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 Dec 2015 Candice
Summer Michelle
There's always been something keeping us divided.
It's a skeleton in your closet and the devil in my pocket.
You're the brightest ray of sunshine I've seen in a while.
I don't want you to go.

As I breathe in, the pain slips away.
I want you to do this, I want you to fix me but the pain inside is rooted too deep.
As I breathe out, I know we'll loose our flame.

You tried to leave because you know it's not fair, I shouldn't put you through this again.
Please forgive me, I'll do anything for you.
I'll throw it all away if you'll say you'll stay another day.

As I breathe in, the pain slips away.
I want you to do this, I want you to fix me but the pain inside is rooted too deep.
As I breathe out, I know we'll loose our flame.

It's too hard for me, I want to be the man you deserve but I'm just the shell of a man.
I'm still the broken boy I was, just hiding behind the mask of a man.
My devils are facing me, they're in the way.
I can't wait for you to fix me, even though I know I can't fix myself any faster.

As I breathe in, the pain slips away.
I want you to do this, I want you to fix me but the pain inside is rooted too deep.
As I breathe out, I know we'll loose our flame.

I'll leave you like this:

Angels like you don't belong with demons like me.
I can't tell you why.
Or I can sell you a million lies.
I know I can't handle something so good.
An Angel like you deserves so much more than my corrupted soul.

Let me blow out our flame.
 Dec 2015 Candice
Summer Michelle
Tell me where all of the good ones have gone
Because I can't seem to catch a glimpse.
I've given all I have to give and nothing seems to be enough.
I'm at my wits end trying to be, the girl I know I should be.
But no matter how hard I try
My best attempts aren't enough.

Every night I cry myself to sleep wondering
What I could do to make it clear.
Wondering how I can make him see what I'd do to see him smile.
Wondering if it means anything to him that I'd do anything for him.

Tell me where all of the good ones have gone
Because I can't seem to catch a glimpse.
I've waited up for days just hoping he'd throw me a speck of hope.
I gave it to myself because he won't spare the time.
They say that we all find the one, but it seems to me that mine has died,
Because inside, I feel alone
And nothing is left to bear.

I've never missed a pain so much before
I never really cared.
Until I said I’m done
I never really knew I loved you.
Or how I love you.
Every night I cry myself to sleep
Wondering if there was anything I could do to stop you.
Every night I fight so hard to close my mind from thoughts of you.

Tell me where all the good ones have gone
Because I can't seem to catch a glimpse.
This one wants to get too close and that one won't get close enough.
Over there
He thinks of what he might take off of me tonight.
But here
He can't stand the thought of being next to me.
And that one doesn't seem to see why I can't believe.

Tell me where all the good ones have gone.
From where I stand they want what they want
And nothing more with you.
So tell me where all the good ones have gone
Because I can't seem to catch a glimpse.
 Dec 2015 Candice
dating a writer
 Dec 2015 Candice
dating a writer
is like guessing the weather.
you think you know what you'll get,
but you never do.

you never know

she'll create a hero
from your weaknesses

and she'll write a great character,
from every last flaw.

she'll create a thousand plots  
from your worst nightmares.

she'll take every last thing you hate
and create something you'll love.

she'll turn your anger
into confessions of adoration,

and she'll make you,
everything you're not.

but worst of all,
she'll leave you wondering-
is it you she's in love with,
or things she's created from you?

but here's the beauty of it:

if you date a writer,
you'll never die.
 Dec 2015 Candice
Summer Michelle
I'm in love with eyes
that can show me their soul
I'm in love with hands
that hold me tight but gently
enough to make me want more
I'm in love with the smiles
that show multiple emotions
I'm in love with that walk
the one that shows that
there was a chip on their shoulder
but they've brushed it off
I'm in love with that stand
The stand that shows
that they've tried so hard
and they've come so far
I'm in love with the perfectly imperfect
And that is where my heart will stay
In love with yours
I'm in love, but I've lost it
It ran from me
hurt and lost
It ran and
I'd do anything to have it run back
or to run into it again
 Dec 2015 Candice
Summer Michelle
Busy tones fill the ears
Just to hear answering machines
Messages left unanswered
Until the time is wrong
Left wondering why they're gone
Young one, turn to a pen

Tops off to them all
Pants fall just the same
Maybe this is what they meant
When they said love is an action
We don't know why
But the hole isn't filling

How many times can this be written
How much is there to say
I wear this cross on my sleeve
To remind me
That I'm not alone and I
Can stay strong

Their screaming voices saved this one
Giving an outlet for the pain
But it became too easy to live there
Haunting themselves with the sounds
Of unpleasant settling
And unwanted misery

How many times can this be written
How much is there to say
I wear this cross on my sleeve
To remind me
That I'm not alone and I
Can stay strong

I need a new muse
The past is daunting
Haunting every part of me
Killing any chance
Of a future
I may blow my fuse
 Dec 2015 Candice
Summer Michelle
The chill just crept into me
My smile faded suddenly
The feeling of it ending
The beauty and the broken
The destruction of it all
Slowly time ends us all
 Dec 2015 Candice
Summer Michelle
I know now
That we must protect what we love
I know now
That we can't let opinions in
Because if you love cake
And someone else doesn't
You wouldn't stop eating the cake
Because they didn't like it
Would you?
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