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 Mar 2017
disappear for a bit, those who look for you, keep them.
 Feb 2017
The lyrics of colors..

It was a field of beautiful flowers.. So many colors and auras, a dream within a dream.. So many reds to spread this crimson song that sings when the wind makes these flowers dance.. The blues are shy as they hide behind the reds not realizing they add the most beautiful lyrics to this quiet song.. The yellows spread their arms far and wide shining like 1000 suns.. The purples are mystery beauty that one can only behold under the white moonlight as it kisses the dark colored dream pedals that shine ever so.. The oranges blossom their sweet melody as they sing in chorus with all the other colors. And the angelic whites are so bright you swear that you see halos over them all.. Within this Galaxy of colors I come across one I have never seen.. In the center of this chaos of beauty stood one shadow black flower.. It stood alone colorless and sad.. As My eyes set upon it I realized that this one was by far the most beautiful of them all.. The shadow black star shined alone at the center of this galaxy.. This is the creator of colors.. Because without this there truly would be no beauty.. Thus beauty starts in the shadow black havens at the center of this beautiful song.. No matter how fast light travels its always greeted by darkness that has gotten their first.. This is the beginning..
This is an old post that I wanted to share with you again.
 Feb 2017
Do you remember anything?  
" I told them I didn't, But I remember it all.  It was darkness..  A sort of darkness that for a moment I thought no light could shine in it..  I was numb all over.  At first I thought I was dead.  I started to ask myself, (Is this what its like to be dead) but then slowly the feeling would creep back into my limbs..  I then heard three different sets of voices.  They scared me to no end because what ever they were they seem to be communicating with eachother. Their voices sounded like hisses mixed in with strange deep tones from an *****. Thats the best I can explain.   I started to feel pressure in my hands and feet.  Then in my chest and stomach..  After that I felt cold and hot, then hot then cold..  Next was the crawling feeling all over my body..  It felt like large cockroaches were running all over my body.  Then came the sounds. From my left side then my right.  Then both sides, and then all around me..  I knew I was being tested on by something..  The last thing I saw was a door of light. It hurt my eyes so bad.. I then saw three silhouettes standing in the light.. After that I awoke here in the woods.. It seem like it was a dream.. But my soreness in my body told me it wasn't!
Vialarkeris:  Data Human Lifeform"""Project Helix heal""""
Male human :  W.B.C. EXTRACTION..
Our planet is being ravaged by an acute viral nasopharyngitis.. We have no way to stop it.  Millions have died. No cure can be found.. That is until today. History has been made in the most wonderful way possible.. We infected a male human lifeform with the virus and found that his body (although super feeble) was able to fight of the infection. It took a matter of only 2 days for his body to fully purge out the virus.. We were able to narrow down a cell within the human known as a white blood cell (W.B.C.) which could counter the virus and purge it out of the body. Although feeble the humans have a much better immune system than we do.  The human was returned near his home and saw it all as a dream.  Little did he know that he saved an entire advanced civilization with just a veil of his blood..
Bigger picture..
 Feb 2017
The setting was beautiful..
Some forest somewhere as green as envy itself..
There was a very calm river with a covered bridge that ran over it..
The bridge was all white and looked like a house..
I went inside and found that the ground was made of glowing green grass..
The walls were made of dirt with flowers growing out of them..
The smell was so nice..
It seem cooler inside the bridge..
I walked on through bare foot..
The flowers were now an aura of colors..
Endless colors..
I awoke from this dream..
And I can't stop thinking about it..
I crossed a bridge in my dreams. A bridge that I made over a river inside of me..
 Feb 2017
The light around me was all fading..
It was all fading into me..
All except for one..
It stayed in front of me unharmed by any of my darkness..
It shined and shined..
It was . . . . . . . .

I could not control myself.. I had turned into a black hole.. I was taking everything away..  The more I tried to stop it the stronger I became.. The darkness princess continued to laugh..  Her world was turly coming back to her..  Nearly everything was dark.. All except for one light.. It was not very bright but bright enough to make my eyes squint..  It was right in front of me now.. It would get right into my face and then back away.. It did this many times..  The darkness princess looked confused.. She tried to extinquish the light but could not.. The light slowly made its return toward my face..

" COME ON KID! "  I awoke to coughing water.. It seemed endless.  So much water was coming out of my mouth! I finally took a breath! There was a light in my eyes the entire time.. I then realized that it was a head lamp that was mounted on someones cap.  I then heard a voice..
"Sorry let me take this off and quit shining it in your face.. Kid I thought you were dead! I gave you c.p.r! You fell into an old reservoir pool and you must of hit your head..  My ****** dog Angel found you and barked her head off.  When I came to see what she was barking at I found you.. Your lucky I bought my dog fishing with me.. I guess she was barking OVER HERE HE IS OVER HERE! I called 911 they should be here any minute! "   The paramedics showed up and took me to the hospital where I stayed for a week.   I thank god for an angel that found me. Our at least a dog named angel.  And I swore to never become a black hole..  When I do finally leave this life...
Back on the trail..  And sticking to it!    Thanks everyone for coming off the trail with me and bringing me back!
 Feb 2017
I nearly passed out... Or did I?  Wait!  
I need to help the darkness princess..
I must swim up!
I must save them all!

