When the light goes out at night, what do you see? Most people see darkness, black shades or shadows of objects in the room.
I see fear. I see what can go bump in the night, the things that leave your hair up on end and your goose bumps on your body.
I see what could grab you and torture you till suns first light. I see the future of one hundred possibilities come to life in a matter of minutes.
Yes you could say I sleep with the light on, it eases my senses. I sleep with a fan on to **** any sound rumbling outside my door. I do grip my pillow tight and have slept with on eye open as a child.
These nightmares dont just happen at night, I see them without closing my eyes. I see them as I drive down the road in daylight. I see them out with friends and movie theaters.
I must ignore the sight to get through my day, such like the hulk is always mad but learns when to turn, I am always scared and seeing the darkness but know when to block it and see reality.
Soon my mind will eat me alive, golfed in a world of fear and torture. As my fingers twitch and legs shake, the madness will paint brush strokes on paper and please other people in their own fantasy land, while i write it will be a cry for help....