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 Nov 2017 Anyuri
Achieve what you can while you still
have flesh. So when the time,
of death comes, your
bones will sing
songs of
You only live once. Do all you can while you still have breath.
 Nov 2017 Anyuri
Delete Me
 Nov 2017 Anyuri
If you move on with someone else can I ask you of one small favour?

Delete me from your memory.

Delete me from your mind.

Delete my touch

Delete my laugh

Delete the taste of my lips

Delete the smell of my shampoo

Delete the tones of my voice and all my ****** expressions you've memorized.

Delete all my hopes and dreams.

I bared my soul to you. I need it back.. You moved on so I have some way... Somehow.. Do the impossible and.. move on.. So please. Don't let me hurt anymore. Delete me.
 Nov 2017 Anyuri
Star BG
 Nov 2017 Anyuri
Star BG
Rowing in my dreams
through wavelets
caught by wind
time stops.

Inner guidance
and compass of heart
becomes steering mechanism,
as visions surface capturing
a landscape of magician beauty.

Strands of dream segments
multiply as if a
beaded pearls to be collected.
  as I move gracefully
through tunnel of dreams.

And as I place necklace on
I promise myself I will recall
Each beads significance.

Sun touches window
Necklace gone
Suddenly I awake
trying to remember my dreams
to no avail.
Inspired by Yue **** Yidhna
 Aug 2016 Anyuri
 Aug 2016 Anyuri
I am chaos in its most beautiful form.
I have a blizzard storming through my brain,
And a fire in my heart.
My thoughts and desires alone sometimes tear me apart.
For they clash, collide, and conflict with each other,
Leaving me confused on which way to go.
An old one that I was unsure about posting. Its what inspired my username.
 Jun 2015 Anyuri
Nicole Dawn
I believe that,
Human wisdom
Can be summed up in one phrase:
"Full moon"
You can never see the moon "in full,"
Only half of it.
It's like,
When someone says,
"You have my full trust and devotion."
But that's only true,
Until someone better than you
Comes along to,
Give their "full" trust and devotion to.
And anyway,
The moon is never "full"
Very long either.
When so much light around
but you say the dark
I could not understand
my top layer

When I was in the womb
Then, and not
But there was light
Then when I saw your universe that you have made
everything was there

My playing companions
The Sun
The Moon
My beloved,
And that delighted
Night's north star was
on her forehead  
Where all of my senses have
grown up

Then at one sudden night of the new moon
I saw a thick overlay on the sky,
between you and me
The North Star has disappeared

I think that you were true
In the dark I find my known world
One by one,
Trying out through the thick layer

It seems to cover the end
As light yellow yolk
See a light-colored tint
which awakens my sixth sense again

A shadowy obsession
Which has yet to create an illusion
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Apr 2015 Anyuri
 Apr 2015 Anyuri
Who are you?
Who are they?
What is important is who am I?

Love, hate, happy, sad, good, and evil
You search for these things
Where are they?

You ask other people
What is love? What is hate? Am I happy? Am I sad?

How can I find these… these things?
How can I find them?
So you ponder, you unearth any clues
You explore…
Still no answers

Exhausted, you lay back on the comforting petals of the earth
You let the fragrance caress your skin
The billowing clouds lull your eyes closed
Silence is upon you

What was once a million pieces is now a complete puzzle

There are no more questions
Only answers
Inside yourself was the only place you needed to look,
However, the one place you did not

Who are you?
Who are they?
Who am I?

All that is within is all that you need
Do I love you?
I can't tell you
Am I happy
I don't know

Will I stay with you forever?
That's a long time
I don't know

I'm the king of keeping secrets
I'm the best since time began
I'm lost here, and I'm searching
I am me, but, a new man

Love me for the man I am
Don't love the man I was
I don't know what that man was like
I don't know the man you lost
Love me as I am now
I won't remember anyway
Don't love the man I was before
Love the man I am today

I smile and remember
Thoughts and visions
mostly blurred
Words and place
not remembered
Memories shaken
but not stirred

I'm still here in this body
Don't know exactly who I am
Was I good when I did know me
Or am I better as I am

Don't tell me to remember
My memories are dust
What once was steel and solid
Has quickly died and turned to rust

I can't love you as I once did
Tomorrow I won't know your name
You may love me now, forever
But, do you love me quite the same

I'm the king of keeping secrets
I'm the one that you can tell
Nothing in here is remembered
In this empty, aging shell
inspired by Glen Campbell and his battle with Alzheimers
I see the flowers are blooming again
Bees are humming around
Beauty is now no more hidden
Nature plays its role silently

I touch, touch and feel again
I touch, touch the time
That fills my heart again

Butterflies are rounding me
Grasshoppers are playing through the garden
As if my memories play with my springtime

I touch, touch and feel again
I touch, touch the time
That fills my heart again

There is no pain no sorrow
As if I am playing with my pal
When I was a boy and mother
Waiting for me at the end of the tract

I touch, touch and feel again
I touch, touch the time
That fills my heart again
In A Spring Garden

— The End —