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 Jul 2015 ahmo
Some use their brain like a muscle
those are the ones to avoid, if possible

and how many Bees have lived and died
while you enjoyed the fruit of their labour.

Blood drunk maniacs are thirsty
and another war is right up their street.
 Jul 2015 ahmo
sanch kay
the fall.
 Jul 2015 ahmo
sanch kay
the view from the top is marvellous.
such a shame it would be,
to *fall.
I sense a change.
 Jul 2015 ahmo
sanch kay
maybe the fact that you know
(the truth)
is the reason you're staying away -
(please come back).
 Jul 2015 ahmo
sanch kay
 Jul 2015 ahmo
sanch kay
freedom, you wild thing
coursing through my bleeding veins
*pulling things apart.
what if the only people we can be truth with are our own lonely selves?
 Jul 2015 ahmo
"She's delicate, more than you perceive;
But her dynamism- so strong,
Though tender she might appear to be,
But for her man, she's his rock!
So warm is the soul she embodies,
That can light up a million lives.
Her thoughts are difficult to read,
A blend of feelings thrives!
She may quietly watch the happenings,
and might talk to her own self all day.
She may speak a hundred words to you,
But the ocean that flows within her, there it stays.
You'll love her for her warmth,
But the depth of affection- you have no clue;
Her profoundness reaches infinities.
She's a woman you'll never know, you never knew!"

-Elina Dawoodani
 Jul 2015 ahmo
 Jul 2015 ahmo
I'm always the odd one
Everyone enjoying the fun
I'm alone with my mind lost,
I'm gonna always be the last
Everyone has that one friend
Who they can fully depend
But I'm just a **** loner
Trying to get closer
But as I grew older
I gave up and said this is over.
When you meet certain people whom,
You just,
Click with be careful because,
Nothing lasts forever and soon clicking,
Will turn into breaking and,
The same people will go straight after,
Your heart.

Dedicated to the girl who has a red bedroom.
 Jul 2015 ahmo
Annalise Berkeley
as if the world could collapse with one disapproving
syllable spoken from your mouth,
as if the reason you hardly sleep at all is because the sun
and moon got in an argument over who gets to spend their hours with
you and decided to compromise,
as if the rain falls simply because you look so lovely with
an umbrella in your hands and I secretly forget mine
on purpose because I want to stand under yours with
 Jul 2015 ahmo
 Jul 2015 ahmo
So you come and casually tell me that you might leave,
that foreign places are waiting for you far away from me.
But you go mad because I ecourage you to go,
you say I don't love you enough.
But who am I to stop you?
Who am I to crash your dreams?
I fell in love with you while you were free,
because you fly wild and high,
I wouldn't dare to keep you in a cage,
I wouldn't dare to cloud your happiness with mine.
And you still ask if I love you?
RM. Our story, he left six months, he came back and I left, now he might leave again.
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