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  Jul 2015 Airisgone
Nicole Dawn
Why is it
That the biggest hearts
Are emptied the fastest?

And the brightest souls
Are blackened
The quickest?
  Jun 2015 Airisgone
I say,
"Their words
will not
hurt me."
But at
night I
put my
head on
a wet
  Jun 2015 Airisgone
What if I woke up to find myself of a completely different identity
of a completely different world
where my talents are acknowledged
and I'm not exactly obsolete?

For once, I would be content.
I wish.
what a farce  - 25th September 2012
You wouldn't understand. It's not because I have an undeveloped mind nor have I a childlike mind. It may seem worthless to you but they're the best things in my life. I see myself in them. And I learn from them. They make me happier than a person could or other things may.

— The End —