My ears are irritated by the ticks of the clock.
As the big hand struck twelve,
And the little hand rose to three.
My grey thoughts begun to lock.
Colorful Ideas are slowly shelved,
And I am accompanied by me.
Tasks are halfway done,
So are my half-closed baggy eyes.
I wonder why I took up the task,
Just for a coffee sprinkled in cinnamon.
It should not come to a surprise
That I do what you ask.
I stared blankly at the work,
Let it be writing, editing, or mixing.
each passing time I become more efficient.
like a robot connected to a network,
programed to tick without out stopping.
But my ears continue to listen.
I still hear the ticks,
And I'm slowly getting tired.
Tasks are still halfway done.
I should be done a quarter to six.
My body should be able to rest, if acquired.
Still, all of these are really fun.
3am thoughts