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When you grow used to my body
will you crave another?
Will your eyes no longer find awe
if I slowly undress
in the curve of my waist,
and will your caress
of my smooth skin
no longer be an instinct
but instead perfunctory
Will the endless nights of passion
be replaced with snores
as your mind
and your body bores
of what is always there
Or will our love run deep,
enough to keep
The interest, the care
With new layers of desire
Mutual understanding
The moulding
of a connection and a strength
that runs in us, and round us and through us
so that no matter what comes our way
no other could evoke
a need to stray.
Here rests a future
Untouched and eager
for light
Wanting to exude its aromas
of which I neither looked
nor cared.

She handed me the match
fresh, burning bright,
a new sense in my familiar room.

Baffling confusion
overtook as I blew her match
so stubborn
to extinguish
in a faint stream of
smoke still thinning.

Was I
the stubborn?

Subsequent darkness
Once a sweet home
Now a paralyzing loneliness.

Match burnt, candle gone
future still…

Will another offer to
light my dark corners
--myself willing,
with a newfound scent?

A day may come
to end my night,
but I only care to see
the one I once hid from.
A howl is heard
in the dead of night
a shadow seen
on the hill
between the trees
a pair of golden eyes
strikes fear into the hearts
of those who trespass
in his territory.
this beast is
the beautiful wolf
This is my first poem here.
Today I saw a kid
and watched as somebody killed him
I never thought twice
I went to bed that night

today I saw a bully
and watched as he worked
I had no choice
I never thought twice
I went out with my friends that night

Today I was alone
I don't know why
and I never thought twice
I went home and cried

Today I saw  razor blade
and commented on how nice it looked
it said 'why thankyou can I take away your hurt?'
I never asked why
I don't want to cry
all those times I watched and did nothing
I never thought I would want to take my life
but now as I breath my last I see you walk away
yes you watched on...and did nothing
will this nothing turn into something.

You might not know me but, I promise.
I know you.

You are kind but not afraid to be shaken.

You have words that need to be spoken.

You are the universe in motion,
a potion.

Concocted by the mighty hand Himself.
You are here to reveal yourself.

and find self...
all at the same time.

So, hello.

I couldn't tell you my name. even if I wanted.

And, you don't have to tell me yours...

Cause, I'm sure you don't know either.
But that is why I am here.

Saying these words.
These very rhymes. Because I know you.

I am just a reflection.

Would you mind...
holding up a mirror.

So I can know me too.
An intro to my work. To whoever reads and likes, doesn't like. I appreciate the view either or.
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