a better way to say this as one of my friends said liking people better broken is quite disturbing. In the end, I have up on that and just decided to let it be what it is: disturbing honesty.

 Jun 2014
Daniel Magner
My eyes must be
from some time long ago
when the world was a bigger place.
All they strive to see
are wide fields
rustling in the breeze,
rolling hills void of tall towers
or crowded city streets.
On the horizons they imagine
there are no silhouettes of planes,
no whistles of trains,
but then I blink
and they are forced to see
this modern world
closing in on
Daniel Magner 2014
 Jun 2014
Words** ,
What do you make of it?
So saccharine
So chasmic
So raw
So excruciating.
That It guzzles your heart bit by bit
What do you make of it
When you see them caper
As you see your feet in rain
Or when you witness it
Spanking scorn on people’s mind
And forcing them to spend those sleepless night,
Why so confusing are them words?
Why the scent of them arouses a writer’s heart
And becomes a cause or,
An apocalypse.
What do you make of it?
When it pushes you to the apex
Or drags you down to the burning fiasco
And you think it Is fix
Words, that makes schadenfreude
Death scary
And life so obsessing?
The base of hopes,  
Wings of imagination
The eyes of love
A scent, of imagination
A magic
A poison
A tower so bright
Somewhere in horizon
So many yet so little
Things to say
But, words are them
What do you make of it?
 Jun 2014
I don't want to fall into the darkness
I don't want to be ghost
A victim of self-hatred
A yearner for love
 Jun 2014
Blue Hydrangea
in the
black vacuum sea
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