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 Jun 2018 Waffles
 Jun 2018 Waffles
It' odd to not be sure how you're feeling
To not know what's going on inside your own head
You're a mystery that can only be solved by yourself
Sometimes I feel like people can control if
They want to feel something or not
For them it's a switch

It's not so easy for me
It takes a lot just to block it out
The pain,                
The thoughts,    
The urges...

It's hard to control an urge
Your gut and your mind says "yes"
Regardless of your answer
Your mind is high, not letting you think straight
Maybe deep down inside your heart
You know it's wrong
But you can't help it

Feelings are so very complicated
Maybe they're a curse
~ G.P.O
 Jun 2018 Waffles
The Empty Cup
 Jun 2018 Waffles
I want my love for myself
To overflow
And I want my overflow of love
To seep over onto you
But for now
My cup is empty
And maybe you can sense
That I have nothing to offer you
I feel unsure...
Unsure about me
Unsure about you
And ultimately, unsure about us
But then again, I'm unsure about being unsure.
It's an uncomfortable feeling,
Plunging me deeper into my ever-expanding mind
An abyss of permanent midnight.
Us being together invites a lot
A lot of ridicule, difficulty, and stress
That should be enough to keep me from you.
But, nevertheless
I continue to stay
Regardless of all the red flags, problems and parents who press.
Because you are someone who cares
And that's the most important thing to me.
You never fail to impress.
Your loyalty reaches my heart,
And I hope we never part,
In the name of love,
And blue skies above.
 Jun 2018 Waffles
Alice Lovey
I know we've never been "together."
I know you said to move on.
I tried to be fine with wading this weather,
But the love in my heart still tells me it's wrong.

Now, I'm not saying I'm resentful,
But you did treat me like I was special.
Lately has been so uneventful.
And I'm starting to think this isn't a game...

I get a little jealous when you look at other girls.
I know we're not together, but... You are my whole world.
I get a little jealous when you talk about them too.
It's because we're not together, but...
You told me that you liked me... You told me that you do.

Now, I'm not trying to be weird, but call me, I'd give you my time.
Actually, I'd give you everything, cuz I just want you to be mine.
When I got too lonely, I'd just stare at your photos--
Soundless replacements for you, who knows.

You said I'm obsessive—come on now, don't play.
You like it when I'm open, you preferred me this way.
You said we'd be great together, don't think I forgot.
I cherish every sweet thing you said, so my heart doesn't rot.

Now I've deleted all of your things, cuz I can't bear to see your face.
My prized possessions... I should've given you space.
Why wouldn't you make me yours, like you wanted to?
Now we're apart, now we'll both just be blue.
And now I regret this—now I really do.
True, I'm a little weird, but we're both crazy.
I know what you're afraid of; I know it isn't me.
 Jun 2018 Waffles
witching hour
 Jun 2018 Waffles
back then,
i used to be afraid
of the darkness
and what lurked
within it
it isn't the darkness
that alarms me
but the mere thoughts
that come stray
behind it
midnight isn't the best time to ponder
is it?

— The End —