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I sit here at 2AM looking for quotes to say I love you
But none of them are just quite right
So how about something from a washed up poet who decided to try tonight
I'm usually good with words but you make my mind jumble
You make my heart race and make my words fumble
When I'm with you, I can't be sad
You always make me so happy even when you're the reason I'm mad
Silences are never awkward and cuddles are devine
You brighten my dark places, you're my sunshine
Love like this doesn't just happen, it has to be God's design... Right?
Me and you? We're one of a kind
Like our fates are somehow intertwined
This isn't perfect but I hope when you see it you'll smile, at the words of a washed up poet who can't get you out of her mind
So I've been in love with this boy for over ten months and four and a half months ago we decided stop being scared and go for it and he's a giant pain in my *** lol but I couldn't imagine myself with any other person
Lonely, like the ancient ocean
flooding fast upon the sand

past a fading line of footprints,
ankle deep in surf she stands

casting wishes on the water
like a sprinkling of snow,

light they land but moments after,
melt into the waves, and go..
I want to write love
But I only bleed pain
I have never stuttered in pen
misspoken in ink
or choked in my writing
the way I do
whenever I speak
my fingertips always know
the right words to say
my tongue is still learning
When they say,
"Rome wasn't built in a day."
That means ,
through hard work,
I can get my feeling to reach you.
Haha not really
What once you had cherished
Had suddenly vanished
The bliss in the heart
The hurt of the art
So beautiful as it may be
It wasn't for all to see
You were a few steps back
You couldn't even act
You lacked in a matter
Now your heart's in a scatter
I like you a lot,
  but I love my friends.
I look at you from afar,
  yet she looks at you near.
I sit beside you,
  but she talks to you more.
I stayed closed in my spot,
  yet she could be open about it.

She likes you a lot
  and she's my friend.
She's obvious about it
  and I'm here for support.
She's been with you longer
  and I've only known you for a while.
She'd be a good match for you
  and I'll be here at the sides.
Heartbroken as I may be,
there's so much of the world to see.
I can't go down by my feeling's foe.
I've never been able to stoop so low.
I looked for a chance,
  whatever I can get.
Could see from my stance,
  falling, I would never let.
I came as high as I could
The same height a bird would.
I love where I am right now.
All of the downers should just bow.
I am sorry.
I am sorry for being a bother
I am sorry for being unreliable
I am sorry for not being the friend that you needed,
for not being the guy who's always there for you.
I was so insensitive back then, and I didn't realize
that I was mentally hurting you.
It made me cry for days. I missed the times we speak, we laugh,
we touch.
You held my heart, and I thought you were the one, but you dropped it and never came back because of the stupid things I did.
I learned from the stupid mistakes I made
and saw a new life, a more significant life.
You helped me opened my eyes to a new reality that changed the future of my past self.
I am grateful, I truly am.
Words cannot describe how happy I was.
Stephanie, Thank you
It's great to be back here, this was from waaaaaaay back.
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