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 Aug 2014
Dear lovely , take my coarse hands
Let me lead us to a wonderland .
Across this gorgeous green sea we
shall sail
To that place where love ' s sun
never goes pale
Where our hearts will never , again ,
ail .
The moon has aged thus grand
Here , sit with me on this sea
shore ' s sand
From whence we will watch hand
in hand
While we listen to our loving hearts
Lets count the night sky' s stars
And tell how lovely and beautiful
they are .
Lets watch the milky way fall to the
And make silent wishes in our
hearts .
Ahh , beautiful lay here by my side
And lets listen to nature ' s lovely
As we recount the great time
 Aug 2014
There's no one who could replace you
Or the way you kiss my lips
And grab my waist
The way I can cuddle perfectly into every curve and structure of your body, like I belong there
You've shown me how to love hard
And I know I've found the love I'll be eternally passionate for
And it's yours
 Aug 2014
Lani Foronda
Lost soul,
Where are you going?
You walk on a path
A path to nowhere.
Your head is aimed low
With your hopes even lower.
You can't look up
In fear of what might be there.
So you just hold back
And look down.
Down down down
Where your crushed dreams lay.
So again I ask,
Lost soul,
Where are you going?
November 27, 2012
 Aug 2014
Lani Foronda
We're stuck
Laying tangled in this mess we've made.
I'm pulling one way,
But so are you.
I don't know what else to do
To make you mine.
I can't figure it out.
Someone send me a sign.
Cause I'm slowly falling from cloud nine
On this Indian summer night.
October 1/5, 2012
 Aug 2014
The sweet perfume of lilacs
Drift across the air
Filled with the song of birds
Singing in the branches
Of tall strong trees
A little hollow of lilacs
Is where we held
Those beautiful tea parties
On the fresh spring ground
Petals dancing in the breeze
Little dainty tea cups
Little delicate sweets
Put upon beautiful plates
As we sat in the hollow of lilacs

This was partly in my imagination. The rest was because I was remembering the tea parties me and my Mom used to have outside together. ~<3
I can smell him on my sheets
      I can taste him in my dreams
             I can still feel every inch where he's touched me
I hear his laughter echoing in the walls
             I can still see him in all these pictures I saved for

But this bed is bare
My dream's a nightmare
       I can't hear
             His laughter
       He's not near
             Enough to touch
My eyes are blinded by tears
He's killed my senses,  
      I'm no longer aware

Everything around me,  slowly fading away
His face, his scent, his laughter,  his touch
Maybe I'll just pop a few pills and sleep away the day
At least he's in my nightmares, the pain of reality is too much
He's gone...  He's in her arms now... I'm dying and crying and it's all just too much..
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
There is so much talk of what teens do wrong
I think it is better to focus on what they do right
They often study late trying to get good grades
So many teens behave well, some have jobs and school
Some are too busy to focus on what others think is cool
Some are phenomenal writers and have such insight
I read so many poems from them on this site
I think they should get some credit for the good that they do
I met some teens in my community when they volunteered
I give the teens that do right a cheer, I wish to recognize you for what you do!
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
I'm begging summer
Can you please stay?
I don't want to go back to that place
I feel so small
Even walking down the halls
Just get to class
You'll be okay
Hoping that the teacher doesn't call my name
Just a hello
And I panic and look away
When lunch comes I don't want to eat
So many people I can barely breathe
Help me summer
I wouldn't have to feel this way
If you would just stay
Not looking forward to the anxiety that comes with going back to school
 Aug 2014
How does she hide her shame?
How does a girl hide her wet eyes and hot cheeks
from her disapproving mother and father
How does stop her shaking lips
shaky breaths
crumpling face
pacing feet
from surfacing at the worst moment.
How does she refine her ways
to become the best daughter she can be,
the girl she once was.
The honor roll,
never grounded,
follow the rules,
love herself,
love life,
social girl
she once was.

The question could be,
when she closes the door quietly,
does she not let them fall
hot and salty
satisfying and disappointing
down her cheeks without hesitation?
Why doesn’t she let her lip shake
as she curls into a ball to try to drain
the shame from her body
in the form of her tears.

Because she does not want to be
red handed
pink cheeked
red eyed,
Because they will ask the question,
Why are you crying?
They will ask it in the exasperated tone,
like it’s the most ridiculous thing
they’ve ever seen
ever heard.
They will look down at her like a
They will tell her to stop crying,
because it will not help.
They will shame her for crying.

But don’t they know
they’re just making it
for her to rid herself of the shame
they just
dumped on her.

Because she’s only just a girl.
 Aug 2014
Winter Allen Jane
I find it very strange
how we are all made
from the same elements
formed out of stardust
shaped bones covered in skin
so how come
some girls are pretty

And I'm not
Jun 23 2014
- ( w.a.j. )
 Aug 2014
not so anonymous
Wet hair dripping
Pop Punk playing
Homework pushed aside
I'm too busy texting you
***** laundry on the floor
I'm hiding under the covers
Sleepy eyes, restless legs
My parents start yelling
I grow to ignore the fights
I'm used to being put down
Nothing I do is good enough anyway
I drift off to sleep
But not without wasting hours
Over thinking and wishing
That you'd hold my hand through the pain
And that I could feel peace again
Because there's only peace in your arms
Life just ***** sometimes, and I just want someone to make it seem worth it, you know?
There is a forest old as hillsides
tall, majestic, dappled shades
fall on ground beneath the silent
gnarled defenders of the glade.

There they stand in ancient splendour
many souls have passed their way
often used as welcome shelter
from the heat of summers day.

Sweet the air they breathe in chorus
our life's breath their lungs provide,
soaking up our daily poison
so that we may live and thrive.

You seas of men intent to clear them
citing progress, peddling greed
tearing roots from precious mooring
laying waste to nature's seed.

**** the beauty of a landscape
displace creatures for your need
rupture fragile ecosystems
scar the earth and watch it bleed.

To you I ask a simple question,
as I see the land bereaved.
What need has man of all this progress
when he can no longer breathe?
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