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 Jun 2014 Christine
maybe at that time,
we were nothing
but lost stars.
something's wrong with me.
Don't tell me when
Your soul haunts you,
Don't tell me when
Your darkest desire comes true.

Don't tell me if
You have nightmares
Don't tell me if
Nobody cares.

Don't tell me about
The flickering lights,
Don't tell me about
Your inner fights.

Don't tell me that
You're going crazy,
Don't tell me that
Your vision is hazy.

Don't tell me to
Bring you to life,
Don't tell me to
Watch you cry.

Don't tell me
Because I know
 Jun 2014 Christine
Sound Of Rain
A year passed by and now, all I know are your words,
the beautiful sound of your laughter and all
your other little habits that make me smile.
All I know are things like your smile, your voice and
for some twisted reason, along with your voice, there's another one,
and this one wont stop laughing and it keeps whispering into my ears,
"You're too late."

Guess I was too overconfident,
I'd thought you'd stay forever.
I was too scared to accept the truth.
I never knew that you leaving would hurt me so much.
Now, you're right there, but you're too far away.
I can't reach you now. I wont be able to. And I'm too
disgusted with myself to even try to reach you.

And for some twisted reason, I agree with that voice in my head,
the one that was laughing and whispering into my ears,
I am, indeed, too late.
Well, just realized what heartache feels like.

I hope you're happy with her. You deserve the happiness. And I'll just like you from over here, silently. 'Cause in that silence, no one can say anything to me. And in that silence, you can be mine and you'd be able to stay for all the time in the world.
 Jun 2014 Christine
Sound Of Rain
These days, I feel like time is moving too fast for me. Too dang fast.
Everybody comes and goes out of my life, Always.
without the blink of an eye. You included
Break those promises wont you? You said you'd never do that. Look at what's happened now

Maybe I should stop caring. Just let it all fade away. It'll be Peaceful maybe
I did try didn't I? I kept trying. I still am trying. It's really hard.
If this doesn't work, what will? I want you to stay but I'll have to let you go
Will you ever realize how much you're hurting me? As long as you're happy I guess.
You don't even know any of this. And I wont tell you either.

I wish I was strong enough to throw a fit and scream and yell I wanna let go.
but no sounds come out of my mouth when I try. Why is this happening?
So instead of going through all that trouble, "It'll get better."
I just put up a smile on my face, try to make it seem genuine, "It'll be okay."
and walk around with that fake smile. *You lie.
I don't know where this came from. Been suffering from Writer's block lately.
This just kind of happened I guess.
 Jun 2014 Christine
Sound Of Rain
1:39 AM
I'm lying down on this air bed thinking
What would've happened if we'd never met.

I met so many new people this year.
Each and every one have made a great impact on my life too.

Was it that night last year in June? Everything happened that night. Felt like nothing,
But now I realize it meant everything.

2:08 AM
I can't stop thinking about everything you said to me.
And I also can't stop thinking about what would've happened if I'd handled things differently.

Oh well.
Can't do anything now.
'Cause I did try. I tried so hard. But I failed anyways.

3:08 AM
Did I tell you that you're what I dream about as well?

4:56 AM
Silence. Streaks of moonlight along the windows.
Quiet cars passing by. You're on my mind.

5:35 AM
And I'm still thinking about you.

6:54 AM
Fall asleep finally.
Dream about you. You were laughing. I woke up laughing.

7:00 AM
Wake up. Try to clear my head. try to get you out of my head Get a glass of coffee, look outside.

It'll be a better day I hope.
Random thoughts.
 Jun 2014 Christine
 Jun 2014 Christine
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience,your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose

or if your wish be to close me, i and
my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility:whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens;only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands
it may not always be so; and i say
that if your lips,which i have loved,should touch
another’s,and your dear strong fingers clutch
his heart,as mine in time not far away;
if on another’s face your sweet hair lay
in such silence as i know,or such
great writhing words as,uttering overmuch,
stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;

if this should be,i say if this should be—
you of my heart,send me a little word;
that i may go unto him,and take his hands,
saying,Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall i turn my face,and hear one bird
sing terribly afar in the lost lands
in the rain-
darkness,     the sunset
being sheathed i sit and
think of you

the holy
city which is your face
your little cheeks the streets
of smiles

your eyes half-
half-angel and your drowsy
lips where float flowers of kiss

there is the sweet shy pirouette
your hair
and then

your dancesong
soul.     rarely-beloved
a single star is
uttered,and i

       of you
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