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 Jan 2015
Twist with your wrist
The dagger into me
Red pours out
Looks like I can still bleed
You smile, I laugh
The pain sets me free
Was going to be longer, but I'm lazier than usual lately, sorry -- not sorry.
- - -
Have I ever told you guys how much I love toast?
'Cause, like, I really dig toast, ya know?
 Jan 2015
Gracie Anne
I keep my paintbrush with me
Wherever I may go
In case I need to cover up
So the real me doesn’t show.
I’m so afraid to show you me
Afraid of what you’ll do-
That you might laugh or say mean things;
I’m afraid I might lose you.

But if you be patient and close your eyes
I’ll strip off my paint coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
To let the real me show.
Now my coats are all stripped off-
I feel naked, bare, and cold.
But if you still love me with all that you see
You are my friend, pure as gold.

I need to keep my paintbrush, though,
And hold it in my hand.
I need to keep it handy
In case someone doesn’t understand.
So please protect me, my dear friend,
And thanks for loving me true.
But, please, let me keep my paintbrush with me
Until I love me too.
Yes, I know that all of you have probably already read this somewhere, so i want you to know that i never use my real name online, and i switch it up a lot. Thus, Brianna Jones is NOT my real name.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
You guys are smiling and making jokes
You tell me I should really be working
I tell you I'm too tired to work right now
I'm not tired
Well, I am, but that's not why I'm not working
I just can't breathe
I know I'm not alone, but I feel completely alone and I don't know Why I'm feeling so hollow
Make it stop. Please.
You don't notice though.
Maybe it's better that you don't.
I'll keep listening to sad music and wonder why I'm feeling so empty when nothing is even wrong
And you keep not knowing how horrible I feel
Because you have problems a lot worse than mine, for sure
I don't want to tell you, because you don't deserve to have to listen to my sadness on top of your own
And I feel selfish if I tell you
I just don't know who to talk to
And even though I'm surrounded by people
I. Feel. So. Lonely. I. Feel. Like. I. Have. Died.
I can't explain it. Just one of those moods, but no one noticed and I couldn't take it. It is still here and I don't know what to do. I really, really, REALLY want to be happy, but I CAN'T. I desperately want to be happy, I just feel so hollow and the sadness won't go away.
 Jan 2015
Louisa Coller
His eyes are like sapphire jewels waiting to be picked up,
they longed for love so pure and they picked up by the poorest female around.
Hair will cover the eyes of the warmest heart,
the one which will not love the way he has done years before.
I don’t want to intrude upon your life, sweet sir,
please let me, remind you why you tried.
I want to see you fly higher than the clouds above,
forming fictional minds to dream above.
I don’t, want to feel the cold weather anymore,
please let the rain pour one last time as I cling to you tight.
Don’t forget me, please don’t leave me,
don’t leave me behind in this sweet ride of pain.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I am not writing and doing nothing because I need a break from working, I am doing it because I am upset and I am trying really hard to escape myself.
I can't I can't I can't.
I didn't want to get up today.
 Jan 2015
Just Melz
Too many times
I've been pushed aside
     On the back burner
My whole **** life
         But I wanna be the fire
   That lights your soul
I want a raging, blazing
      Sparking flames
Making changes
        In the chemistry
   A little oxygen
       So I can breathe
A lot of hydrogen
     So you can believe
We're floating on air
        Particles you can't see
      Like love
It's a mystery
            A theory
   Of who's meant to be
And who's left suffering
         That's destiny
     I'm creating
     Changing the flames
   Into ashes
And graves
      With no names
Just broken hearts
          On tombstones
     And no chance
*To restart
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I can't breathe and I don't know who to talk to and I just feel so hollow and lonely. Another one of these moods. It's happening again, and I feel like I'm worthless and living is pointless and I just **am so sick of feeling alone
another one of these moods. I don't know. I feel so, so alone. it is ridiculous, but I do.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
If you wake up with red puffy eyes and messed up hair, a body that would not be considered "perfect" by society's ******* up standards, wearing scrunched and unflattering pajama pants and an old stained T-shirt for a band I don't even like with a sore throat and a pale face, oily skin and rough hands because it's getting cold and dry this time of year, and you sit at the table and have your tea with me in the morning, still quiet and barely awake, how you look then and there will be when I love you the very most, because that's when I know you see our relationship as something that doesn't rely on us always finding each other's outward appearance attractive. But, that is when I will find you the most attractive of any moment in time, when you wake up, and look like YOU.
one day, idk.
Who knows if I even WILL get married. I highly doubt anyone will want to marry me, but eh. whatever. It's nice to think about.
 Jan 2015
As I look toward the ceiling I get a funny feeling
one that itches like a *****.
Do you love me? I wonder
Do you stay because leaving would tear your soul asunder?
Lying here on the bed, wishing I were asleep,
I remember how my heart would skip a beat on seeing you
Now, I turn and see you there, hair crumpled, eyes closed
and realise that it's not you I need to question, but all my
Silken lies. Starting with I do.
02:05 GMT
 Jan 2015
I hear the weeping of a motherless child
My conscience is clear, my awareness defiled
Global warming, melting icecaps, disappearing bees
All these different threats of our accelerating entropy
By the recklessness of our desires our species is driven
We ignore matter of fact, and scientific proof given

Green behind the shadow, peace behind the fist
Greed behind the reason for the evidence we dismiss
So allow yourselves to experience this uneasiness of mind,
The dread that holds us fast, cause it's our species on the line...
Traveler Tim
The bees are coming back so perhaps we've nothing to dread over.
 Jan 2015
Dark n Beautiful
The ******.
They say that beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder, however the ******
is a gold mine.

Women do not even know
what their possess
many a nation have gone to war,
because of this ugly beauty,
the seven hundred wives of
King Solomon and his three
hundred concubines
a great example of what
the ugly beauty can do.

Infidelity is on the rise,
so many lies,
since the ****** is an embarassing subject
why men lie and killed for it,
For this remarkable commodity

A ****** is like a Van Gogh painting,
it gets lot of attention.
A weapon so powerful
It can break a man down to his lowest
it has a language of its own.
silly words like sup, sup, sup. during loving making
However, that was supposed to be the primary appeal
of a beer to men.

The ****** and a beer have so much in common
they both get their men all the time,
a smooth transportation,
in addition, the lamentation,
****** you are surely number one!
Men incredible dreams,
No matter how destructive or fulfilling,.

Dark@beautiful/or Darknlovely
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
If I can find a guy who will watch "When Harry Met Sally" with me, without complaint, and will be okay with me talking through the entire movie, at 1 AM on a weekday even though we both have to work in the morning with tea, chocolate, and a fuzzy blanket, while I wear ugly sweats and an oversized hoodie with no make up and messed up hair, and somehow, if he can still find me beautiful at that moment, I know I've found the one.
that won't happen, of course.
Forget "If..." more like "if only..."
just a nice fairytale impossible day dream,
and I really love that movie.
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