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  Jun 2018 Kayla
Almost believed the girl when she said
she missed me
but she's not making an effort to talk to me
and thats okay cause i wouldn't talk to me either
i just wish she wouldn't have said she missed me
it's all i've been thinking about
Kayla Jun 2018
The ocean

Is so

Peaceful and calm

I wish

I was

Like the ocean
Kayla Jun 2018
I wish to succeed in life
I wish to find love
To get married
To have kids
I wish to grow up to be a role model  
For my own kids
That when people say who do you look up to
They will say with the biggest smile my mother
I wish to be the woman my biological mother never was
The mother she never was
The wife she never could be
I wish to find a love that will warm my heart
Love that gives me the feeling
That I am needed  
I wish to succeed in life
Kayla Jun 2018
I don't know why
Every time you walk past me
My stomach turns
Your smile makes me happy
Your eyes make me dream
Dream of looking into them
If only you would notice me
In a small English class we share
Kayla Jun 2018
Look me in the eyes
Tell me you didn't
That you did not love
That you never loved me
Look me in the eyes
And give me the stone cold truth
Look me in the eyes
Kayla Jun 2018
She looked at him
He looked at her
The love in his eyes had faded
But her love had gotten stronger
He gave up on her
But she wont give up on him
And now she is getting smothered
Smothered by her own pain
Kayla Jun 2018
People keep telling me to just give you up
People tell me you are not worth it
Not worth the tears
Not worth the pain
I have cried to people
I have never thought I would cry to
I cry over you
I never thought I would
But maybe I should give you up
But for now
I am just going to keep having fun
And drowning in my own pain
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