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Q Apr 2014
I am building
Building a home
Return here after
After you've roamed
And back into
Into my arms.

I am building
Building a life
A getaway from
From your strife
To make what's
What's wrong right

I am building
Building a family
A place for you
You and me
Where we may live
Life life freely.
Q Mar 2014
Am I not your cup of tea?
Did I add a teaspoon too much insanity?
Does your mouth twist at the taste of me?
Am I not your cup of tea?

Or do I fit you perfectly?
When you see the crazy,
Do you drink deeply?
Am I your perfect cup of tea?

Am I far too bitter?
Can you even taste the sweet?
Did I add too much hurt,
To be your perfect cup of tea?

Or maybe you take your tea black.
Maybe I'm just right.
Maybe you sip and savor
Maybe I'm just the right kind.

Am I not your cup of tea?
Did I steep too much of me?
Were the additives too sweet
To be your perfect cup of tea?
Q Mar 2014
It's a feeling of...of respect.
I don't think of them as friends.
I can't think of them as conquests.
They're above that, above me, above you.

In fact; it's more like awe.
It's more like being struck stupid
In the face of a star.
Except that's not quite right....

Imagine you meet your favorite idol
But you don't know it's them
But something about them calls your soul
And your body, until you become friends.

And it turns out they're absolutely unreal
It turns out they're...they're amazing
That's how they make me feel
That's how I see them

I can't just hug them like I do my other friends
And I can't just talk to them like they aren't beyond human
I can't just smile at them, can't pretend
Because they're everything I've never knew I wanted for me.
I'll try to explain again later, this doesn't do them justice and it's literally killing me how I can't put this into words.
Q Mar 2014
Everyone wants a piece of you though
And you don't even know
Self-depreciating like you're not worth it
Though the leash you've got on Earth's a perfect fit.

No, they don't crowd you
You don't have millions at your heels
Because they've learned respect
(Or they're afraid, if they touch, you won't be real)

Everybody wants you
Every single soul
Everyone, I swear
And you don't even know.
Q Mar 2014
I don't what I'm doing
Or what I want to do
I don't know what career I want
To let debt alienate and misconstrue

I don't know how to love
I don't love myself
I don't know how to care
Unless it's about someone else

I don't know how not to panic
I don't know how not to care
I can't dismiss everyone's opinions
I can't pretend that they're not there

I'm just a kid
I know it's hard to believe
But take me at word value
And comfort me, help me, please

I'm just a kid
Stumbling about, acting like an adult
Waiting for anyone to take the lead
Because my little act won't hold

I'm just a kid
Wise and old as the sun
I'm just a kid
I'm stupid and young
Q Mar 2014
I can't breathe
Yet I can't asphyxiate
I feel sick
My heart's skipping beats
For heaven's sake
Someone help me
Because the nightmares eat my brain
I can't see
All I can feel is pain.
Q Mar 2014
Such a beautiful soul
That renders my own shocked
And society's freezing it cold
I need to make it stop.

This was a pursuit
This was my normal game
This is what shock is
I want to see you sane.

I'm heartless, without compassion
I'm a sucker for vulnerability
I'm a crow in her prime
And pain is so shiny.

You have company and, god, does she fit you
But you're still breaking, dear.
You're an old soul so tired and weary
But Earth still needs you here.

How dare Life chip at you?
How dare Life bring you down?
And you call yourself weak;
Taking the beating without a sound.

Have you never seen the inherent brightness
That rests just beyond your skin?
See your reflection in
And take your beauty in.

Because I can't comprehend
How you can't see yourself.
With your untainted imagination
When society's blinded by wealth.

I can't say I'm not like the rest
I can't say I differ at all.
But I have the eyes to see a miracle
So I can't let you fall.

You are an oddity of nature herself
That I wanted to capture, to chase.
And through your constant shock value
I now want to see you stay.
At this point, I should just put all the poems of this series into a collection. Should I?
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