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 May 2016 Buabeng
My Wants
 May 2016 Buabeng
Next time, I want to be loved for all of me
Not just lashes and lips
No, not my ears and eyes that so seamlessly
breathe new meaning to life

No, no I want to be loved for the crusts of me
The thick and thin of me
(Baby there ain't no thin of me)
Just ripely thick honest sweetly raw delight.

Which is precisely how I want to be loved
Through thick and thin
Bring strength and nourishment,
Challenge both body and mind with thought and compassion

Night and day, day and night,
Light and dark,
Good and works in progress...

Will not be told "too much you ask for"
No, that jus means I too much Woman for you.
Get back at me when you can relate
I'm out.
 May 2016 Buabeng
The Purge
 May 2016 Buabeng
The truth you tried to hide from me
Had to hear from my heart that cried to me
Neither of us thought I, good enuf
And my heart would not face, your face
To hear as much.

The truth I could not hide from you
Felt like I had lied to me
Not much less you
For far too many a sun rise.

That I could want any less than all of you
What other reason do I need to ask to be with you
Put simply, I crave the smell of you,
Or how painless life is when I'm with you?

And so I pour all that passion, cardimom and care for you and our union
Into the arms of another
Who will inevitably get crushed under the weight of such power and clutter.
To early seen unknown and known too late,
Was meant for no purpose but you.
 May 2016 Buabeng
Not Woman, I die
If you don't see me I gone.

You don't feel me,
Between your arms
Between my legs.
You could never sing me
Your no woman, no cry.

Without tongue, without touch
How is a Woman to know she is wanted?
Without tongue, without touch
A Good Woman continues the dance
Enjoying the curves and crevices She possesses.

Without tongue but with cheek.
No Woman, no cry.
 May 2016 Buabeng
 May 2016 Buabeng
Nah, just koz that is who SHE be
Does not mean SHE get to treat ME
However the **** SHE want

Nah, that's just not ME, Bee
I heard somewhere I was free, see
Not just YOU that gets to breathe ease-y

'Less pigment based privilege
Affords you your discourse...
 May 2016 Buabeng
What I am
 May 2016 Buabeng
I am, what I am,
You say what you say,
But I am what I am.

And I'll do what I do,
Koz I am, what I am
I will not be, no fool, for you.
 May 2015 Buabeng
Leelan Farhan
Don’t fall for a poet.
She will build up walls.
She will do anything to stop you
From crawling into her heart
And making a nest,
Making yourself at home.
She will barricade her mind.
You will only be able to read the trickles
That she so wisely chooses.
Don’t fall for a poet because
If she does decide to let you in
She’ll be careful to lock the doors
And sleep with a knife under her pillow
Every night she will wake up in cold sweat
And scribble down words that voice her regrets
Don’t fall for a poet
Because when you wreck the home
You made in her heart
And leave without a word
She will build up walls of iron this time
Don’t fall for a poet
Because her words will haunt you
Don’t fall for a poet
Unless you want to be her muse
Want to feel what it’s like
To be eloquently,

 Apr 2015 Buabeng
Deneka Raquel
Glass hearts can only break after falling...
And they know that, but they fall anyway,
Counting the time between gravity and the earth so that they could make every second of their wholeness count.
They've lived lifetimes in that space,
Not succumbing to the laws of physics because science didn't teach you how to love when all hope was lost.
It was instinct.
It was soul.
It was whatever existed beyond shape..
Beyond form,
Beyond glass shells that could undoubtedly be put back together.
Changing shape forever.
Missing pieces forever.
Imperfect forever and ever.
 Mar 2015 Buabeng
Words are deceiving,
My having dem does not negate my feeling dem.
To find em and feel em, den breathe life into dem
Takes courage, Suh

So why bwoy you na link me na more?

It wasn’t easy for me to ask you to let me know when you’re out
You laughed and drew me a diagram of the particular ways you wanted in.
My words were not foreplay Stranger.
I reinforced the sentiment - for your future reference and got back to work.

So, how did I end up here?
Feelings weren’t caught
But respect was lost
So the only words I have left for you are:
“Whiskey, straight up - no twist.”
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