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389 · May 2020
Hazy State of Mind
Marissa May 2020
She’s blinded by a hazy state of mind
The call of an iridescent siren
Throbs in her ear.
The question of
Molds her soul.
It is a template on which
Other phenomena pile upon,
Continuously building
A tower of forgotten reflections
In anticipation of a collapse.
345 · May 2020
The Deltonian Doctrine
Marissa May 2020
No matter the weather I depend on you forever, always with you making bank together.
I wish not to see you go, but I'm here to let you know that, no business too strong, no sale too low, I’ll talk the talk and win boardwalk.
You may raise the steaks, eat 'em with a shake, but I'll be the one to monopolize park place.

Every day, we continue to strive, simply because we are alive with a passion of conquest that will put any limit to the test.
Don’t tell us your rules, you fool, we pull the strings, so watch what you say, or everything you know of will go missing.
Beware, our empire expands at a rate, which will never yield any capitalist mistakes, because at our core, we are omnipotent nationalists.
We have climbed the steps, to the very top of the throne, and mark my words — the world will be ours to own.
Sometimes, it is fun to write poetry just for fun and dismiss any elements of seriousness. It unlocks a new realm of creativity. So, go write, let it be a little humorous, get a laugh out of it, and smile at the masterpiece you have created.
333 · Jun 2020
Marissa Jun 2020
How can you bare to look at yourself in the mirror?
To claim that cheating face — the one that spit out irrevocable lies — as your own.
As you stare into your smoldering eyes, all you find is an eternal disgrace of your name, your family, and your humanity.
Not even a hero could locate the dignity that been retracted from every source in your body.
In essence, you represent hopelessness.
The pitiful source where we must never direct our wishes to.
After years and years of crumbling, your process of collapsing has begun, but only to suddenly end in a silent thud.
A noise that will never be recognized by the ears of mankind.
You are your own worst critic.
315 · Apr 2020
Marissa Apr 2020
Hey ;)
I’m bored.
You up to talk?
I know it’s been a while,
But I think we can give each other a reason to smile.

I can’t differentiate the days of this month, can you?
Life keeps spinning on...
Like a tire that has escaped its automobile.
As it rolls down forgotten hills and prairie sides
Which lie far beyond society’s walls
It hits me.
If we are going to fall down, why don’t we do it together?

So, send me a “hey” back.
Let’s rekindle our camaraderie!
That way, we can attack
The future side by side.
I wrote this poem late at night and chose not to edit it. Even though it isn’t one of my best works, I wanted it to exist in the same state that it was created in. Feel free to leave a comment.
307 · Jun 2020
Predator and Prey
Marissa Jun 2020
I have been used
and passed around,
from beast to beast.
I have been abandoned
by hope and forgotten
by dreams of a better life.

I have been surviving
and because of this,
I am alive.
My life for today
was guaranteed,
but tomorrow,
these predators may succeed.

So, my world spins
from day to day,
as times loses meaning.
There is nothing left to say.
It is an accomplishment to be alive.
211 · Apr 2020
Marissa Apr 2020
Oh Suzy, where do I begin?
We met only briefly and it’s sad that our time together was so thin
Our small conversation meant something to me
Even though there was a lack of mutual cooperation

“Vaccines,” you said “were the works of the devil”
“Brought no good to a world already full of evil”
I tried to persuade you, let you see the other side
But at the end of the day, you decided it was best if I was denied

“I’m still here, Suzy”
My thoughts are clear now
Life feels so beautiful that I can almost imagine I’m in a symphony
“There isn’t any vaccine that’ll get rid of me”

Suzy, I’m sorry, this was a losey for yousy
Suzy Berlinsky is nonetheless a role model.
207 · Apr 2020
Marissa Apr 2020
Temptation controls me
And surges through my brain.
Nothing but shame
Is all I feel towards my
Manipulation of evolutionary instincts,
Which are simply caused by an
Abundance of hormones.
The crafting of this scheme
Was influenced by me.
Although, it wasn’t I alone...
That chose to participate in these
Unconventional series of events.
We were both eager for a
Game of emotions
That would soothe
Our temporary boredom.

