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 Jul 2015 Mallow
Tate Morgan
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Tate Morgan
Friends who played with you on birthdays
through all the laughter and the tears
Alongside whom, your gifts would bloom
with secrets shared over the years

The nights you cried yourself to sleep
for the things that I'll never know
I'm sure you knew, as I did too
time would pass and you would grow

You've made it through adolescence
finished college, then got engaged
I'll cry the day, you go away
and lament on just how I've aged

I will be right there beside you
proudly walking you down the aisle
Then let you go, face all a-glow
father charmed by his daughters smile

"Aris and Andrew it is with all the love in my heart I grant you both my blessing and that of my ancestors. May it be enough"
My daughter Aris's life is about to change. Her fiance is arriving home tonight on a flight from Afghanistan. I am going to be the man who walks her down the aisle fulfilling her childhood dream of getting married to prince charming. Has it really been that long?
 Jul 2015 Mallow
 Jul 2015 Mallow
It feels
kind of lonely
without the
familiar presence
of butterflies
in my stomach.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
 Jul 2015 Mallow
You told me not to be sad
When the rain starts pouring,
I should dance and enjoy
Under the rain.

So that's what I did,
Dancing to the beat of the taps
As the rain falls,
Remembering you.

But you were like the rain,
Just when I'm in the heights of my emotions,
Just when I was falling hard for you,
You stopped, left.

You left me cold and wet,
You know,
You could have been
The arms that wrapped me tight.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Vamika Sinha
Art is good
medication so you'll
deal with this creatively.

You've careened into this so
make the wreck,
the chaos
bloom on a page.
It might even help.

You're going to be a comic book artist
because in the face of such things
words fail and lips
falter,  and you
want to knock your head comedically.
You want
to conjure silly star-loops for
smashing into this
Draw, draw out
and ink in your malady.


The worst is when
your heart is the caricature.
A full-page feature,
a splash,
of high-strung colours
begging to be neatened.


cartoon heart. An
image of a fat, crimson
like a clip-art pic, got
a little worm poking through

Eating, eating away
to leave a love
or loss-sized hole.
Fat white bubbles announcing
so graphically.

Go on and
draw it more lurid. If
the feeling is here, you might as well
feel it.
Let the slops of gaudy red
and green
bleed and
out of the panel.
Stain it, stain
the gutter
where time happens.

At least it gives the comic
a heartbreaking!

And then you turn the page.
Deal with ugly feelings prettily.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Sheets of ice
Like shards of glass
Cut through
Severing emotion from life
Saving a soul from pain
Rebelling against warmth
With negative degrees
Safety in solitude
Blissful ice-olation
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Alone Poem
 Jul 2015 Mallow
He wants to be left alone

Just leave him alone
Just leave him alone

Alone in parks
Or at the gym

A solitary life
It is God's will
Just for him!

He is content to be broke
And live in
His suburban home

Matt thoroughly enjoys
Composing poems
Hissing shrieking sounds
How am I supposed to sleep?
Demons, quiet down
When he first saw her she was;
Innocent, naive and pure
A soul untouched by the cruelty of the world
Becoming cracked and broken
Under his careful, sadistic touch.

When he last saw her she was;
Reserved, Invisible and mysterious
A soul hidden from the world
With walls of ice
Due to his careful, sadistic touch.

When you see her now she is;
Strong, confident and bubbly
A soul colourful to the world around her
Being joy and laughter to all
Because of the lessons learnt
*From his careful, cruel touch.
People never understand how much power they have over us
 Jul 2015 Mallow
David Hall
I have lived myself into a box
I can hear people talking and laughing on the outside
sometimes I can even see light through the cracks in the walls
but no matter how hard I try to climb
throw my self against the invisible walls
shout into the silence that surrounds my heart
I am all alone in the dark
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Saints and pychos are not born,
but created
by a world without meaning
where nothing at all is sacred.

I have no plans.
I've lost my sense of self.
I'm on the edge something dark.
I don't think
I can be helped.

I always wanted to make the world a better place.
But I'm not used to getting what I want.
The world has kicked me
in the face.
And a growing hatred starts to haunt.

I don't know what's coming
but it doesn't look good.
Something terrible grows inside me.
Keep your distance, I think you should.
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