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  Jul 2015 Airisgone
People who fight
their battles alone
either lose the battle
or lose themselves.
Airisgone Jul 2015
I love you
I love you
With all of my heart
and soul

I'm a very stupid person
Yet you stay with me
You show me your love
In the most simplest of ways

You are my world
You are my life
You grant me peace
In this crazy world

And if I could wish
for one thing
A selfish request
That only you can grant

If I fell into a deep sleep
And when I wake up

I'd love your kind embrace
With the words
"Welcome home."
For my number 1
Airisgone Jul 2015
Have you ever felt trapped?
It doesn't need to be literal
That dark suffocating feeling
Like you're being dragged down

You struggle everyday
You cry every night
And it feels like
People are pulling you down even more

Will you give me a chance?
Will you listen to a stranger's advice?
I may not love you
but I know you're amazing

Eventually you'll understand
Giving up now,
Is a waste of time
So, live another day, please?

Should we continue playing?
The game of life
Where the challenge is to survive another day
Until you reach the goal

The goal,
Having a satisfied you
If I'm not giving up on you
Then, you can't give up on yourself
Airisgone Jul 2015
Love like a child
Love like an innocent flower
With my simple words
Will you listen?

Cliche compliments that I want to say
but I won't
because you won't believe me
Why should I waste my breath?

Like an old friend
I won't betray you so easily
I can't promise forever
So, I'll promise you today

I'll love you more than yesterday
So, will you smile for me?
Airisgone Jul 2015
If I were to die
Later, tomorrow, or now
Would anyone care?
Will my death affect the world?

I know it will
Though I may be hated at home

I know
There is someone out there
Who's willing to hear me out

I can't give up yet
Because I'd rather be miserable
Than, make the person who loves me miserable
I can still live another day
I know you can do it
Don't give up yet.
  Jul 2015 Airisgone
Amitav Radiance
Strong winds may uproot you
Unsettle your stoic resignation
You will be shaken and stirred
Lot of ponderings and doubts
In the middle of nowhere
When gravity does not give hope
Become a fearless traveler
Encounter the strong winds
No matter where you settle
Continue to spread your roots, deeper
Your soul is still with you
Nothing can stop you from reliving
Every unsettling episode
Will teach you to be more resilient
Airisgone Jul 2015
If love is what surrounds us
Be it true or false
Be a good liar
Lest I find out
And take my life
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