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 Nov 2014 Abhay Chopra
Just Melz
She cries late
                  every night
     Turns off all the
         Sits in bed
             her eyes out
      in the dark
Cutting out pieces
      of her heart
No one can see
                          the scars
           of her sewing
back up her chest
       Soon she will be
             an empty shell
                    putting her soul to rest
If her heart
                    is no longer there
It can't get broken,
If no one can see
                          the tears
Then she never cried,
A smile
A laugh
A heart broken in half

A blade
A gun
A ******* the run

A shovel
A grave
A girl they couldn't save
 Nov 2014 Abhay Chopra
V Anna
Who are you?
You came when I was in pieces
Shattered, but you pick it up 
Piece by piece you fixed me
It's not complete, but I can finally breathe

Who are you?
Making me smile 
Without me telling you
You knew I'm trying to forget him
But why are you still trying?

Who are you?
Despite shutting you out
You keep asking how my day was
Didn't I hurt you enough?
You must never see my flaws

Who are you?
Mr Stranger who are you?
I'm slowly getting up again
And I'm scared to fall again

But please Mr Stranger
Please, Please don't leave.
You came unexpectedly...
And now I don't want you to leave...
A time spent, a time well spent.
Woven in prejudices, yet staying on the right path
That’s what I admire most about you
Apart from that giggle that reaches extreme heights
Or the hugs which reach great lows for me
Or the unending conference calls
Or the cross multiplication
There is something more to you, you are more
You are beautiful
Maturity isn’t common
It hadn’t spread across your heart till a few months back
But,I’m glad it finally did.

There is a sense of morose looming over everyone these days
except you
You,love, spread the love
you’re the beacon of hope that most are devoid of
You've been crafted into an enticing sculpture
This is an individual piece of writing for you
It can be for anyone
It can be read for anyone
It can be interpreted by anyone
But it talks of you
It talks of you like the birds that chirp about a particular song but the humans fail to understand it
It talks of you like the giggles shared with everyone yet, thinking of only one person
You,it talks just about you.
I love you
I love you like the sun loves its fellow stars
like the plants that love the dew drops dressing their naked body in the morning
like the colour golden loves the colour pink
I hope for a life with you
A life of disappointments
of cracks and shackles
of bridges and of flowers
of fast currents and stillness
I just hope we always have a life, together.
Today I feel like telling this to everyone :
Let’s ***** up
Let’s let go of things and rejoice
Let’s be happy about everything
Let’s knit our friendship with everyone
Let’s not worry for just a minute?
let’s be you

This piece of writing can be for anyone
But it talks of you,who you are
who you will be
who you were
and how beautiful you always are,were,will be.
A love letter for a friend.
 Nov 2014 Abhay Chopra
Your words pulverized me again and again
I saw each little arrow
that lead me in circles
back to your doorstep,
wanting to reach out, touch you
but was afraid you weren't there,

Did you understand the love we shared
Deeper than the depth of the Pacific,
but the schism of the abyss deepened,
like a cracking Mariana, imploding unto itself,
as I play each scene through my mind
what did I do to make you turn away
I wonder…
it was hard to say
good bye…,

My angel, it has been long, since I saw you
yet whatever little moments that we spent
were blessed pearls in shining oysters,
worn around our hearts
I aver it still hurts to know
you are still there somewhere
How I miss…
the endless, senseless talks
wishing for more of those precious moments,
but life, does it value treasured seconds?
I wonder…
then why is it that
I miss the most…us?

I hope to awaken when the sun comes up
and rubbing my eye, I see the dream crash
see you standing before me
as if you had never left my side.*

The parallel worlds.
My princess, just peep out of the castle window
Do you see that glorious steed?
A knight atop, in his shining armour
Perhaps not…
Since with changed time’s dimensions
I stand on the tor while your castle is in the vale,

Each looking at the other as a mist
Yet still there, where we were…
Nothing has changed, yet there is no constant
The eye of the storm has changed the breeze
The sailboats changing tack, yet on the same course
All a matter of perception…

Look out of your dream and you shall find
Us, standing on the same shore that we last left,
The travels and travails seem to keep us adrift
Bobbing up and down, times tides
Synchronous, dancing to the beat of the waves…

Debbie Brooks.
Love, sorrow, collaboration
(c) 10-2014
It has rained
What once was brown , now green.
The air is cool
Fall in the air can be seen.

Boys are gathered
Practice begins
for the games
to see who wins.

The ball is passed
kicked at last.
Through the goal
the point is cast.

They finesse the ball
as they pass and kick.
To out wit the opponent
as the clock does tick.

Winning all they played
this season thus far.
Led by great coaches
has been better than par.

When the games are done
whether lost or won.
It is all in the fun
Played under the sun.
Soccer.  Learning more that I ever wanted to know.
Football in England and else where.
 Oct 2014 Abhay Chopra
 Oct 2014 Abhay Chopra
Whisper to me
your deepest passions,
Scatter away your envies.

Please hold me close because no one has ever even bothered to dust me off before.

Look into my eyes like you're about to discover every word left unsaid and every feeling i have tried to deny.

Trace your way on my skin
Make yourself at home in my heart.
Sorry it's pretty messy, just had to pour out words somehow.
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