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Nov 2015 · 12.1k
The Mermaid Princess
Unused Quill Nov 2015
Once upon a time,
Is how this story shall start.
There lived a mermaid princess,
That captured this mans heart.

Her hair was of purple,
And then changed to a shade of blue.
This was the mans favorite color,
I assure you that is true.

Their first true sign of affection,
Begun with a playful kiss.
In the centre of the universe,
Quite impossible to miss.

He absolutely loved her hair,
And her gorgeously starry eyes.
The color of the ocean - blue,
So naturally no surprise.

One day whilst talking,
About unicorns and magic.
He told her that life before,
Was miserable and tragic.

And gave to her his heart,
Confessed that the rumors were indeed true.
He was the man and her the mermaid princess,
And told her "I love you".
A quick poem I wrote about the most lovely Mermaid Princess in the world.

I don't know if she'll ever truly understand how much I adore her, and am so happy to be with her.

To SS from JG - you're such a special girl.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Seeing Her Again
Unused Quill Sep 2014
The club was alive and beating,
The hustle and bustle of youth fleeting.
And who do my eyes fall upon once more,
The girl of old, the one I called a *****.

Hair styled and as always well dressed,
I walked around - everybody always impressed.
And when we stood mere arms length apart,
I ignored her - the girl who tried to break my heart.

Oh foolish and misguided witch,
Your spells have no effect - you're a washed up *****.
And as you stood there stunned and charmed,
I knew the war was over - I won totally unharmed.
I saw an ex of mine the other night at a club and decided to do what justice I could to the way in which our paths crossed once more.
Unused Quill Jul 2014
The Tyger that was burning bright,
Came down to seek an opponent to fight.
When he stumbled across a grassy field,
In order to see what opponents it would yield.

After hours of searching he found a little lamb,
Not quite the opponent that was part of his plan.
He challenged the innocent lamb to battle,
After all Tyger had defeated large great cattle.

The lamb got up and said this was a mistake,
We were both created by old William Blake.
To fight you would be to fight my brother,
I suggest peace and love for one another.

And so something strange happened that day,
Two different songs came together in a way.
One of Innocence and Experience,
A new song born from both - Existence.
An Ode to Blake
Jul 2014 · 3.1k
It's Raining Sunshine
Unused Quill Jul 2014
Look outside and check the sky,
It's full of clouds - I wonder why.
The news said it was sunny all week,
Not a word of these clouds in which I speak.

Just when I thought all hope was lost,
A gale force wind came at no extra cost!
Pockets of clouds begun to go away,
Oh thank you wind you've saved the day!

The weatherman was right or so it seems,
As I gaze out towards the sunbeams.
Such beauty brought to these eyes of mine,
For where I live - it rains sunshine all the time.
May 2014 · 677
A Day in Summary (10w)
Unused Quill May 2014
Get up,
Go out,
Come home,
May 2014 · 793
I Cannot Tell a Lie
Unused Quill May 2014
I cannot tell a lie,
I will not tell a lie.
Oh that last one was a lie.

One exception does exist,
One that supersedes my morals.
One that come that moment I shall not resist.

If a person of whom I hold dearly,
Lay before me on their deathbed.
And was by deaths arms ever so nearly.

I would lie.

I would tell the greatest lie of all,
It will be ok,
Heaven exists,
You're doing great,
A bad person? No you're a saint!

And as their final moment is nearing,
I will stick to this lie.
As the time approaches with death being what they are fearing,
I will lie.

And it will be the most genuine and sincere lie ever told,
The one lie that will never get old.

That's the truth...
I  hate lies and dishonesty, the closest i come to lying is when making a joke.

As such I have always wondered when, if ever, it's ok to lie.

My conclusion was that should someone I love or care for dearly were to be on their deathbed, if a lie would bring them comfort, I would do so.

Is that still a justifiable reason or time to lie? I believe so clearly however that is my opinion and such a thing is debatable. Ideally one should never lie but that would be the one time I will concede my morals and ethics and tell a lie.
May 2014 · 600
Life (10w)
Unused Quill May 2014
I live to love,
I love to live,
I am.
Apr 2014 · 624
To Her
Unused Quill Apr 2014
She was stuck - wanted to move on and be free,
I still loved her, and she still loved me.
How was I going to solve this problem and end it,
How was I going to pick up her pieces and mend it?

I devised an idea - a very tricky plan,
Multilayered, complex and hard to understand.
I had to make her think it was her choice to let go,
To do this took weeks and initially was slow.

She became rude, mean and I felt tormented,
It was not part of the plan but helped implement it.
I called her out on her rude awful ways,
She got so angry - the fire set ablaze.

