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Feb 2016 · 1.5k
My breath was choking on fire
It brought me to my knees as I plead
Please, someone save me.
Save me from this world
That is consuming me in fire
I'm burning up in flames.

I've come to realize
That I'm just the fuel to someone's fire.
A minor casualty in this world
Filled with the burning desire
To lie, cheat, steal.

The room was blackened out with smoke
I could no longer see the light.
My coughing was worsening with each breath.
This is really the end of my story.

My mind was racing with different scenarios,
All of them leading towards death.
I know there is no hope,
but I have to try to tell them.

Each step feels like my last,
My body was aching.
My steps heaved as I dragged them
across the blackened floor
through the rubble.

I made it to the desk
my hand staggered as I wrote
"This was no accident,
It was a ******."
It is the blackened hearts of some people
that make me hate this world.
It is the pure hearts of some people
that help me keep going.
Feb 2016 · 850
Its happening again.
This suffocation
I can't breath.

I need help,
I'm drowning in a sea of depression,
and I can't save myself this time.
I've already given up.

Maybe you should just give up on me,
I'm already a lost cause.
I'm worthless.

Everyone has a talent in this world,
or so they say.
I must be good at nothing,
because I have no talents.

Jealousy is knocking at my door,
I wish I could do half of the things you could,
but I can't.
I'll never be as gifted,
or kind as you are.

When I'm gone, everyone will be sad.
For a couple days, at max.
Then, they'll move on,
they'll for forget about me.
So will you.
That's just the circle of life.
Depression is a constant cycle,
once you think you've escaped,
it drags you back,
so it can torture you even longer.
Sep 2015 · 664
This is my release.
Where I can liberate the emotions
that I conceal out of fear.
Without having to agonize about being judged.
This is a chance where I can express myself
In ways I never thought I could

Where I can listen to other people expressing themselves.
whether it be a poem,
or a song
or maybe even a short story.

I'm taking this chance,
to instead,
convey my gratitude
to all of you listening
and more importantly,
to those who have inspired me
to do amazing things.
Thank you.
Freedom, now I feel so much better now.
Apr 2015 · 452
8 word poem
Mar 2015 · 898
Speaking Outloud
You were the FINAL straw.
I refuse to to be SILENCED anymore.
My word speak VOLUMES
And I'll PROVE it to you.

I am SICK and TIRED of being stepped on,
LIED to,
I am NOT gonna believe that lie anymore, I know I'm SPECIAL.
I am not afraid to EXPRESS myself any longer.

I have people who CARE about me, who LOVE me for who I am,
Not for who I may have PRETENDED to be.

The choices in my life are MINE to make, because
I CONTROL my destiny, not you, or anyone who says otherwise.

I have the POWER to PERSEVERE,
To PREVAIL over any odds.
And GUESS what?
So do you  you and you,
We all have a CHOICE.
I'm stepping up so my voice can be HEARD.
What about you?

— The End —