These relationships without
Definitive labels and boundaries
Create unnecessary confusion.
I knew this deep down.
But somehow, I convinced myself
It was logical
To play around with attraction
Because any seriousness between us
Lied far out of sight.
You, my quest at the moment,
Easily entertained my time,
As I dissociated from my actions.
I’ll admit, at first, you caught my
Interest with your endless flattery
Composed of intentions to
Explore territories previously blocked
By my fortified sense of morality.
Not all experiences are worth having, which is why it is important to listen to your morals, as they will help you navigate the world.

This is a work in progress, but I will update the finalized version soon!
188 · Apr 2020
Marissa Apr 2020
Let yourself cry, if you need to.
But, don’t let the tears control your life.
Moments pass by too quickly.
They shouldn’t all be blurred
We aren’t perfect; we are human.
185 · May 2020
Little Boy, I Wanted A Man
Marissa May 2020
You and your juvenile ways.
Sometimes, the space between a few words is all there is left to say.
170 · May 2020
Marissa May 2020
My ever changing mind,
Which was bestowed upon me by God,
Is an unfinished product,
Full of as many cracks as chiseled edges.
My unrecognizable reflection,
Which is composed of a momentary
Glimpse into a facade,
Shelters my conscience from the truth.
161 · Apr 2020
Marissa Apr 2020
I abhor the state of boredom
That feeling of endless thoughts swarming in your head
Yet, nothing appealing ever comes to mind

So many hours and days lie ahead of me
Hopefully, I’ll find some use of them soon
Recently, my days have been becoming more productive. Schedules work miracles.
158 · Apr 2020
Marissa Apr 2020
We all have an escape
Whether we want one or not
It’s hard to accept
Only because we often feel bereft of our place in the world

What’s your escape?
Where do you go when the world is full of hate?
For me, I follow the trees, down a path, carrying my guitar with ease
Simply because music makes more sense than the people around me
Each melody, each interval, each syncopation and beat
Mold together to form one lovely piece
That thoroughly expresses my need for a retreat  
And is packed with sorrow or hope or whatever emotion I want to appease
Where do you find your happiness?
131 · Apr 2020
A Tale of Incompetence
Marissa Apr 2020
I don’t understand you...
At all.
Yes, you, the one with the hollowed out head.
There’s an immense amount of empty space inside there.
All I see is a vast horizon of nothingness.
What can you give back to the world
if you don’t even possess a cerebrum?

You’re language is composed of
Misshaped and deformed ****** expressions
That are too basic for the average man’s understanding
Your incompetence, even at its finest, is grotesque.
I can’t associate with it.
Anger is a powerful emotion.
113 · Apr 2020
Here To Stay
Marissa Apr 2020
A poem a day
Might convince my happiness to stay
I know it’s right within my grasp
If only I could secure the clasp

A song a day
Might teach me where I belong
I know the melodies aren’t far away
Because my happiness is here to stay
You have the power to allow yourself to experience happiness.
102 · Apr 2020
Thank You For A Few Smiles
Marissa Apr 2020
Thank you for a few smiles
I know, every once in a while, I’ll think of us
Because the time we spent together meant something to me

When we went downhill, it stopped feeling like a dream
Reality sunk in— it wasn’t meant to be
But it’s okay!

We learned and we hurt...together but apart
Now, our hearts are mended
For we both cannot afford to suspend
Our individual aspirations and dreams
Because moments pass quickly when one is stuck feeling blue
We just didn’t make sense — we both have goals to pursue  
There was no need for our inspiration to diminish
Or to distract one another from what we were destined to achieve
It was our time to be finished
But it’s okay!

You weren’t ever here to stay
“The West” was inscribed in your soul
Whereas “The East” described mine
Our paths flip-flopped
So, we were bound to stop
But it’s okay!

I’m sorry for the impulsivity
That soon manifested itself in toxicity
It’s not okay, it shouldn’t have ended “that” way
Every relationship is a learning experience. :)

— The End —