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love falls
as fast as
bread crumbs
quickly escaping
a dinner table

love quickly
ends as soon
as it begins
they end with
an inaudible thud

as our hearts break as
it hits the unforgiving pavement

i guess it can be seen
as some sort
of experiment
that is left uncontrolled
foreign & unknown

it seeps
through our veins
it invades our organs
eats our souls

destroys our bodies

it is our silent killer
destroying us by
making us feel whole
happy easter everyone!!
 Apr 2017 Marshie The Mellow
Kiss me asleep
with your obsidian lips.

Protect my ears
from the cacophony nights would bring.

Fill the void
between heartbeats that skip.

Take me into the lull,
and into the siren song that you sing.
 Apr 2017 Marshie The Mellow
I write not because i seek your truth,
i just do - for someone who seeks
understanding in all the doors we see.

I write not because i seek your pity,
i just do - for someone who seeks
understanding in all tough roads we
go through.

I write not because this is a job,
i just do - for someone who seeks
relief to the burden he has not
spoken out loud.

© pax
If my introspection and my poetic thoughts are tiring to you,
Imagine what it would be like if your mind required them of you every waking moment in order to be sane and orderly.

Beauty is not goodness, and it doesn't have an off switch.
Life is like a video game.
It has controls.
You can restart it.
It has battles between anything around us.
You can dodge an attack.
You can move on to the next level.
But, it's not GAME OVER.
You continue your life on an INFINITE game mode.
You never die.
Unless you quit.
(Or get defeated by your enemies.)
Every morning, getting out of bed is the worst,
But every morning my phone vibrates.
And it's because
Everyday you message me
Like it has been your daily routine
To impress me, to make me laugh
To show me what a true friend you are,
But to me, you're more than just a friend,
You're the one I love, you're the one I want to waste time with
You're the one that makes want to get out of bed and be productive.
But I can't let you see it,
Because someone else loves you,
And the one that loves you is my friend too.
He kept on talking about you, made so much effort just for you,
Almost got in trouble just to be with you.
And me? What did I even do to deserve you?
But make you smile.
Still, you find time to message me, call me, and tease me.
You're my friend, NO! you're more than just my friend
You're the one I love, and I just want you to be happy.
I love her, But I can't let her know. Someone else loves her, and the one that loves her is my friend too.  But I just want her to be happy, maybe not with me, But it's what I want for her.
run as wild as you can
as free as the bird in its land
smile more, it fits you, I’m sure
in this life, that’s merely pure

fall quickly, get up more
take a break, then dance some more
sip in your wine from its glass
then lie down on the tender grass

in this life, we’re forever young
as if we’ve never been stung--
--by reality.
she is the devil
always ******* on about her crap
doesn't understand the commoner's way
thinking she should be #1
***** her and her ****
let her have fun in hell
freaks like her deserve worst things
sisters, am i right?
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