Cut off all connections just as I foresaw,
I had done the impossible - but now I was no more.
The hardest things in life come at great cost,
Even though I know I did the right thing - my heart is lost.

She now thinks it was all her idea,
Maybe one day I'll get to explain it all to her and make it clear.
Then she'll see the brilliance and the sacrifice I made,
To lose the one you love - the highest price paid.

I loved her dearly but she had changed drastically too,
She was cruel, mean, hurtful and I promise this is all true.
It made carrying out the plan a lot easier I shall say,
Nonetheless I will never forget that day.

The plan was put into motion and she cut all ties,
She could now finally move on - our relationship was at a demise.
She was stubborn which made it easier to do,
As long as she thinks it was her choice the plan will carry through.

So she gets to be happy,
So what about me?
I carry on knowing I ultimately have made her gleeful and free,

I feel sad from time to time,
I miss her a lot - after all she was once mine.
One day I hope to sit down with her and explain what I had done,
Show her that it wasn't easy, awesome or fun.

Anyway E, I don't know if you miss me,
Once upon a time the ironically named 'Fatty'.
I do not know if you will ever read this,
However I can say without a doubt - you I truly miss.
Nov 2012 · 3.5k
The Genuine Men
Unused Quill Nov 2012
We are the genuine men
We are the fulfilled men
Standing together
Headpiece filled with ideas. Huzzah!
Our powerful voices, when
We cheer together
Are loud and meaningful
As wind in wet grass
Or dancing feet over wooden floors
In our damp attics

Shape with form, shade with colour,
Dynamic force, motion without gesture;

Those who have crossed
With indirect eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Forget  us—if at all—not as found
Peaceful souls, but only
As the genuine men
The fulfilled men.

Eyes I dare meet in nightmares
In death’s dream kingdom
These do  appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a whole column
There, is a tree standing
And voices are
In the wind’s singing
More close and more bashful
Than a newly formed star.

Let me be closer
In death’s dream kingdom
Let me not wear
Such obvious disguises
Silk shirt, snakeskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves

That first meeting
In the twilight kingdom

This is the living land
This is fruitful land
Here the cloudy images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a living man’s hand
Under the twinkle of a newly formed star.

It is like this
In death’s other kingdom
Waking together
At the minute when we are
Shaking with excitement
Lips that would kiss
Form praise to no stone.

The eyes are here
There are eyes here
In this valley of living stars
In this flowing valley
This whole jaw of our lost kingdoms

In this first of meeting places
We ***** alone
And invite speech
Gathered on this beach of the free river

Vision, unless
The eyes disappear
As the periodic star
Monofoliate daisy
Of death’s twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of whole men.

Here we go round the mulberry bush
Mulberry bush mulberry bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush
At five o’clock in the morning.

Between the thought
And the implementation
Between the movement
And the deed
Rises the Light
                                For Thine is the Kingdom

Between the inception
And the construction
Between the feeling
And the reaction
Rises the Light
                                Life is very short

Between the need
And the want
Between the potential
And the substance
Between the ingredients
And the ascent
Rises the Light
                                For Thine is the Kingdom

For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the

This is the way the world begins
This is the way the world begins
This is the way the world begins
Not with a whimper but a bang.
Sep 2012 · 2.2k
Life - A Debt Driven Economy
Unused Quill Sep 2012
As you get older, you come to understand the economics of age.

You go through a cycle you see.

When you were new , you had  energy,
You developed, a state of Growth.
You reached your prime,
Your life was booming, a state of Prosperity.
- You were young

But eventually as time goes by,
Your hair begins to go, a Recession.
You're upset a lot, a Depression.
Your metabolism slows down,
Your stomach, It's bloated,
You're experiencing high levels of inflation.
- You are old.

And finally you understand that  you were just a loan that the world took out from the Banks of Life.
All loans must be repaid.
- You are going to die.
Sep 2012 · 2.6k
Unused Quill Sep 2012
It starts off that one plus one is two,
Even for the average person this is true.

NoW tAkE tHe ClInIcAlLy InSaNe,
OnE pLuS oNe CoUlD bE tHrEe,
Do NoT MiStAkE tHiS fOr SiMpLe SyNeRgY.
ThEy ArE mEsSeD uP,
nOt RiGhT iN tHe BrAiN.

As for the geniuses, they ask why.
Wait what? How is this true?
Where's your proof, I demand it!
Prove to me this absolute hullabaloo!

So now the only question is,
Can you define the way one thinks?

Hold that thought, grab that pen.
You start to write it down, and then realise..

****! No ink.

— The End —