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 Aug 2016
nico papayiannis
My heart does ache
When tears begin to break
When my laughter recedes
My hearts love does bleed
The pain of loss, will be lost in the memories made
The joy of life and how, together, ours was played
Love it never ends, just becomes a stranger on the shore
My love for you shall go on,more so than before
Each day that passes and I remember our lifes and how you always made this world a special place
Forever with a heart full and a smile on my face
I will remember you, and your wholesome love
I will remember the beauty of your  grace,
I dont usually write notes but felt the need to for this one, written for a friend who sadly lost the closet person to him, his mum
 Aug 2016
There was a girl
I used to swap paperbacks
and spit with, once
I fixed her wiper blades,
I remember the soft dead wings
on the windshield,  pretty
as you please

She was alone in her shoes
listening to something
that kept getting darker
and glowing like morning
on the oil spilled under her truck,
she was drifting through
the rosewater of her soft red hair

She only wanted to be rolling
off a swollen river, sliding
out of a clean slip, turning
over in a deep sleep, trailing
a shimmering thread, hiding
under a pile of wet leaves

Then there she was sailing
in her river of blood,  going
white and smelling like smoke
from a struck match behind
closed blinds on a ceramic floor,
a white blouse red as a sharp knife
collecting the light of mourning.
 Aug 2016
Im suicidal
And I am beyond happy
If I'd die tonight.
This is an answer to the 10-word poetry entitled Im Not Suicidal.

But I am, really.
 Aug 2016
The moon shines down,
watching our steps
it gives us light,
in nights deep times
Waking us out
to join the stars
and shine forth still
The moon shines down
and give us calm

Ovi Odiete
The Moon is a symbol of bliss~
As it shines, it gives us calm
 Aug 2016
Rainey Birthwright
Was I not real, tenderly with you?
All my love wrapped in new flower
As you held me, so were you held
And the spring was a bloom dower.

Did we not paint some finer picture,
You and I amid sweet dawning sun,
I make no stories up, nor any later
We were one perfect plateau above.

You my lad, I dreamed feverish true,
Real as dearest, deathly delusions,
Sweet as any meadow which sings
You my lad, I made up a true vision.
 Aug 2016
There's no problem with waiting, but don't let that be the only thing you do. When that person comes to you, and surely they will, don't be so overwhelmed by finally finding someone that you put them up on a pedestal when in reality they aren't everything you thought they were. Word of advice, once you meet this person, just remind yourself to take things slowly. Take a breath. Sometimes we get so attached, we give all our love away too quickly and then leave none for ourselves.
Some advice I've neglected to take too many times.
 Aug 2016
You would hear the voice inside the quiet
If those words are true
No song
No poem
but my heartbeat missing you too

Yet we would see the future from the ashes
When our eyes gaze with truth
Not yesterday
Not now
Not yet
maybe a day when we're done with youth
© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
If I had replied to you that time, we'd still be two lost souls. So let's find our own ways for now and see if we cross paths again someday.
 Aug 2016
Banita khanal
Though it seems you dislike me
Somewhere in my heart I still feel that it’s not true
Those kind words of yours I still remember
That moment we spend together, I still remember
Makes me feel you miss me too
You left me coz being together was never meant for us
You shouted at me coz you were angry for that
You didn’t explain coz that might have made me love you more
You hurt me coz you wanted that love to end there
 Aug 2016
All this empty space
of places you've once been
taunting me with your memory
reminding me of your presence
realizing I'm the last one here
left with all this empty space.
 Aug 2016
We had a good run
but now it's done
It was a shock
I cannot lie
I really thought
You were my guy
It's over now
what a shame
who is left
for you to blame
you said it's because
we do not talk
but you know
I'm on the clock
It's vacation time
and my phone won't work
you said you understood
don't be a ****
you know what
I'm done with this
I'm not going to sit there
and throw a fit
this is just a
waste of my time
I am alone
I'm drawing the line.
1st loves
Last loves
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