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Amelia Pearl Oct 2015
You're like the moon.
Some nights you show your full beauty.
Just being present for everyone to appreciate and see.

Some nights you get anxious,
You hide a bit of yourself from the world.
Worried that people are tired of you.

And some nights you don't show yourself at all.
You stay in darkness, weeping.
Feeling better if you were just a secret.
Amelia Pearl Oct 2015
Its been years since we've met.
Years since we last said hello.
Years since I fell in love with you.

It's been years since we both left school.
Where we both were reckless teenagers.
Years since we left marks on our wrists.
I've stopped, I wonder if you ever will.

All these years, do you still remember me?
As your dog?
As your monster?
As your temporary lover?

I still remember you.
I remember you very clearly.
Because all these years,
I've never stopped loving you.
For the future
Amelia Pearl Oct 2015
I want to stop thinking for you.
I want to stop thinking for other people.
I badly want to stop thinking for myself.

What good does it make to sit and think?
It drowns me.
It makes me feel like I don't have a companion.

Do I?
Do I have anyone?
Does anyone love me?
Does my mother love me?
Is it possible that I may be a mistake?
Unplanned and unpleasant?

Is it possible that I make things wrong?
Who needs a person like me.
Who wants to be friends with me.
Who wants to make me their own for the rest of their lives.

Anyone would rather die than raise me.
I want to stop.
I want it all to stop.
I want my clock to stop ticking.
I want my mind to stop thinking.
I want my heart to stop beating.

I just want Everything that I have in me.. To stop.
Amelia Pearl Oct 2015
All I want is to be someone.
I dare not to say that I wasn't anyone.
But somehow I change into another.
Every year, every month.
All very different souls.

Sometimes I'm her.
Sometimes I'm that girl.
Sometimes I'm this.
I'm sick of changing.

I just want to be someone.
I want to be what I want to be.
No more change.
I want to be me.
Amelia Pearl Sep 2015
Oh how my sorrows torture me.
Quiet room and dim light.
The silence does not comfort me.
Not in the way that I want it to be.

Where is the door that leads outside?
To fresh air and freedom.
To where risks are hid and excitement lives.

How I wish to go outside.
Inside I feel, It's such a bore.
Hurt and adrenaline does not belong here.

They belong out there.
To hurt and ****,
Save the hearts of the confused,
The unorganized minds,
And the bodies of those who thirsts
for the blood of their own.

I just want to go outside.
Where I know the are many crevices to hide in.
My fingers will be *****,
My mind will be empty,
My heart will finally feel content.
I just want to be free from worry.
I really want to go outside
  Sep 2015 Amelia Pearl
Mike Hauser
Hello innocence my old friend
It's hard to say how long it's been
Since you and I held tender hands
I still often wonder where you went

Was it you or was it me
That dove head first into the worldly sea
Or caught the whisper on the breeze
Is that why you felt the need to leave

Was it the way I treated you
Would I go back if this I knew
Trade it all out for the truth
Life's not been the same since I lost you
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