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 Sep 2015 Alejandro
It's been a trip that you got me through,
You think you left me there,
But I'm right here with you,

You're the dark night that the poets adore,
But I'm the flashlight,
You'll need me when you're here all alone,

You know when you're caught up in your nightmare,
I'll be here by your side,
I'll look after you, you don't have to care,

I see a deep black sea in your eyes,
You've always been that way,
But I'm all ready to sacrifice
For the ones you truly love.
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
Your kiss,
That I always miss.
Your taste,
That I cannot waste.

A Place ...
To where we first kissed.
Oh love! How I missed,
Your sweet strawberry taste.
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
 Sep 2015 Alejandro
I gave my childhood
to pain.
I gave years to something
that did not deserve it.
I gave my happiness to it
to instead of giving
it to myself.
I’ve been buying time on a
maxed out credit card.
My body is scarred
from trying to pay down the debit.
 Jun 2015 Alejandro
Nathan Pival
What you're asking me now
Is to go and forget
Act like it didn't happen

Don't be hurt
Don't be sad
Don't be heartbroken
Don't be mad

We tried but it didn't work
I can forgive
But wanting me to forget
Makes me ask

Walk out of my life
Without a second glance
From the beginning
Was there ever really a chance?

You toyed with my heart
I was an experiment
It wasn't love for you
I was just convenience
 Jun 2015 Alejandro
Dirt Witch
Your hands are ink
Staining all that you touch with your singular finger print
We all get lost.
I get lost,
In it's ridges and complexities
Perpetually held in wondrous confusion
You are black coffee
Pumping into all of my veins,
Like a rush of oxygen to my blood
You are my siren
Luring me to the edge
I see the parts of me you tore apart glistening just below,
But I can't resist
All of your music
Makes my memories of pain
Nothing more than a light breeze
Barely rustling strands of hair
You are a white sun I can't help but stare at
Even as I go blind
While I am a candle
Dull and lifeless
In the presence of your intensity
You are an unruly sea
Your magnitude uneffected
By my timid presence
I love you for all the reasons you hurt me.
 Jun 2015 Alejandro
Day Wing
When happiness and smiles you have within grasp
They’ll charge in with swords of pain and sadness
Raise your shield with a tighter clasp
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

As achievements and great success chimes
They’ll attempt to feed it with arrogance and pride
Keep watch and be aware at all times
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

While innocence and upright honesty comforts
They’ll rebel on with lies and sly deceits
Restrict them from ever passing forth
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

Among the midst of compassion and pure love
They’ll counter with anger and ugly hatred
Fend them off with all the might you have
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

They will be close your whole life
They will force themselves in
Do not let them win
Be strong, be strong against your demons!
May 'they' be something, someone, or even yourself.
Be strong my friend! Be Strong!
 Jun 2015 Alejandro
Jon Shierling
How to explain what it feels like,
when your soul is crumbling within,
to watch your possible futures meet eachother during the same night, and know that in order to survive,
you must leave one behind.
 Jun 2015 Alejandro
I believe in myself
More than luck could delude me
More than fate and destiny could play me
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