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 Feb 2015 ALYA
Joseph Schneider
If you blame the imperfect aspects
of your life on someone else,
change will not follow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
How can we change something about our life if what we wish to change we blame on something out of our control?
 Feb 2015 ALYA
bcg poetry
Convince him to get a new hair cut and when he does, notice the way it doesn't frame his face the way it used to and how his shaved head reminds you of your cousin who, as your mom said, enlisted too young. Listen to him, really listen to him when he talks and watch the way his mouth automatically turns to a smile after every single sentence he utters. Make note of every time he laughs at his own joke. When he tosses you a compliment picture his last person and how they must have felt when he tossed the same line to them. As you're lying in bed try to recall the time before he called you his and consider how long you wanted him. Remember the way you memorized his drink orders and the sweater he always wore on Tuesday. Realize that you stopped memorizing him the day he confessed to memorizing you. Bring him to social gatherings and become annoyed with the way he clings to you. Catch him staring at you at least three times in one day and when the day is over compare that number to the zero amount of times you found yourself gazing his way. His voice will come to annoy you and it is important that instead of shutting it out, you let it in. Eventually this annoyance will turn into hatred so you have to let every word sink in. Don't listen to your friends tell you how nice he is and ignore the voice in your head telling you that you have to be happy because he treats you right, unlike the last one. Let it finally hit you that you no longer like him, when you find yourself at 2am crying, in a dark room illuminated only by the light of a computer screen displaying the last picture you have of the man you actually love.
 Feb 2015 ALYA
 Feb 2015 ALYA

How many times we starved ourselves
dreaming something that we can’t have…

How many times we deprived ourselves
from wanting the life we wanted the most
just because we lack something or
having the practical mind that it is not for us…

Sometimes we starved ourselves to limit our flight.
Bound by rules, responsibilities, duties,
or even culture, tradition and religion…
Despite all that, we balance everything
for what’s right, what feels right
The Weighing of the Heart ---

loosely inspired by a poem of a dear friend of mine (Belle), somehow this is a reflection on my part.

inspired by her two poems namely: The Weighing of the Heart & Starvation.

probably I'll delete this later on, it hurts sometimes to reflect the moments I passed on and just starve myself on some aspects of my life. I don't regret it, its just that sometimes you can't help to wonder why i've done that, even though you know yourself the reason why...

due to all your support my friends, I decided to kept this here for awhile longer... thanks all for reading
 Feb 2015 ALYA
Marisa Lu Makil
I'm sorry I'm too ugly
I'm sorry I'm too pretty
I'm sorry I'm too fat
I'm sorry I'm too thin
I'm sorry I'm smelly
I'm sorry I wear too much perfume
I'm sorry I am poor
I'm sorry I have more spending money than you
I'm sorry you have to look at me daily
I'm sorry I don't call enough
I'm sorry I'm too aggressive
I'm sorry I back down too easily
I'm sorry I'm too smart
I'm sorry I'm too stupid
I'm sorry I'm too quiet
I'm sorry I'm too loud
I'm sorry I'm too lazy
I'm sorry I'm too fidgety
I'm sorry I'm too flirtatious
I'm sorry I'm too boring
I'm sorry I'm overemotional
I'm sorry I don't talk enough
But that's the way I was made, so deal with it.
Sorry, I'm not sorry.
Stop living your life like you're in some kind of a movie.  
Stop trying to cast your true love instead of just meeting them.
Love isn't always a lightning bolt, maybe sometimes it's just a choice.
Maybe true love is a decision.
A decision to take a chance with somebody.  
To give to somebody without worrying whether they'll give anything back or if they're going to hurt you or if they really are the one.
Maybe love isn't something that happens to you, maybe it's something you have to choose.

**True love is a process, not an event.
This is a paraphrased monologue by Britney Murpheys character "Jacks" in the movie Love and Other Disasters.  I'm trying to give credit where is due, it's not quoted because it's not all exactly as it was said but for the most part its lines from the movie. Hope you like it, I thought it was quite inspiring.
 Feb 2015 ALYA
 Feb 2015 ALYA
His lips are clean
Of coffee breath
And cigarettes

His hands are clean
From holding hands
And one night stands.

His shoes are clean
Of ***** stains
From liquor chains.

Yet his tongue,
Indulged in lies
Promises turned into goodbyes.

His mind is a clutter
His lips have uttered
Names of girls who do not matter.
AB //STAIN// ED. Get it? No matter how clean the boy in the poem may appear to be, he still has something that stains him. I don't know. It's 12;30AM, I need sleep.
 Feb 2015 ALYA
~~~~~^♥^[hugs n kisses]

O how can I express
My gratitude and happiness?
O how can I convey
My feelings for you all today?

O what can I do
To make your support up to you?
What amazing words
Of greatest praise... do I deserve?

I feel so *very
My heart swells in my chest
I have no longer doubt...

Hello Poetry is GREAT!!!*

With sincere and humble *thanks
For your tremendous support...

Catherine Jarvis
This was written after
BOOKS VS MEN became a Daily Poem
a few months back.
It still applies! Thanks for all your
continued support!

I was off site for a few days due
to workload regarding my parents.
Come to find when I returned that
I had Poem of the DAY !!!!

MY FIRST ONE!!!! Thanls SO MUCH!!!

I want to ask a favor. Please repost
this poem... I want people to read
why I haven't gotten back to them.
I will do my best to read the poetry
of all you wonderful writers and
Respond to messages...


 Feb 2015 ALYA
He Said...
 Feb 2015 ALYA
**Crushes or
•••don't last
••••this long.
•They're never
••this intense
this strong.
••I am in
••all day
and all night.
•••••moments of
••••••triumph and
•deepest, darkest fright.
•••I see you in all there is,
•••••I see you in everything.
••••••••Living in the present
••••but for the future I'm hoping
•••You calm and get me all riled up
••••••••••••••••at the same time.
••••••••••••You exist in metaphors,
••••••••••••••••••broken sentences
•••••••••••••and time worn rhymes.
•••••••••••••••••You give me life
••••••••••••••and take my breath
•••••••••••away altogether.
•••••••••You hold the key
to my erratic emotional lever.
•••••••••••You fill me full
••••••••••but empty me out
••••You make me want to be
•••••••••••someone else
••••••••as well as being me.
••••••Paradoxes of the heart
•••they can never be quelled.
••••When hopes and odds
••try to be one and meld.
•••••This is how I know
••••••••that this is real.
•••••••••••••I'm truly,
•••••••••madly, deeply
••••••in love with you
•and it's all that I feel.
Stay tuned for "She Said..."

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