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 May 2015 addy henderson
Vinay Kr
Never before did I stop and think,
Never before did I wonder.
As I sat down one summer evening and sipped my drink,
I began to see what an illusion I am under!

They went past my mind so swiftly,
All the lies I had been told.
That I needed to get somewhere quickly,
Or I may regret when I am too old.

I saw these patterns of induced fear,
The automated lives we live, the lessons on what to see.
We are told whom to hate and who is dear,
For once the society will never let us just be.

It is against their profit and against their deception,
If we realize what they have induced is all just a lie.
With vision renewed and an altered perception,
We would break past this cage of illusion and simply fly.

With a new gift of a child's innocence,
And the raw awareness of the wise.
I saw for the first time, divine essence,
Free from conditioning, free from societal devise.

I looked at the endless blue sky,
So infinite, so vast.
This flight, no money could buy.
The universe was so still, yet changing so fast.
I tasted the bliss and freedom of transcendence,
Of breaking free from mundane existence.

They always told me happiness is something I should strongly pursue,
That's just society's way of getting work out of you.
The truth is that there is nothing to do,
Nowhere to go and nothing is due.

Life is just one majestic chaos,
You are nobody's slave, nobody is your boss,
Come with me and be a part of this celebration,
Look at the world through my eyes!
Stop and think,
Let's just sit back down and sip our drink.
Written sitting in a restaurant at The Ridge, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. I was travelling alone in the mountains and came across this beautiful city and this beautiful restaurant with a stunning view of the Himalayan Icy Mountains.
 May 2015 addy henderson
But such is a great story,
of two friends
who fell in love
with ideas
inspired by tequila
wrapped around the pleasures of the naked body

I wondered why this had never happened before?

You showed me your world
in your favorite beer
as I tried to show you
in cards

but your world was better
more fun
and blurry
so I let you grab me
and kiss me
and bring me to my bed
to share my world

It was a whirlwind romance
4 hours, tops.
I wouldn’t add or subtract
any time
you made me feel
like love was fun
and perfect

and our story wouldn’t be so brilliant
if you were still here
you gave me one night
of the sweetest medicine
and now you’re off
enjoying other pleasures
with other women
in other lands
and all I can say is

thank you.
Her eyes bleed tender light
into the fabric of my soul,
I have never seen a gaze
so steeped with depth,
as the moment my heart
was plucked from my chest,
and pulled through my mouth
with a moan.
May 5, 2015
The sound of poetry slipping from my tongue
sings the same tune as her dress
slipping from her shoulders,
as the midnight bell rings a sweet goodnight,
although sleep is far from both our minds.
May 2, 2015
Never again will I ever write
A single love poem for you.
Never again will a paper or a thought
Be dedicated to you.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Never again will I hear "forever"
And follow with a thought of you.
Never again will I paint lovers in rain
And picture them me and you.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Never again when the phone rings
Will I hope that it is you.
Never again will I close my eyes
And sleep with dreams of you.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Never again will I ever love
The way that I loved you.
Never again will I ever want
Anyone but you.
I loved you.
was a year
of warm summer fun
The nighthawks flew
in the lights
of darkness
And trees crashed
in warm
winter storms
And love was
a kiss
upon a breast
And touch upon
willing fingertips
And life was a joy
to possess
And a joy
to profess
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
My desire for you
(only builds)
when you run away.
you saw sadness,
and you never noticed the pain.

you heard the thunder,
and ignored the rain.

but yet you wonder,
just why you dug my grave.

you saw, my dear.

but you cannot see.
You only saw what I was feeling but didn't see the real pain that I felt.
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