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 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Thank you for teaching me what it means to find someone not only attractive, but incredible, but know better than to sacrifice who you are to make them like you.
That's pretty much the best thing you taught me.
Other than that, you just **** and really hurt me.
That's about it.
So thanks a lot.
just a stupid boy.
 Jan 2015
I want to lay with you
and let you see my soul,
that it can recognize you as mine.
I want you to hear it
so that you would know it in a darkness.
To taste it, that it would never fully be consumed.
To touch it,
as a million gentle whispers.
To smell it, as to let it become a part of you.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Is any other girl out there sick of society's definition of beauty when it comes to our ***?
What do YOU consider beautiful? Ignoring what society seems to think it is. Please comment and share your opinion.
Also, repost if you can identify with this. The MUST be someone else out there.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I bet she's tall and pretty
I bet she doesn't even need makeup to be stunning
I bet she stays up late with you and sends you late night texts
I bet you two get drunk and high together
I bet she has no qualms about sending you **** pictures of herself
I bet she is in the "popular" crowd
I bet she doesn't complicate everything
I bet she has never cut herself or tried to **** herself or starved herself
and I have done all three
I bet she is everything you ever wanted
I bet she is someone you would miss like crazy if she left you
I bet you barely remember my name
I am the one who sits at home and reads with a cup of tea and a hoodie on
She is the one who goes out and parties, gets drunk and high and strips
I wish you would miss me
Just a little bit
I can't help it if I am not enough for you. Or for anyone. Or myself. I hope she is enough.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
The difference between you and I is
You don't believe in remorse or regrets

I do.
except we both made the same mistake: him.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I write all these stories where there is a romantic aspect to it
and it makes me wish
that I had a love life
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Okay, maybe this is a bad idea. My idea of "healthy" is really used interchangeably with "less".
My control is questionable when I'm in a Broken Mood so I don't want to risk it, it is better not to do anything stupid because I am so sick of living like that.
I'm just going to do a FEW things, but not full on. Even with a time limit, the lengths I'm willing to go to when I'm not in my right mind scare even me, so I'm going to be very, very careful.
you guys have no idea what I'm talking about... well, I'm just doing something that is the only way for me to be happy, but not full out, or else I might lose control.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I want to get so drunk, when someone asks me how drunk I am, I answer "yes".

Partly for fun, and partly to learn what it's like not be me for a minute.
I just need to figure out how not to get caught, that's all. This is partially depressing but it's mostly just out of curiosity and the desire to get drunk for the fun of it.

How do you cover up evidence that you drank? Like the scent of alcohol and stuff. Anyone have some tips?
Like, if I had whiskey how much relative to your body weight do you need to drink to be drunk? And how long until you get sober again?
 Jan 2015
Liz And Lilacs
Maybe if I turn the music up loud enough,
I won't hear the silence in my head,
Or feel the emptiness inside.
That's what music is, right?
It fills the holes,
A dose of emotion for the emotionless.
 Jan 2015
Say the words you're afraid to say
You know I want to hear them
Say the promise that we will be in latter day
Say I am the life force that runs through your stem

Say the words you can never bring yourself to say
You know very well that I've been waiting
Say the words that will cause dismay
Say that I'm fueling a fire that's dying

Say the words you can't really say
Fearing the commitment I'd hold you to
Warn me of the rope that threatens to fray
Say that all my wishes will not come true

Say the words you've always wanted to say
Truthfully that there isn't a future
Please... Say the words you mean to say
Just need this knife to go a tad bit deeper
 Jan 2015
Chase Gagnon
You're my stillborn butterfly
afraid of your new beauty
with limp wings,
pried from the safety of your cocoon
by my old hands
in a forest where everything
is charred.
Only the skeletal trees
once lush with life and birdsong
can admire your strange elegance
as you lay listless on their roots
that thirst for a storm of passing love
and thunder.

I want to carry you away
to my field of wildflowers
and resurrect you with the unmasked glow
of the shy moon, who only shows its face
in this meadow of lies.
I'll watch the breeze wake you on my fingertips
then let you fly away, carelessly
into a world of color
I'll never compare to.
 Jan 2015
Ann M Johnson
I have not forgotten all of you
You are all memorable to me
I think of you with every note I take
I am reminded of you with every book I read
I think of all of you with every paper I try to write
I think of all of you, my friends so much
I miss you all so much ,that it makes it difficult to accomplish everything
because I would rather be reading and writing poetry
 Jan 2015
I looked at you tonight and I saw you.
Not the you that's in a photo, or the you at work,
I saw you.
I saw those brown eyes with lashes curled
I saw your soft brown hair flopping over those eyes.
Those eyes that wear glasses, to me a perfect imperfection.
You stared at the distance, seeing nothing at all, yet,
understanding everything.
Slowly with the hands of a pianist you ran your fingers through your hair and took those glasses off.
Yet, still the bewildered stare.
I'd like to say, that, your not seeing me let me in.
I saw your irritating habits;
(i) not pairing socks
(ii) squeezing the toothpaste from the middle
(iii) not clearing away as you cook
(iv) hating my choice of music
(v) hating vegetables
(vi) loving me
The list of perfect imperfections goes on,
but as I watch you staring at nothing,
I would say perfection is overrated
You are my perfection.
I'm sorry I had to go and leave you
Life isn't perfect, and neither is death.
And as I watch your tears fall
I realise I only had one perfect imperfection: you.
01:32 GMT
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