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 Mar 2015
Spencer Craig
you toss my feelings back and forth like a tennis ball.
It was so asinine to think you cared at all.
you make it out like you wanna meight, but end up stealing
my heart, which isn't condusev in my healing.
You make me six. With me, you didn't have a rival.
I used to think you were necessary for my surfivel.
therefour, from here on, I won't allow you to crush me,
no more threel seeing my reaction when you touch me.
I don't understand people who just get together
to make you think you won and blow you off like a feather.
I half had enough and this topic's not moot,
I have zeroed in on my target and i am ready to shoot.
 Mar 2015
We can have fun if you lettuce.
Just tossing salad puns.
I'll try not to wilt.
For I'll try dressing these
Puns to your appetite.
If I promise to pepper my puns,
Maybe you won't throw salt.
I should leaf this alone
Because I'm no chef.
I am Caesar of salad puns!
You'd toss tomatoes at me if you could.
Are salad poems rotten yet?
I should compost these puns.
Is this like watching grass grow?
Salad puns can be cheesy.
How much green would you
Pay me to stop regurgitating
Food puns?
If you read this,
I owe you the rest of the meal,
Now that I wet your appetite.
I felt like writing a poem that is just silly. I feel I should apologies if you were expecting one of my serious poems. Sorry..... Dinner's on me. Haha
 Feb 2015
Spencer Craig
I painfully remember i thought it was the end
When she led me on and wanted to be friends
I remember when he told, i felt betrayed
and  i remember that feeling lasting for weeks and days
But like the tools in a old shed, you can rot ***
"friend" we are tight like i how i tie my shoe, Ha! we're knot, so
From this day forth,  Only foward i pedal
get the memo i am cutting the strings geppetto

every relationship hangs by thread but they strung me along
and now that each cord is shreded and i feel so strong
Because I realized I shouldn't let other dictate my actions
and Act like a noble heir... Give no reaction
I love opinions weather you hate or enjoy me
But I will not let anyone or thing destroy me.
Sean daley (slug from atmosphere)
Get fly
from this day forth only foward i pedal
get the memo i am cutting the strings geppetto
this line encourages me to keep going by my own strength just make my own choice and not looking back at any one for confirmation from how i express my opinion or how i make relationships i won't let anyone determine or control how i live my life.
 Feb 2015
I used to think if I'm gonna have mistakes let em be rare.

But then I realised there's no learning there.

No fun.

So If I'm gonna have mistakes at least let em be *well done!
 Feb 2015
Ashley Haack
I'm so bored I could pass for a 2x4
 Feb 2015
Spencer Craig
i am not your type? i'm no prince charming, i don't seem dashing
but i could be a charmander that can always re-lights our passion
i could make all your enemies writhe and burn
or the one that keeps your soul and body warm

drag your feet across the carpet,
i'll make your hair stand on end
i can be electric
fill your head with sparks

I'd be a rock type to you, for such a phenomenon
I'd be a boldore person that you could lean on.
I will anchor you down from thoughts of those with moodyness
And envy of my partner who's so pulchritudinous.

I could be photosynthetic, eat a mouthful of dirt for you
I'd go green with envy over any other lover
Let me be your grass type, I could be your ****
(Or just let me deScyther your thoughts)

I could be your faucet let your feelings flow through me
And I will sink every krabby memory you rue. See,
Can be emotional too, I could drown you in thought.
I could be your water type, without me you'll rot.

There will never be a reason to run away
I will always find how to give you a sunny day
It isn't unknown, to succeed, I will always find the words
I could be- wait you mean you don't like nerds?
I had so much fun making this with my my partner Kate Lion (italics) you guys should look her up. Pokemon for life!!!
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was! DA DA da-na
All day sight byeee
 Jan 2015
Shamas Hereth
Where's the edge in your rhyme schemes?
No wedge between my time and my themes.

You make cents while you don't make sense,
play dense when you mistake tense.
In my defense,
I expend to no end, at no expense.
Hide intense behind offense,
a generic's scend is too immense.

Son of sin, son of suns and runes.
Father of win, father of puns and tunes.
Fun fact: I was an underclass rapper in High school.

