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 May 2015 burning bright
I hope to drown in your thoughts and sink to your heart.
 May 2015 burning bright
A Watoot
Facing and dealing
with reality
head on
make you stronger.
I've had enough ******* getting through life.  But it's what makes me stronger. BRING IT ON!
 May 2015 burning bright
It's not okay,
to touch a woman without her consent.
to degrade her.
to think you own her.
to trying to posses her.
to forcing her.
to hurting her.
to break her.
to make her think she's worthless.
to try and **** herself esteem.
to wreck havoc in her heart.

**Its. not. okay
 Apr 2015 burning bright
I keep trying to find
the right words to say;
but my throat has gone dry
my voice has gone weak
*and you never loved me anyway
My soul keeps crying out to you
but you choose to let me bleed.
There's just something* about the way the light shines off *your eyes like emeralds in their purest form just dug out from the ground.

There's just something in the way the words flow off your tongue like the wide array of colors that flowed off of Picasso's brush onto his canvas.

There's just something about the slow and steady movements you make in life, like it's a game of chess but you're the knight,  I'm the Queen and you're always a dozen moves ahead.

There's just something in your smile that radiates laughter, hope and joy like it's the sun and if we all didn't see it at least once a day, we might just **wither away.
 Apr 2015 burning bright
I will tell you when you're wrong.
I have no problem calling you out on your mistakes
because we both know you're better than that.

I will tell you when I'm wrong as well.
I can put away my pride and admit defeat
because there are things that matter more to me.

I will tell you my thoughts.
I can share all my ideas on the secrets of the universe
because I know you're the only one who understands them.

I will tell you my dreams.
I want you to know every little thing that makes my heart race
in hopes that maybe I'll find

it makes your race as well.

I will tell you of my past.
I will take you by the hand and show you every corner
just so you can hold me when the memories become

too much to bear.

I will tell you my fears.
I will whisper of them all night as we drink our wine
and I will shake at each syllable, but I won't stop.

I will tell you my secrets.
I have so many thoughts inside this wounded mind
that I can't always conjure into words -

but I'll try my best to share them with you,
if you want me to.

I will tell you anything you wish to know
but darling, you must understand -
there are three little words
that I just
tell you.
Because you will have to read between the lines of all of my stories
and find them by yourself.
i should have held you just a little bit closer.*
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