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10.9k · May 2023
Dear Dad
Alex May 2023
Dear Dad,
That’s all I ever wanted you to be. A dad, my dad. I didn’t expect you to be a great dad, or even a good dad, but you never made any attempt to be anything close to a dad at all. You did try to be other things to me though. A dictator, a manipulator, even a ****** partner. You may say that I wanted it, you might even actually believe that, but I assure you that my compliance was not an indication of my enjoyment. Compliance was simply the only option you gave me. I saw the way you looked at me long before you ever put your hands on me, but you waited. You waited until you’d pushed me to the brink of insanity. You made me question my reality so much that I’d believe anything you told me. Then on top of that, you found a way to make everyone in our family question every word that I ever uttered in preparation for the day that I’d tell them what you’d done because you knew that eventually, I would. You planned out every piece of what you did so perfectly. Even after I’d come out with the truth you made sure that the walls around me crumbled before yours did. All I ever wanted was for you to be my dad, but you couldn’t even give me that.
5.8k · Jul 2022
Alex Jul 2022
Here I am sitting on my bedroom floor with a razor in my hand wondering if 155 days sober is enough to deter me from cutting again.

I have been so proud of myself for all of those days,
even when I was at one week and I didn’t think it was enough,
and even when I wanted to hurt myself so bad that I thought I might throw up.

I don’t want those days to have been for nothing,
but I can’t help but think of that time last summer when I was in a constant state of anxiety for 7 days straight during which I tried every trick to calm myself down,
and nothing worked, so I resorted to self harm.

Now my stress and anxiety have been building up for about a month,
and I am so exhausted that I actually did throw up,
and I can’t get up in the morning because I am so paralyzed by all my thoughts,
and I start thinking to myself
“What could be so bad about one little cut?”
1.4k · Mar 2020
Alex Mar 2020
Online I found a guy
He didn't look too bad
He lived only an hour away

He said he was 17
Only three years older than me

We made plans to meet up
I was excited
I was going to have *** for the very first time

I wasn't thinking about all of the dangers
I could've been kidnapped
I could've been murdered
I could have been put into *** trafficking
I am lucky I didn't get hurt
But on his way to pick me up

He said he was 19
Only five years older than me

I was scared
But there was no time to change my mind
At fourteen I lost my virginity
To a nineteen year old stranger

Afterwards I panicked
I confided in someone
And they reported the incident
I didn't mean to get him in trouble
But as the police were investigating

They said he was 27
Only thirteen years older than me
This is my story about online predators and I got really lucky because this could've ended a lot worse than it did. But I really hope this teaches people how dangerous talking to strangers online can be, and how the "it won't happen to me" mentality can end very badly.
1.3k · Mar 2020
Alex Mar 2020
If only you could see
I will never truly be free
After all of the damage
You've done to me
1.2k · Nov 2020
Alex Nov 2020
I wish my mom would look at me as a person rather than a prize
In her eyes parenting is a competition

If I choose to spend more time with him she is losing
But she must win, to her, there is no other option

Then the minute she is ahead she loses the ability to even acknowledge me
Because of her, I am lacking in the stability I so often crave
1.0k · Sep 2019
I Tried
Alex Sep 2019
I, once again, find myself barely hanging on,
Trying desperately not to sink in a crowd
Full of people who simply do not care.
I tried,
Until I escaped into the school bathrooms
And saw the blood trickling down my arm,
I felt at peace.
I tried,
Until even the people who once made me happy
No longer brought me anything but despair
Simply because I was too scared to disappoint them.
I tried,
Until the bottle of pills was rattling in between my shaky fingers.
The tears would no longer come,
For the world I live in has let me experience too much horror
And now even death doesn’t scare me.
Still, I tried,
One final time I called out as I slipped away,
But there was no one left to help me now.
Alex Jun 2022
Others judge me for being lazy when they cannot see the invisible walls created by my anxiety
I do not choose to panic every time I leave the solitude of my own room
I do not choose to shut down every time I make even the smallest mistake
I do not choose to put off taking care of my basic necessities until after the last second just so I can avoid talking to people
There are not enough words in the world to describe how much I wish I could leave the prison that my anxiety has created around me, but I seemed to have lost the key
I know I'm not very good at poetry but I still like to come on here every once in a while and give it a try anyways
769 · Oct 2024
First Breath
Alex Oct 2024
I have just taken the first breath of fresh air after being held underwater for so long that I thought for sure I was going to die.
I could’ve sworn I’d already gotten out of the water a long time ago,
I remember fighting for so long to swim out,
But no, I remember now.

Just as I had caught sight of the shore there was a man there rushing to help me out.
Thank god because I was exhausted after fighting so hard for so long,
I do not know if I could’ve gotten out without help, and I told him as much.
He offered me such kindness that it seemed easy to put my trust in him,
And so I did.

I looked over my shoulder one last time to take in the place I had run from and prepared to say my final goodbyes to it,
After all there had been good memories made here too,
Before I had been pushed in,
Although those seemed like forever ago now.

I take a deep breath and start to turn my head forward once again,
But all of a sudden my legs are no longer there on the ground holding me up.
I do not know what is going on but the water surrounding me threatening to enter my lungs feels so familiar,
I almost let it consume me.

I did not even realize I was being held under until he loosened his grip for what was only a moment,
But that was all it took for me to take that first breath and run.
385 · Mar 2020
Far Away
Alex Mar 2020
Sometimes love is funny
Sometimes you fall in love with someone too old,
Too young,
Too busy,
Too taken,
Or sometimes you fall in love with someone who's simply too far away
Someone who is so perfect,
Yet someone who always seems just out of reach
185 · Jun 2021
Love Hate Relationship
Alex Jun 2021
It is entirely possible to hate someone with all your heart but at the same time care about them so deeply that you would give your life for them.

You can look at someone who has hurt you so badly and still want to run into their arms and seek comfort from them.

And someone who has caused you an immense amount of pain and trauma can still be one of the people you love the most.

— The End —