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Q Mar 2014
I am a female
I am a ****** being
The two are, surprisingly
Not mutually exclusive.

A *****, a ****, a *****
As the society might describe it
Are words with the meaning
To keep women submissive.

I may ****  who I please
When I please
For whatever reason I so choose.
And it doesn't have a **** thing to do with you.

Heaven forbid I'm not viginistic
When my ring finger is bound
Because viginity is a 'gift'
I mustn't pass it round.

I must walk like a lady
And only **** who I love
But the boys can run freely
Kiss and tell and call me a ****.

He's been with eleven girls
And has a girlfriend on the side
I've been with two boys
And not at the same time.

A pat on the back for him
Because he's got all the *******
But social exclusion for me
Because my ****** nature is vicious.

God, I must be a *******
For actually speaking of ***
I'm a woman, we can't do that
But, ****, sometimes I forget.

See, I was raised to hold my head high
Without looking up.
I was raised to be ladylike, polite
And wait until I found love.

I was brought up to hold my tongue
I was trained not to take up space
I was taught not to roughhouse about
Or follow the boys' ways.

I was brought up to fear ***
Until I found love or was married
But what the **** is love or a ring
When I can't even get equality?

I was taught that I should be ashamed
If I thought sexually
And I shouldn't even consider trying

I was told to hide my body
Because women are to be pure
If I wasn't pristine, who would want me?
I'd be a lonely spinster.

My body is my own
To do with what I please.
So **** your expectations, Society;

*I will have equality
I am rather ******.
Q Mar 2014
Help me
Because I feel it on the edges of my mind
Help me
Because it's ripping, shredding, devouring my kind.
Help me
Because it's so close, always just a step behind.
Help me
Because it's only a short matter of time.

I'm after myself,
I'm a danger, evacuate!
Preserve my mental health,
I need to rehabilitate.

My problem is my brain
Oh ****, it hears me now
It's always searching for ways
To make someone bleed somehow.

I'm going ******* insane
Someone hold me down
And tie me up with chains
And make me settle down.

I don't know how to fix this
I'm losing my grip on myself
So to anyone who's reading:
I'm serious; please help.
Q Feb 2014
A better word
Would be

All the care that was wasted
For stupid

I honestly don't care.
Because you,
And them
And life
Have no purpose.
Q Feb 2014
I hate to be happy
To feel laughter rise
I hate to be happy
Hate the crinkle of my eyes.

I hate being around them;
I have so much fun
I hate being around them
Right up till when we're done.

It's a knife in my back
A splinter in my spine
A knife in my back
Happy's so fleeting in time.

It's a crushing pain inside
Wanting to be wanted
It's a crushing pain inside
And by loneliness it's haunted.

It's a drastic turn of events
That have dire consequence
It's a drastic turn of events
And no one can make sense.

I hate to be happy
'Happy' finds me knives or ropes
I hate to be happy
Because from there it's a downwards *****.
Q Feb 2014
I am a creature of touch
Words are never enough
Say what you will
But prepare to back it up.

A hand on my shoulder
A kiss to the cheek
A tight hug that lingers
Say more than words you speak.

A brush of hands
So slight, I know,
Carries more comfort
Than words could tow.

A hand on the neck
Grounding comfort
An arm round the waist
Soothes my hurt.

Words mean much
They affect me to the nth degree
But if words are all I get
I'll never believe.

No matter what is said
I understand hate
And I believe I garner it
I bear it's weight

I crave contact
I crave touch
I'm a tactile creature
Words are not enough.
Q Feb 2014
Everything I do
Every word I write
Every hour of work
Every dream in sight

I do it it for them
I write it all for them
I work because of them
I dream only for them.

A smile, a kiss, a hug
Repayment in the fullest.
A laugh, a simple touch
Makes it all worth it.

Every step I take
Every breath in my lungs
Every move I make
Every word I've sung.

I take it for them
Breathe for them
I move for them
I sing to you.
Q Feb 2014
It's a peculiar feeling
The feeling of giving up
One second you're trying
The next, you've had enough.
Such a peculiar feeling
Of resignation, of being done
So here's a two-week notice
I'll be gone when day fourteen comes.

It's a peculiar feeling
On the edge of the mind
When you're brain reminds the heart
It's on borrowed time.
Such a peculiar feeling
For determination to dry
And shrivel, and crumble
And fall from the eyes.

It's a peculiar feeling
In a bad kind of way
It's a peculiar feeling
And I felt it today.
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