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Dec 2015 · 514
the end
A problematic boy finds all his solutions in her,
He makes the sunrise jealous when accompanied with her,
She dressed like a sea and creates solar system for him when gaze at him,
She has the kind of smile makes him feel good in the hardest moment of his life
Everything sounds new to him when she speaks to him
She carried all his heavy worries & make him realize he ever wanted to be,
He looked so happy like a breath of fresh air in suffocating world,
When he reached near to his goal, she whispered her last goodbye in his ear and left him dare to follow his dream, dare to follow his heart
Dec 2015 · 854
" December NIGHTS"
It was a cloudless night of winter,
the dim light was entering through window in my room
I found her
at the edge of my dreams
she made was from broken dreams flowers in hair ,  eyes made of oceans
she looks like everything I wanted ,
she was violently peaceful, was all the seasons and different shapes of moon,
she has a sweet laughter , which makes me sleep unafraid in dark lonely night
I closed my eyes tight ,
to make her stay for a long
but she walks inside the dark streams of my mind, making her way to infinite ocean and disappeared
I drift off and Lost her in the quiet December night
Dec 2015 · 753
i miss you
Last night  with no sleep in eyes,
I was thinking in dark,
Searching the fine line,
Between feeling the pain
And Feeling nothing
Wanted to forget everything and becoming invisible,
Because everything  is slowly dying,
I have tried but can't change this ,
It's why I am wide awake in dark,
Suddenly I found a bright spark,
The light was coming from my phone in 3 am text saying "I miss you"
That showed me different way of existing and saved me.
Dec 2015 · 710
It was the darkest and the coldest
night of the year,
I smelled the fear,
And traveled to the end
Where I found you in the stars,
I silenced myself and heard the calm of calms
The deep breath of yours,
You were like the bright light of thousands sun ,
Makes me listen to my heart,
Showed me my strength,
Told me how much I mean to everyone,
I listened my heart , realized there is nothing as strong as my heart,
I am the wolf, I am the fear eater
And I can live forever.
I love winters because in winters I take pillow put earplugs in my ear and headed to the space.
Wolf - 16/12/15
Dec 2015 · 489
I was afraid, sad, hopeless
And confused,
Struggling to fit myself
in the world,
For which I am lone wolf,
Utterly unable to find a place for me
In the world
Then your noise invade my unsettle mind,
Like the song of early morning bird,
That noise like the kiss of heal from the unspoken,
To my miss lead mind
And made me resilient ,
I hold my pen and starts sensing the position of unknown
Through following the gentle noise,
And noted down on paper,
To create a map to track you down,
My first attempt towards you was go down,
But now I am unafraid, happy , hopeful and organized
Destiny is not matter of chance, Destiny is matter of Chance
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
"I love you"
When I miss U
Then I realise
I love you.
When I look at some guy
And you come to my eye
Then I realise
I love you.
When things starts ending
and I think of you
I realise I love you.
When I feel a kind of disgust