I emerge from the shadow filled pond that was formely a prison cell of some sort.  It held captive the princess of darkness.  They were all waiting for me! I felt all of their touch. I felt her hold me.  I then felt her breathe. She wispered into my ear.. " Thank you... Please help me take my world back. Help me spread my benevolent darkness to this endless light.  Pleaseeeeeee.. I need your shadow, I need your shade,  I need your darkness to spread today.  You are the Shadow savior.. The twilight song,  The blessing of shades... "  As she held me I noticed that my darkness started to spread into the air itself. I felt a shift inside my heart as I gave myself all to the darkness! I could now spread darkness without physical touch.  I was now a dark star in a world of light.  I grew and I grew.. The light beings were all trying to run away from me.. I was a singularity, I was a black hole!  My sadness grew infinite! I was a sad shade and shadow! This world of light was no world at all! It was the very sun that gave life to us all.  The dark princess laughed at my mistake.. She laughed at her deceit!!
Even light cannot escape..
 Feb 2017
Come on kid!!
Come on kid!!

(Wispers heavily)
" one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ,eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thriteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,twenty,twenty one, COME ON! twenty two, "

Over here!!! HERE!  OVER HERE!!
 Feb 2017
The beating heart in darkness took shape..
It was her..
The one we were looking for..
Her eyes were the color of everything..
They were the color of me...
She then swam through darkness out of the green lit pond..
As I sank and sank in its deep waters..

Her heart was like a falling star.. Only this star was not falling, it was slowly rising.. I was sinking to the bottom of this strange like darkness in a world of light.  Strange to say but everything was getting darker and darker in this abyss of darkness.  Right before I lost consciousness I saw a pale white light above..  I could hear my heartbeat..  It was getting slower and slower..  Just the thought of her being free made me smile one last time..  One last time for good hope..  I somehow knew it was the right thing to free darkness.  I felt myself drifting away..  The last thing I remember was my little brother and I making shadow puppets on the wall.. We stayed up past midnight laughing at our shadow puppets..
Its past midnight, time for bed...
 Feb 2017
The darkness spread fast..
The fading glow made me sad a little..
But from the darkness I heard new sounds and tones..
Sounds of something that was hidden in the light..
The more darkness there was the clearer the sounds became..
They reminded me of whale songs back at home..
We were all walking toward the light mountains..

The light storm had passed. We continiued our dark journey through the light forest toward these majestic and beautiful light mountains.  There were many mountains the ranged in the same size all except for one.  It stood higher than my eyes could see.  I dare say it stuck out of the planet.  At times it looked like a pillar of light..   We were a group of dark walkers, shadow touchers, dusk bringers, I tried to come up with a cool name to call our group as my mind wonders about in my head.   We then come upon a pond of light water.  It shined with green light rather than blue like the river..  I then heard the voice speak to me.. " They keep her here, we cannot enter these waters, but you can.. Go and free her please."  Without hesitation I stepped into the green light water. The water is deep as I am completly submerged.  But to my suprise I do not see light. I see complete darkness.   For the moment I begin to panic.  But then I see a small speak of light at the center of all the darkness.  It begins to grow and spin about itself.  I then realize that it was a heartbeat.  What I was seeing was a beating heart in the darkness.  I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful it was. It grew brighter and brighter with my presence.  Then a body started to take shape around it.  Only in darkness could I have seen this...
In darkness we are created.
Set your aim well
narrow your eyes to see
where hatreds dwell.

It's everywhere in the land
with guns in our hand
we are fighting a war
brother against brother
a battle without cessation
nation against nation
settle with the bullet
more right is which faith
decide with gunfire
which race is placed higher
for centuries the same story
battles make bulk history.

Races raged cities burned
but we never learn
to build one world city
one humanity
only aim further well
narrow our eyes to see
where differences dwell.
The feeling I got when I held and aimed the gun.
(Cover photo)
 Feb 2017
is a beautiful sound
that reflects one's entirety
a song made for a soul
that never sleeps
it is not just a mood
but a color of either black or blue
It gives sepia when remembering good times
A feeling that gets you mope and hope
melancholy lives in you and me
play the sound, feel the waves
and drown in its monstrosity
 Feb 2017
All Roads lead to Salvatore
A Poem by Corset

On the way to Salvatore
I was cracked
A diamond with her head down
pops another piece of gum
makes light of the crest
makes the sign of the cross
across her window pane breast
forever more
Gooseberry products only
she swears
the scratch of her voice
a sonnet of fingernails
on chalkboard
"there are no teachers here "
says she
only nightmares of agriculture"
and the slow lonely climb,
limbs bowing to the knees.
acquiesce of leaves
holding on in vertigo
skinny dipping the night air.

Bertram tells you to ram it
his balcony tilted
like a slot machine
a glimpse of clothes drying
on a Taiwan breeze
ran into a tree
"don't be afraid"  says he
"it won't feel a thing"

You keep your voice down
still it drowns the radio
while fashion jewelry
lift their pointed legs
it's pepper on a dying mans steak
we dare to be sub-standard
people are shouting
we will do our best
to make sure promises are not kept,
to honor the test subjects
we will build a barn
threaten the faculty
with time honored contingency
and look forward to the *****
side of fact.

We shall take our time,
scoffing behind our hands
we know
if a person can not be themselves
they tend to be someone else...
surely there must be a way to
pin this tail on the donkey,
or at least the blunt
blonde official, when you
get a close up
you can tell how old
she is.
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