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Candy Noire Jul 2015
I saw a glimpse of myself
Hardly recognised the face
Staring back at me through the glass
A life going to waste.

The lonely sun beckoned me on
Up towards the sky
All that's left of the future
Remains blurred behind my eyes.

I'm a soldier to my wars
Fighting battles of the past
Closed eyes are my armour
I fight to make my moments last.
  Jul 2015 Candy Noire
sanch kay
think of all the people you've ever met,
and all the conversations that have ever left an impact on you.
think of all the thoughts that those words prompted in you,
and all the actions they led to,
which went and touched more people than you can count.
innumerable words and thoughts,
little cosmic representations of the
souls of people touching us
your life is forever and inexplicably interconnected with a million others.
forever intertwined, forever in tandem; forever solitary.
Candy Noire Jul 2015
I would rather be cast aside
Than live my life forced to abide
By what you want from me
By what I'm expected to be
My body is not yours to take
It's mine to give
It's my choice to make
So don't **** me when I turn away
And say "not now" I mean never again.
My body is a gift to give
Receive it as such
And bless it with grace
A temple of truth
A body of trust
To use it against me is far too much.
Candy Noire Jul 2015
Don't come too close
I smolder without flame
Until you place your lips on mine
Set my world on fire; set me ablaze.
I warn you I may burn you
Not out of spite
But out of fear
Protect myself from the coal in our hearts
Together we may burn down anything that's near.
In early morning I cool down
From inferno to dimly lit flame
A flickering ember in the fireplace
A glow of warmth in the arms of you.
  Jun 2015 Candy Noire
Catherine H
I move through time like a ghost.
You move through me like a house.
You want me to make you my home.
I wasn't made to own anyone.
Can you see past what I have made this skin into?
I'm not any prettier on the inside.
I am smoke.
I am coal.
I am what settles after a natural disaster.
And still, I grow.
I grow.
I grow.
Into nothing at all.
What will I become?
There is a garden in your lungs.
You breathe violets onto me.
You make me dream the way a blind man might-
no colors,
only sounds;
just words shaking apart in my chest.
I could be so lovely for you,
if only I was made another way.
I could follow you into the void.
I could follow you into oblivion.
Can you take me to the place angels go?
Can you make me feel the way the sky does when the moon is fresh and small?
paint me pretty,
and strong,
and whole.
I am not a graveyard.
Will you make a monument of me?
You make me feel bright blue,
like irises moving in the wind;
so ready to fall apart.
I have put down roots in this shining countryside,
and I am clutching at dirt,
and grass,
and moving things,
and I am trying not to drift away.
I think this summer wants to take me.
Do you still weep for me?
The rain seems to stay away.
I have counted twenty-six clouds in the sky.
They have taken the shape of your hands on my skin.
I am shaking-
My bones fall into one another.
I never ate my greens.
You used to ask me questions about the skin above my ankles.
Do you still think of me?
This summer wants to take me.
When we were sixteen I burned you with the brightly glowing cherry of a cigarette.
You kissed me like water,
like glass,
like breathing.
Can you take me to the place behind the sky?
I want to be a mountain.
I want to grow and grow.
The river used to speak to me.
It said, "Collapse."
It said, "It will only hurt a little."
But I am just a stone.
I still feel like I'm falling.
I was born in July.
Somewhere, people wept.
I came out of my mother kicking and screaming.
I took pieces of her with me.
I think she should have named me
or Chaos,
or Cancer.
Would you have loved me then?
I was not made a good thing.
My eyes are windows,
my mouth a door,
and my heart?
It is but dust.
But ash.
But embers hot on skin.
I burn. I burn. I burn.
I cannot belong to you,
or anyone.
The smell that follows lightening?
That is what I am.
I fade into black.
I fade into nothing.
This is the thing I want to be:
I want to speak to God.
I want to give him back this anguish-
eighteen years worth.
Would he take this ******, beating thing?
I will ask him this:
Why are we so permanent?
The stuff we are made of-
its sticks to things;
to fingers and minds and memories.
You build me again in your head.
Let me be forgotten.
Let me be-
Let me be-
Let me be light.
Candy Noire Jun 2015
I'm naked in your sight
You look at me as if you see through me
See through all my mistakes
Exposing everything I've left behind
Look in my eyes and read my mind
I'm uncovered in your gaze
You tear off my mask, destroy my cage
Trace all my steps and walk through them
Viewing me for what I am.
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