for falling in love with some other guy. .
I realise I love you
when I say to myself
That I could stay alone
with the thought of loving you
for the rest of my life
I realise
I love you.
Sometimes in loud.other time a quiet
feeling I feel inside
that wants you sit by my side
Then I realise
I love you
This poem is send by someone who loves me
Jul 2015 · 653
" A sweet escspe"
Let us run away to a place,where love is shared,
joy is spilled, happiness is made
Where life is all about delightful, magnificance ;
Where smiles are divine and eyes have innocence,
Where the tears in eyes shows the intensity of love ,
And the wounds are healed by the touch ;
Where loveliness increases ,
And it never passes to nothingless;
Where the morning happens just to greet us;
Where affection of our love tempt the sun to steal the warmth;
And the birds chirrup our name together in their songs .
Where river flows with the divine drink of love,
And the dolphins jump to chase our sweetness;
Where evenings comes to feel our presence;
Even the stars and moon twinkles to romance with us;
Where the sea beach waits,
And meetings of ours allures the waves;
Where the breaths of yours touches my sleep ;
And the dreams of your nights became the prayers of my mornings.
Where defeats of yours meets the flood of my assurance.
And these will be the glories of yours where I bow in obessinance;
And the pacing of your feet is heard in my heart .
Where I have your hand in hand,
And we walk to the end .
Where the time has no boundations;
And the love is free of all cannotions;
Where our love resembles the white horse of wings ,
And we ride over the hills.
Where the nature feels the bliss of our touch,
And we rejoice the butterflies in between;
Where we lie in the glaciers to welcome our death,
And we die together to live forever in the earth.
Where the air knows our smell and nurture our company,
And the flower blossom to tribute our love,
Where I am all yours and you are mine .
I have the place in my heart ,I ask you to come and reside
Jul 2015 · 618
Over the shadows
Is a day where colors are made
Each moment we talk,we meet and smile.
Each moment we fight and then anger put to side.
Has a pinch of color to offer,
Smile and giggles spread in the air,
Heart jumps, shouts,laugh and flies
As if grown with feather.
A perfect day that begin with splendour
Where we weave the world of ours through the words together.
Where I see the picture of desire
and all dismay burn to fire
During the evening space shrink , time stand still
I see a sweet plunder of hearts that has begin,
In the nights ,colors appeared
A beautiful midnight rainbow was formed
Whose ends rest on two heart,
The night was about to slip
I closed my eyes and wished
Another day that will hold us together
then sleep comes and touches my eyes as the ray of satisfaction
As this was the only I wanted since ever..
Jul 2015 · 366
" love lost between two"
When you feel not much stable than the blowing storm,
hundreds thoughts spill within your mind in fraction of time.
Out of which one can make you the happiest person and the other could tear down your eyes.
Where you see nothing beautiful than you love.
And find every particle of sweet and bitter hung to him.
When you would smile after falling in the mud seeing smile on his face and your heart will be the happiest guy when he would see him coming back in hurry to offer you a hand.
When you start loving him at his work.
When he irritates you the most you don’t feel annoyed but even wanted to hold his hand with no words .
When you could fail to handle your keys but intelligent enough to handle his all emotions.
When you feel to caress his hairs for long till late evening to earn peace and a smile for his face.
And how about being in the nature’s park when it starts raining suddenly. where the nature has trees to offer you two a shelter and bringing you close which can leave all limbs paralyzed and only hearts pounding and eyes asking for inseparable hug.
When you have kissed him many times before kissing him and you feel hugged when he stares you.
When you don’t care your scars and wounds and your voice chokes while he puts his hand and ask for the smallest one.
And While you go for the distant place and all bones feel a crush to be holded tight by him.and after reaching to the place you say not in much excitement that we have reached.
When your limbs shrink and expand a hundred times and you feel shrink sitting next to him and wanting to close eyes on his shoulder with your heart busy in loving him from inside.and his eyes falls on you could make you feel more sensitive than the touch of his hands.
When you don’t actually want to tell him that you love but to love him.
And you can travel million miles crossing boundaries of highways with him..
When the evening sky would paint your love and the returning bird would say there is love lost between the two and he slipping closer to you,
bringing his cheeks near to your ears and keeping his
chin on your shoulder and holding you around your waist through his hand and saying “take me where the road takes us away” that moment you would see the love opening the gates to you for the city called love.
Jul 2015 · 684
" life of extremes "
It is the music behind the parting doves,
decorated with cries and screams.
within the pauses ,including the hugs of love,
like singing the magic of spring kissing the autumn leaves.

It is in the heights to kiss,
and within the depth to get.
there it includes room to success,
followed by failures on the way to be met.

No gurantee ,in the next moment someone can decieve,
and also there are million moments when endless love and affection you recieve.
Sometimes you will have a hand to hold you,
and sometime you will lend your hand to hold someone too.

