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 Apr 2014 Michael W Noland
 Apr 2014 Michael W Noland
a thin layer
of expensive,
french perfume
on your collarbones,
dripping down
due to the
high temperature
you caused when
you walked into
the room.
The three hardest words
Are you ready to hear them?
How will you react?
 Apr 2014 Michael W Noland
sweet sugar
hits your tongue,
just as same as
it did when
your sweet, candy
lips touched mine.
You shout "Space!", you notice
A flickering light just behind
Your head and permit the
Fireflies to show themselves
To us, for the first time, you
Persist it's a helicopter, though
I want to believe it is a star,
Shining brighter than all the
Others, flickering so slightly
Like myself, we walk and I
Try to enjoy myself, the chill
Of the spring evening and the
Beauty of our world, the white
Dandelions around us almost
Glowing in the dark, but I am
Trapped inside a world of my own
Creation, one to which you are
Not welcome, and so we are
Apart although we are together
My brain alternating between
Throwing off it's guards completely
In pure exhaustion and letting
Myself immerse in the pain or
Staying strong and being
Constantly disconnected from
My surroundings.  I just wish
It weren't so beautiful tonight.
For W.B.
Maybe some day he will fall in love with you
Maybe you dont think you can wait until then.
I think that anybody that makes you wait
Is not worth waiting for.

Maybe some day you will fall in love with another boy;
A boy that makes you question why you ever thought
You would be better off alone.
Maybe he is the one you give your life to.

Maybe some day a perfectly imperfect boy will come along.
He won't make your life flawless
But he will make you laugh until your days are over.
I think that is the only type of boy you need in your life.

When you first meet him,
He will just be another pretty face that you love to look at.
Give it some time, my sweet.
In a short while, he will be the only face you will be able to see
Even if there are some more beautiful than his.
 Apr 2014 Michael W Noland
I will so desperately press my lips to yours
Tracing your lines with mine
Melting into one being
You and I
 Apr 2014 Michael W Noland
you aren't human,
filled with fake
blood, just so you
can bleed and
haunt me.
 Apr 2014 Michael W Noland
very ok with most all
things seen and unseen
waiting to be transformed
fully full on into spirit world
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