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 Jul 2020
Once upon a time,
A starry night,
A forgotten world.

Once upon a time,
Laughter heard,
Smiles traded.

Once upon a time,
Timeless reality,
Clock ticking obliviously.

Once upon a time,
Damsel in distress,
A fearsome dragon.

Once upon a time,
A Prince Charming,
All shining armor.

Once upon a time,
Timeless love,
Endless happiness.

Once upon a time,
A promise broken,
A clock rewound.

Once upon a time,
The spell of ages,
Heavily obscuring.

Once upon a time,
An open window,
Tendrils of smoke.

Once upon a time,
A fiery beauty,
A timid monstrosity.

Once upon a time,
Love forbidden,
Lives forsaken.

Once upon a time,
She fell in love with a dragon.
 Jul 2020
My greatest enemy,
Silence. My most wonderful dream,

Silence that hangs like a thread,
Silky, soft, bound to break.

Silence that wraps around you,
A warm blanket of comforting.

Silence that wakes you,
Awash in that moonlight glow.

Silence that defines you,
Fiber, soul, essence, and heart.

Silence that you wish would just,
Stop being so deafening.

Silence that suffocates,
Then lets you breathe.

Silence that opens a window,
More than your eyes ever could.

Silence that makes me afraid,
Lifts you up on angel-like wings.

Silence that is too short, too long,
Too silence-y.

Silence, that doesn't sound like a word,
Until you hear it.

Silence that sits there,
Waiting, wondering, thinking.

Silence in the darkness,
The most comfortable moments,
And the scariest.

I've never learned how to be silent,
In the proper way,
Until I met you.

You, who uses silence,
You, who knows silence,
You, who is silence.

I can't say I know you,
But I know silence,
Around you,
Lying together,
Arms tangled.
Smiling in
 Jul 2020
Pain is like a hummingbird.
Flitting here and there,
Never staying in one place for too long.

Pain is like a knife to the heart,
Bleeding, an open wound,
With no way for you to stitch it up.

Pain is like a shattered mirror,
You pick the pieces up,
But there's no way to put them back together.

Pain is like a waterfall,
Crashing and thundering and roaring down,
Never easing up.

Pain is like an aching joint,
Throbbing and pulsing,
Always there no matter what happens.

Pain is like a puzzle,
Someone ripping you apart,
Putting you back together the wrong way.

Pain is like a secret told,
Too many ears,
Too many people.

Pain is like a bullet,
There for a second,
And then you're free falling.

Pain is like a bright light,
Look at it too long,
And you become blinded.

Pain is like a game of torture,
Daggers, blood, droplets,
Salty water on the tip of your tongue.

Pain is like a daydream,
You know it's not real,
But do you really want to stop dreaming?

Pain is like a rainy day,
Puddles of gloom,
Each drop sending out ripples.

Pain is like a fairytale,
The dragon guarding the tower,
The damsel crying in the shadows.

Pain is like a shot,
****** your skin,
And you succumb to it.

Pain is a bruise,
You don't want to press it,
But you somehow manage to.

Pain is like a butterfly.
Beautiful, wings of color,
Until you taste the bitterness.

Pain is a pleasure.
Watching the blood run down your skin,
Ripping you apart from your very seams.

Love will give you pain.
Whether it friend or lover,
Whether you forgive or not.

I forgive,
I forget,
Because the pain won't go away,
No matter how strong you are.

So, my friend,
Are you ready to forgive and forget?
Or succumb to the pain,
And never learn to love again?
 Jul 2020
One day, I would like to learn your name
Who you are
Where you come from
Your memories, your sorrows
Your deepest thoughts and feelings
Your soul.

One day, I will look into your eyes
And see someone else
Someone wiser, better, prettier than I
And I will smile
And laugh.

One day, I will learn to fly
The sun beating down on my back
Wings furling and unfurling
Wind spurring the waves
Crashing on the shore.

One day, I will learn to cry
I will sit in the shadows
Stare at the darkness
Challenge my fears
Pain seeping out.

One day, I will create a storm
Fingertips aflame
Lightning crackling
Power surging
Beneath my skin.

One day, I will learn to sit still
Still as a statue
With magnificent posture
Face calm, immaculate
Blank and smooth.

One day, I will learn to run
Far away from those who hurt me
Far away from those who love me
Far away
From me.

One day, I will learn to love,
The warmth that climbs through you
Tingling in your spine
My head,
Resting against hers.

One day, I will learn to forget
Forget everything I have ever learned
Until I learn to live
To live again.

One day, I would like to learn your name
Mine? I have none
I do not know
Who I am.

One day,
I would like to learn my name.

— The End —