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 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
The sweetest of words escape your lips and leave me breathless.
Butterflies flutter inside,
fill day dreams with your static covered voice,
So smooth and masculine.

Never have I been so drawn to the corners of another's mind,
wanting to fill myself into the creaks of your heartache.
I could heal you....
shower you in affection and adoration.

Your brilliance captivates me,
leaving me wanting more.
I'm to caught up in what ifs...
What lingers between that I can't confess,
is that I'm afraid,
I could get completely lost in you.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Kira Ferguson
I juiced the oranges
That grew from my limbs
And poked holes to drain sap from my shins
With needles and pins

You suckled from the fruit
Forbidden, it be
And leached life from this succulent tree
No scrapes on your knees

Tangled vines sprouted up
Took hold on my throat
And my small branches, one by one broke
Along with my hope

Do not follow me, dear
Into these woods, thick
The darkness will creep up on you quick
It's only a trick
6, 5, 9, 5
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
The floor is made of glass,
reflecting my slender silhouette.
My bare feet softly slide across the surface,
as gently as I tread I hear its threat to give,
Its cracking beneath me,
wanting to take me under to consume all that I am.
I hold my head high,
constantly reminding myself to breathe. This is a repeat,
I see it daily,
always watching where I place my next step.
Don't push,
or it'll shatter.
Freedom gave me the gift of wings,
yet I alone have stripped them from my body.
Intimacy is all but resolute,
warmth breaks the glass,
as I am undeserving.
I stand still tonight,
watching my reflection,
knowing its a betrayal to my inner person.
One day I'll give up,
bust the glass just to show,
how much I truly despise  myself.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
These are all the pieces of me, Take them as you go. Where they fit I never knew, its been so long I just don't know.

Once I was broken badly, but I never could quite find. Were it was along this journey, that I lost my mind.

Just take my shattered essence, that used to be my soul. I tried to paste it back together once, but I could never make it whole.

I watch you walk out the door, if I didn't care I wouldn't cry. Just take these broken pieces please, so you never ask me why.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I adore the way my skin looks with yours.
Milky white against your caramel complexion.
Soft is the touch of love,
Yet heated by passion.
Pink lips part to taste,
Flesh so desirable.
I'd like to press upon you,
Souls intertwined.
Breath and beating hearts become our own music.
Time is still,
Worries lost....
You Are my Only focus.
Gently tracing curves with the lightest of finger tips.
Pushing the hair back from my face, Eyes meet,
A gaze that's held with looking beyond what's visibly seen.
Love lacks the true form of my heart colliding with yours.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I don't know why you're so painful to me.
Breaking me down,
every time you come and go.
I'm regret to you,
a sore spot on your heart.
You only see your past when you look at me,
A reflection of the destruction your leaving caused.
Ultimate ruin in your wake.
I can never shake these shoes,
Worn Maryjanes of a girl who doesn't know how to stop loving you.
I reach for you and you pull away,
So I stopped wishing,
Learning that it never has been about me.
You called today,
6 years of absence leaving me hollow.
I don't want it,
This time I just can't.
I don't know why you're always so painful to me,
Or how I can be so forgettable.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
Even fate picks it's favorites,
I'm sure of this as I watch the sunset. My porch reveals to much.
The homeless hide their homes in the corners,
Sleeping in the shadows.
The heat leaving them sun burned and drunken.
Can you spare some change?
I've got 5 mouths to feed...
But I always can find some,
Even when they admit it's for beer.
I wonder each time if hope abandons them all.
I know that people can give up on the ones they love,
I know that life can be painful.
But I lay awake at night,
knowing that could be any one of us. Just across the street,
Lays a man in the bushes,
Sleeping off a drunken state,
Not knowing if he'll eat tomorrow.
And me,
I've got 5 mouths to feed.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
Stop putting me in check.
I watch dreams I've worked so hard towards just wash away,
As if it's supposed to be easy to leave behind.

Stop sending me obstacles.
Endless bills,
Final notices just weeks away.
Destiny must be an oversight.
I'm positive there must be more then this....

Stop sending me deceitful lovers.
They consume my time,
Whisper promises never for filled,
It's all empty in the end.
I hate that it leaves me hallow.

Stop leaving me awake with worry. Endless outcomes steal my sleep,
My brain always stuck in over thought, My nights consumed in worry.

Stop putting me down,
When I give all I have.
Dreams always at my fingertips,
But never close enough to touch.

Must not be meant for me.
Climb the ladder reality says,
Life holds no place for dreamers.
 Jul 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I used to have these shoes,
Worn down and eventually to small.
But I adored them,
Danced in them till the joy faded and they could no longer hold me.

Black and new,
I once thought of the places they would take me.
Dreaming of childish possibilities. Never knowing that they could hold happiness.

I wore these shoes when you loved me most,
Growing and never fading from the feelings of those Mary Jane's,
The lace socks so pretentious.

I wore these shoes when the world was pure.
Way back when pretty things fit little girls,
And daughters where meant to love fathers.

I remember them more,
As you fade into the years.
A flash back of what I have thrown away.
Worn Mary Janes,
Still shinny but they fit so tight,
That day you left me behind.
This was a poets corner challenge piece. An object you used to have.
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