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 Sep 2024
Allow me a moment to gush
I don’t have any girlfriends, you see
No, not that way. The old way
Like the friend you call from a pink princess phone
To tell about your latest crush

I don’t have a girlfriend who
eats french fries dipped in caramel milkshake
While I describe all the ways he’s amazing
absolutely gorgeous, smart, kind
There’s no vanity in him, he just wants to be in nature
She’d offer me a cigarette (I decline, well, maybe just a drag)
Are all men in Austria like this?
I don’t know, but I’ll ask if he has any friends

If I had a girlfriend, we’d drive around town in her car
(faded smoke, Hawaiian Tropic, sun-scorched vinyl)
No destination but mischief
I’d be blushing
Because she’d ask how far we’d gotten

Well, there’s an ocean between us but
Our souls touched
Moving to a very small town is absolutely murderous for one's social life.
 Sep 2024
In this most perfect moment
When my soul is reaching for the Divine
like a tender seedling reaching
for the light of the Sun
feeling its warmth and spark
I miss you
And you are there
 Sep 2024
How am I supposed to tell you
That my passion
Is so deep and fierce
A wild creature caught
Pacing against its confines
Desiring only freedom
To live as its nature requires

I want you no matter how messy it gets
And at the core of me
I don’t apologize
I can’t be sorry for this
And now the creature is out of its cage...
 Sep 2024
I want to strip away
the pedestrian, the cellophane veil
obscuring your Divinity
to reveal you in all your
to revel in you and all your
 Sep 2024
Form borne of function
The pursuit of Life
Abundant and overflowing
Your every step enriching
the path you tread
The strength of your soul
echoed in each muscle
The beauty of your heart
shining in your eyes
No haughty Adonis
could ever be half as divine
He's beautiful because of the way he lives his life, but he doesn't know it.
 Sep 2024
Consider the garden of your life
and remember I am a wild rose
I can be cut back
but I will outlast walls
 Sep 2024
Break my heart
Reach inside
The contents are as follows:

One love, immense
One spirit, aching
A vow to be trustworthy, solemn
Regrets, assorted
 Sep 2024
Were you happy
Before you met me?
What were you looking for?
There are two answers
The one you know
And the one that is real
Can you distinguish them?
The answer you received
Seems wrong
But the universe makes no mistakes
Sometimes when you go looking for trouble, you find it.
 Sep 2024
a mountain landslide
tears away years of debris
exposing its heart
The hillside is scarred, but new growth is assured.
 Sep 2024
I know your secret heart
the one that flutters
in fear and longing
weak from hiding
in the dark

Yearning for escape
but afraid of the space
it demands
That no other
can coexist with its


Love that part of yourself
allow it to Become
it calls to me
and I answer
let it greet me
 Sep 2024
Today I will become an ephemeral thing
the mist in the flowers
the feeling in the forest that you are not alone
the ocean’s salt caress
No one can touch me
They do not have the right
My gifts are only for those who seek them
and have the strength to bear their weight
 Sep 2024
When I beckon you
Come worship at my temple
Make love to my soul
I am seeking to fulfill
Our purpose in this lifetime
A tanka for my lover.
 Sep 2024
Spring peepers peeping
Nature spins life from chaos
Even deserts bloom
Its threads pull us together
Love growing a tapestry
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