There is no margins to escape the vicious schemes ,
like no traveller could prevent to quench thirst in the mansoon scene.

It is like the painting hung on the walls,
where the painter drew his dreams.
Which has the tall standing mountains,
but between two successive peaks always a depth attains.
The magic he knew is life is of extreames.
And he paints a burning sun ,
shining bright crimson red,
and his picture can be seen.
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
"he she story"
He:~ I look in your eyes and read the words. you never said, You always have a thousand ways to find me when I am lost in your eyes.
She:~ you know what I feel, I’m lost! I’m drowned somewhere,and I guess it’s your innocent but cunning smile.
He:~I can hear you when you’re not speaking,I can feel you after you’ve gone,again Meet me, there up on the roof at midnight, there are so many stars to count,
If you won’t then Somewhere between, the moonlight and the sunrise, I will meet you again, and we will dance.
She:~I’ll reach to you I’ll find you,just stand with the open arms,let the breeze bring the message from your heart.
He:~I believe in you not just because you don’t believe in me but because you make me believe
And without you, I don’t think closing my arms is good for my hands.
She:~ Do you know, How much pain I bear,these distance these words..Do you know my left eyebrow get raised,when you told me full of these types of puzzling words. Ha ha!
He:~Your smile is the sweetest fairytale. Keep laughng.
She:~Each I see you observing something even my smile,I rejoice to see your smiling face..
He:~If you could see, through my eyes, you would believe, how beautiful, you are to me.
And when You were pointing at the sky but I was looking at your hand..
I know everything and because you were watching to me my hands were able to point so beautifully that all the stars choose to surrender among us.
He:~ If you listen very will hear the melodious sound of falling in love from a distance..
She:~I’ll not let your love to fall I’ll hold it and then your love will love to rise together .
He:~Loving you is a battle I won’t surrender A constant battle between loving you from a distance and loving you in disguise.
She~ your Love can nurture me like this was even unknown to the masters,your love is twisting there pen to write a new story.
He:~Let’s play a game called ignoring-each-other-­­­and-pretending-not­-­t­o-care Our demons will give a golden trophy to the champion.
She:~I can play all the games and I know to win but my love knows no battle but just to love.
He:~ In a parallel universe, you’re quite busy missing and loving me from a distance, Now time to finish it. One word for me and three words for you.
And my next magic trick I will look into your eyes, and all of a sudden, you will amazingly be paralyzed and be mine….
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
" Dhuan - Hindi musings "
हो गुनाहगार भी कोई तो,
तक्क़लुफ ना करें,
मैँ भी अपने दामन मेँ थोड़े दाग रखता हुँ ।
कोई भूखा अगर मिलेँ तो,
उसे बहला सकूँ,
मैँ अपने बटुए मेँ रोटी और साग रखता हुँ।
करेँगेँ मजहबोँ की बाते फुरसत मेँ,
मैँ अपने दिल मेँ हिन्दोँस्तान रखता हुँ।
क़ाफिर की इबादत हुँ, शायर की माशूका,
कर दे जो हरपल को रंगीन,
मैँ वो धुँआ हुँ।
हर एक कदम पर दुनिया कहती हैँ,
तू क्या हैँ?
और मैँ हर बार कहता हुँ,
सबके दरमियाँ हुँ मैँ,
लेकिन कैसे बताऊँ ?
क्या हुँ मैँ?
सुनहरी सरज़मीँ मेरी, रुपहला आसमाँ मेरा,
मगर तुम अब तक नहीँ समझें,
ठिकाना है कहाँ मेरा?
क़ाफिर की इबादत हुँ, शायर की माशूका,
कर दे जो हरपल को रंगीन,
मैँ वो धुँआ हुँ।
हुँ मैँ तेरी मुट्ठी मेँ,
खोल अपनी मुट्ठी,
तेरे सामने हुँ मैँ,
हाँ मैँ वही हुँ,
मैँ धुँआ हुँ!
शफ़्फाक हैँ,
फूल हैँ,दीपक हैँ, चाँद भी है,
मगर इनसे दूर कहीँ मैँ भी हुँ,
मैँ वही धुँआ हुँ।
फर्श और अर्श के दरमियाँ मत ढूँढ मुझे,
तू जिसे ढूँढ रहा है,
मैँ तेरे अंदर हुँ,
मैँ धुआँ हुँ।
क़ाफिर की इबादत हुँ, शायर की माशूका,
कर दे जो हरपल को रंगीन,
मैँ वो धुँआ हुँ।
She’s the girl who’s like morning first light,
He’s the boy who loves mornings,
He waits for her the way morning waits for it’s first light when all birds leave her,
She’s the girl who’s like the moon,
He’s the boy who loves nights,
He embraces her the way night embraces the moon, when all stars leave her.
She’s The ending number of numerology,
He’s the beginning number of numerology, together they’re end & beginnings of numerology.
Her crystal clear voice mutes all the voices in his mind,
He knows that if he gets too close to her ,
she’ll destroy him much like a storm,
but he have learned with age that he don’t need much, but one thing he knows, is he’ll always need her.
That was a chilled winter evening,
Then suddenly everything get sizzled on Her warm
His excitement reached at mount Everest Height,
Because He have a romantic meeting in evening with morning first Light,
She has October eyes & skin like wind,
Her presence for him was peace of mind
There’s lots of color in her eyes & at the moment when she looked at him his colorless life turned into colorful painting,
A beautiful work of Art,
She’s like the place where sun kisses the ocean for his Heart,
The river bank was their place of meeting,
In the chilled winter evening,
The calm holy river was their ballroom,
They’re like the floating lamps,
Waiting for that moment to reach far away from the river bank to middle of the calm holy river & do Dance with each other,
And the dance of Floating lamps in the river was the end of amazing meeting in evening with morning first light in winter.

