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allie May 2017
i'M dEfEaTeD
i GIvE up
i gIVE uP, oKaY?
i give up

i'll be obedient
i'll be a good girl
i'll be your star
and you can stick me onto a podium
i'll tell them about my troubles
and then say it's all okay now.

i give up.

i thought you were different, that's all.
i thought you were different

i give up.

i don't want to be obedient
i don't want to be a good girl
i don't want to be your star

go ahead, scream.
i'll say,
"i'm sorry... i'll never do it again."
then i'll go ahead and go do it again.
you will threaten me.
take things away.
i can't hang out with friends anymore
i can't have my computer anymore

you'll take something away
that is so precious
so dear to me
and i'll strike back
or leave
from anger to rebellious thoughts to hope. i think that's how it goes, but i'm still in the rebellious part.
  May 2017 allie
George Anthony
she asked me what the ocean felt like,
and i talked about elegant waves,
crystal clear water and
holding star fish
in the palms of my hands

if she asked me again, i think
i would've talked about
the disappointment
that comes from being surrounded by water
but never drowning

the suicidal swimmer longs
for his lungs to soak up the ocean
allie May 2017
your touch
makes sparks
and throws away my conclusion.
i can't help loving you
because you are blood.
i can't help hating you
because of your actions.

your embrace
makes me want to
and dance
then roll around in

but i can't,
now can i.
your **** love
is making me pay
and forcing me to break
the remaining shatters of my life.

. . .

i know i said i'm not thinking about it.
but how can i not?
it's so appealing.
everything gone in an instant.
so easy.
so simple.
the glass that sticks into my palms disappears,
along with the bruises.
the cuts.
the scars.
i just wish that

**someone would listen.
i wrote this late at night, when my darkest thoughts come out.
allie May 2017
don't trust them.
they'll put a hammer in your heart
and refuse you from feeling.
they'll put duct tape over your lips
so and restrict you from speaking.

don't trust them.
they'll put your feelings in a blender
with gravel and ice.
they'll constantly break you
then put you back together.

don't trust them.
they can hit
and leave cuts.
they can burn
and leave scars.

don't trust them.
and you'll end off better than me.
don't trust them.
In a life of blackness
within the darkness swirling around
I ponder
deep into the darkest night
wishing, wondering, waiting
for something to happen
but not here,
not in this charcoal dust filled room
clogging my throat and my nose
I can barely breathe
but the black dust dances,
creating a story of the demons
and devils that fill my soul
The blackness thick around me
like a cloud
but I die
knowing that I was right
I died within the blackness of the demons that haunt my soul
I died with the devil inside of me
And with me inside the devil.
Just thoughts...
allie May 2017
mixing and matching
swirling and you stop
leaving me alone
  May 2017 allie
Basil lee
When we are close
The ground lights on fire
When we are far
The ground covers in ice
If you are too far
I freeze
if you are too close
I burn
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