Offense = A fence, oh lawd.
 Jan 2015
Been piecing things together lately,
And frankly,
I'm puzzled.
 Jan 2015
Tommy Johnson
You gotta be kidding me Ms. Ogyny
That's why you hate yourself?
Because your have ******* and a ******?
You find it the most unforgivable sin
To be plagued by estrogen

Tell me Ms. Anthropic since we're on the topic
Why do you despise human kind?
What about them troubles your mind?
You think they're disgusting and not to be trusted
Someone or something made you this way, it must of

Life, life oh deadly life
It plays by the rules of day and night
I just wanna feel alive
And know, just know I'm doing right

But right alongside that feeling
There are times when I wanna die
I wanna be under the ground and sleep forever
There are time when I feel like that'd be better

So Ms. Ogyny I guess I see
Why you hate yourself because I hate me
I hate myself more than anyone else
I'm just a notch on Ms. Fortune's belt
Or maybe I'm just the welt

So Ms. Anthropic, I guess I'll drop it
Because I get where you're coming from
People are cruel, ill-mannered and inexplicably dumb
And from this cold hard fact I've become numb
I cannot wait for Kingdom Come

And I Mr. Fyde, wish I would die
Because now I realize how much I hate my life
I suffer from incredible self-dislike
The pain is obvious from the outside
And I say my goodbyes as I commit suicide
 Jan 2015
Alex Apples
writing with a broken pencil
how pointless
when the only connection I had on Valentine's
was wi-fi
and don't the vultures in this airport know
only one carrion allowed?
and no fresh fruit - so no pairs.

it's terrible, I know
but puns are my coping device
and you [every bloke in my youth] should never have tried to juggle
when you had no *****
but you left
so I'm all right now

and I amused myself
with silly strings of homophony
until I found someone
whose puns are even worse
than me

because you can't take a joke
that doesn't belong to you

it's all mind.
 Jan 2015
Kate Lion
there are a hundred and fifty pokemon
but only one of you
you are the legendary love that i could never catch

i remember kissing your Meowth and it was beautiful and fierce

do you remember, darling, the way you Jinxed our stars

You Charmandered me, left my cheeks pink and rosy
Gave me an Electabuzz
The heat rose to my face every time we locked eyes

(i always was a bit Oddish)

I want to Pikachu when you don't think I'm looking, as you stroll through the crowds of your own thoughts

But you Rapidashed out of my life.

Is it Farfetch'd to wonder if you ever think of the Eeveening under the stars
When you said there was no Chansey that we could ever be together

I remember
And I say
to that.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
You were so hot I spun twice to see, call me a fan
Your regal youth made my blood boil, call you peter pan

You were like a boomerang I wanted to throw away but you kept coming back to me,
And maybe I've always been scared of hurdles and you were my biggest one, 'cause I just can't get over you, you see

I thought you were like a paradox:
Cool as ice and hot as molten rock

You were like a magician with words, drove me so crazy I was pulling out my hare,
You steal my heart like a pirate captain when I sea you standing there,

But you didn’t have any morals, I deserve to call you *****ible
Yet you still think you're cute. you know? leaving my house the way you came would be adooreble

I discovered your texts to her on my birthday, the cake was ruined with my tiers
You caught my Eye with your animal magnetism, but you’ve been a cheetah for years

What? you think this is a game? No, you don't have a clue!
You had a monopoly on my life and now your name is taboo

You said you needed some time and space to yourself you were the only one in the galaxy I Wanted,
I guess life never turns out how you planet and since you left I've been feeling haunted,

Why did I believe you were a great catch? Just because you master *****?
You made me think we could smash; every second felt like a brawl

Loving you was no gouda, though I swiss you now that you’re gone, it isn’t easy,
I said goodbye, It’s not you it’s brie, sorry that was cheesy.

You gave my life flavor but you were just a masked spyce that made my life sour like limes
I know I need to chili but you have really bad taste and we’re out of thyme

I need a holiday from your lies, my patience is running short
I’m better off with you gone, and leaving you is my last

I guess we didn't have that spark no need to be astunished,
all I know now is: IT IS TIME YOU WERE PUNISHED.
We had a lot of fun making this, and it was Spencer’s idea, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it :)
We love puns and so this entire poem is made up of puns.

Spencer’s lines are in the normal writing, and my lines are italicized.

It took forever to write! (Which was mostly my fault because I procrastinate and have no time! It was a lot of work though.) Anyway, this is our collaboration!

-Ember Evanescent
-The-ever-brilliant Spencer Craig

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