#evening #romance #winter
Jun 2015 · 604
It’s the beginning of spring,
The wave of romance is flirting,
Everyone’s heart is dancing & singing,
His eyes set on a changed stranger, who is in the danger,
Love is the his first feeling to her,
She lit the fire in his heart & his heartbeats get electrifying ,
For him it’s the real beginning of his spring,
He saw her hair was dancing with the wind,
She’s like the sun in winter for his calm mind,
Dead peaceful thought in his mind starts enjoying the warmth of her presence,
Sun was rising in her soft gentle palm & His bright future is shining in the spaces between her fingers,
His eyes kissing her delicate beautiful appearance the way shadow kiss the ground, a strong wind is blow, with a sound he wake up from his open eyes dreaming,
It’s the beginning of spring.
All my poems are for you. This one I wrote when the spring was on the beginning .
Her voice sounds like a soft love song layered with velvety notes

    He never heard before in His life,
    Her walk sounds like a beautiful never ending bed time story,

    He never read before in His life,
    Her laugh sounds like colorful dreams of butterfly,

    He never saw before in His Life.
    At the moment when he met with her, his heart feels ultimate peace,

    He never felt before in his life,
    Before her he only have a true warrior heart & katana sharp mind,

    With her he achieved soul that never change with tide,
    Whenever he is with her, every moment of his life has become beautiful

