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 Jun 2021
There was a girl lying on the floor,
she was covered in blood,
her skin sliced by his blades.

There was a girl lying on the floor,
she was covered in bruises,
her skin tarnished by his fists.

There was a girl lying on the floor,
dead and ruined.

She was ruined by what she thought was love,
and killed, by the man she thought loved her.

but he didn’t love her, he loved his canvases.
thank you for reading
 Jun 2021
Skyler Reece
Father is dead
Father is dead
He put a gun
Up to his head
He took some pills
And went to bed
He slit his wrists
dropped as if lead
He jumped off
hung by his neck

These images
of fear and dread
Accosting me
as I slept
Exhausting me
they fill my head
Won't leave me be
Why would you want to leave?
I'm sorry to post such a dark piece. When I was ten my father committed suicide. We weren't living together at the time, as my mother had divorced him long before it had happened. I had simply found out about it the next day, and we packed up to go to his funeral. I've never understood why people say that they look peaceful in death. there is no peace, only pain. I've never known how he committed suicide, only that he did. that may have contributed to a recurring nightmare I have had ever since his death, in which I see him **** himself in his room over and over again in different ways.
 Jun 2021
none of my friends care about what I want to say
about what I have to say

now I'm overthinking
I don't want to be annoying

pushed away
or do I keep pulling

I'm kinda sick
but that doesn't matter

we don't ask eachother

are we doing okay
we're just standing around

waiting to see who makes the first sound

it kinda hurts

this is the best we can be

this is so so close

ask me what time I went to sleep

I saw you awake
hearing your favorite song
 Jun 2021
I'm avoiding everyone
like everyone ignores me

I'm so tired
of running away like kids

I hate making myself so small

I want to tell you the truth
I didn't mean anything to you

why'd you disappear
like I wouldn't notice

didn't take long for me to realize
I have feelings

my heart broke
a tiny piece I can't replace

I'm so tired of being kind
so tired of being the good guy

so easy to hurt me

why are you calling
did you finally remember me

I'm starting to accept
no one really cares
no one really loves
no one really wants
no one really needs
 Jun 2021
i'm from a small, yellow bedroom
yellow flowers, yellow layette
and yellow jaundiced skin  
i'm from the taste of the tea mother makes me when i'm sick
and from the sound of her singing
about how she looked and looked for the light
like the roots and the leaves floating in the boiling water
her voice a soothing sound
like bubbles in simmering tea

i'm from words written on a page-
the feeling of an old book and the smell of a new one
and i'm from hiding beneath the covers
falling in love with black letters printed on white paper
i'm from lots of illustrations and then none at all
when my mind became colorful enough to fill all the pages
i'm from "the game is afoot"
and "after all this time?"

i'm from all over the world
pieces of my heart, a jigsaw puzzle
like my family scattered all over the globe
i'm from canada, from the US, from france from lebanon from italy
i'm from a country nobody wants
but a country that desperately wants us back

i'm from messy hair, oversized sweaters
half-finished sketchbooks filled with promises
and ******* poetry lines
i'm from the echo of my own voice
against the splatter of the shower
i'm from reading in the flashes of street lamp lights
i'm from pursuing science and desiring art
drawing on the airplane's foggy windows
and wondering how it flies
with a clear head and with clouded eyes.
 Apr 2021
Francie Lynch
The Little King,
Who ruled here for thirteen years,
Now reigns in the undiscovered country.
Restrictions keep him in the freezer,
Where he's
Lying in steak.
RIP with a little levity.
Kyan, the toy poodle, translates to "little king."
The "undiscovered country" is what Hamlet refers to as death.
 Mar 2021
when the curtains are drawn
you just never know what's going on
they say he passed peacefully in his sleep
but that doesn't put our minds at ease

i remember his smile, a contagious face
we should have seen the scale tipping
how heavy it must have weighed

another one gone
from the class of o one
our ride or die boy
may god bless his two sons.
rip my good friend. this one hurts, it hurts real bad. i wish i could hug you, the way you used to pick me up, squeeze me so hard and crack my back. and you always smelled like knock off cheap cologne. i'm gonna miss that awful smell.
 Feb 2021
moon man
my heart beats at the idea of having a woman in my arms
yet, the women around me have their hearts beat over other things besides love
lust, greed, popularity, revenge
their hearts pound for anything but love
how I wish to find a woman who loves as I do
and that's when I realize what my heart is
A heart of a long forgotten past
and it'll never find a partner to dance the same beat
I've come to realize that i'm stuck in an old style of romance for someone my age. most of the women around me don't get in relationships for love anymore, they have some secondary agenda
 Feb 2021
and in that deafening silence,
i’ve never wished more to be heard,
wracked with endless demurs of regret and remorse –
impure, impure, impure.

but it’s my choice, isn’t it?
to bear the knot of pearls come undone,
to feel it shift from skin to soul,
to speak of loving, and then let go.
(i see this now as a luxury i could not afford.) iii.
if i don’t rise come blooming spring,
ring the church bells for those left unheard,
wash the red from the bed sheets,
please unhinge my strife from the earth;

and know this:

a man is no longer a man,
after his unbidden pillage,
has left an innocent soul shaken;

holy, holy, holy.
 Jan 2021
You swore you wouldn’t hurt me,
And I swear the ache in my bones is all your fault.

Or maybe it’s mine?
For giving in too easily,
For giving you too much of my heart.

And you know I’m terrified of drowning,
But this silence is consuming me.
Swelling my lungs.

This keeps happening,
Like the sun sets and the waves crash...
People keep leaving me.
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