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  Jun 2018 Kayla
i'd like to tell you
that i'm fine
but I'm
too torn apart
to talk
Kayla Jun 2018
We talked
You were funny
Now I like you
Do you like me
I don't know
I wish you would tell me
If you do like me
Why don't you tell me
Kayla Jun 2018
I don’t know why
But every once in awhile
I get in this mood
In this mood all I want to do is
I do not see a point in
All I want to do is
Give Up
I want to give up on
But then I find something that makes me
It is a cycle you see
A cycle I can never escape
Kayla Jun 2018
She heals in a way that is not understood
She heals herself
By putting herself down
She heals herself by hating herself
The hate which makes her stronger
Hate that turns into love
She hates herself to heal herself
Kayla Jun 2018
She always thought that he noticed her
He saw her in a different light
Then anyone else had
She thought that he had love her the way no on has
He treated her like a princess
But that light had faded
That love had gone
The princess disappeared
But this made her stronger
Now she strives on her own
To live her life as her own
Kayla Jun 2018
I always told myself
I would take a bullet for you
And you would take a bullet for me
But now I know that if I ever had taken a bullet for you
You wouldn't have pushed me away and take the bulllet for me
Because you shot me
You shot me with your own bullet
  Jun 2018 Kayla
Almost believed the girl when she said
she missed me
but she's not making an effort to talk to me
and thats okay cause i wouldn't talk to me either
i just wish she wouldn't have said she missed me
it's all i've been thinking about
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