    He forgot all his sadness & complaints with her.
    This all the magic of her love.
That was a hot summer day, sky was tragically so beautiful then she appears like the light he was chasing since first day of his life, at that moment destiny brings them together after that moment love keeps them together.
#HeSheStory #sonalrita
Aug 2014 · 592
"She & I"
She's the girl who's like every key of piano at once & I the boy who writes to create a sky where moon can touch the sky and not get burned
And at the moment when her musical notes meets with my words ; my words turns into beautiful musical poems
She's the girl who's like pauses between every words & I the boy who's like silence which make terrible noise
And at the moment when her rhythmic pauses meets with my noise ; my noise turns into melodious love songs
She's the girl who's like the feeling when blind get eyes and see the world first time & I the boy who's like the first thought in mind when everything is ending
And at the moment when her gentle stream of feelings flowing like river meets with that thoughts; endings turns into brand new beginnings
One day she & I'll sit at the edge of the world and will ride strange tides of sea together
One day she & I'll steal all the stars from the sky because there will be too many between she and me
One day she & I'll the only one thing the whole world eyes will ever notice, she & I'll the only voice whole world ever need to hear
Y'all want to know who's she?
She's the girl who's like morning first light unreveal the all secrets when she appears and I the boy who's like a box of secrets waiting to be opened by her gentle hand.
And at the moment when she'll give her hand to me; I'll tell y'all and will hold her hand walk with her on the floor of ocean and will walk away from y'all
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
"Be My Beginning"
I am destiny of yours~ I am your end~ be my beginning~We are the words never spoken~the silence between the heart beats~ we are the melodies of the songs wind will sing~Follow me as the shadow in the setting sun~Play as the melody of my favorite love song~Gift me the presence of your company~Be my anchor~You are like my best poetry~ I think of you~ and you run away~In the space between the pause~with each breaths~with each heartbeat~I realized that there is always a soft spot for you inside of me~You’re the prayer that sits on my lips~ Yours is the name~ that my heart chants night and day~I want to watch you as you write~To see the way you sit and the way you hold your pen~ I want to see your emotion created by narration~I want to wake up to ~your breathe on my neck for the rest of my life~And I want to wake up~ to a kiss on my forehead forever~I just want to crawl inside the creases of your smile and tickle your dimples with the tips of my eye-lashes so you can stay smiling forever~I would hold you as your tears fall~I would catch them with kisses ~I would hold your hand , listen To your pain~ I would be there for you~Let me be the first person~ you think of talking to when you are sad~Let my soul dance on the rhythm of your beat ~ let my heart hold you in a naked embrace ~ where we let each other see our flaws with grace~In the soft morning light ~I watch you Some kind of angel from another world~here for just a short time & only for a moment will you be mine…….I AM destiny of yours, I am your end be my beginning.
Jul 2014 · 374
She’s Like The Morning Breeze……..
And When that morning breeze, with Her Presence, tap dances on my Face.
All I can do is Sit and feel my heart Smile……………………
She’s like the melodious song…………
And when that melodious song tone with her presence crashing like ocean waves into my ears.
All I can do is sit and feel my Heart Smile……………………………
She’s like the Rainbow after rain……………………..
And when that colorful painted rainbow ,with her presence appears in front of my eyes.
All I can do Is sit and feel my Heart Smile…………………….
She’s like the Raindrops……………….
And when that raindrops, with her presence, Fallen on me and touch and kisses my lips.
All I can do is sit and feel my heart Smile…………………..
Jul 2014 · 308
"New World"
I don’t know where I’m going but I want you to come with me…………………..­……….
I want you to Leave the old sad memories behind you,
And face the new happiness without fear with me,
I lay awake in the quiet of the night waiting to hear the echo of your voice traveling with the gentle breeze along the ocean coast,
I dreamt you came with me and we turned our backs on this madness got lost in the forest & fell together like autumn leaves.
I am waiting for you with an open arms to take you in our new world.
I don’t know where I’m going but I want you to come with me………………………………..
In new world we will
live in a forest, play with the leaves and dance in the open winds on top of the mountains
I don’t know where I’m going but I want you to come with me………………­……… Without light, Day
and night , you and I in our new world, speaking a language that a only the two of us will ever understand
I don’t know where I’m going but I want you to come with me…………………………………
Jul 2014 · 284
"I see"
I See

All I Want to see in you…….
you’re the beautiful thought that fills the empty seat next to me,
I can’t touch you, I only can feel you.
I See
All I want to see in you…..
you’re the peace of mind, I continue to seek for, I can’t touch you, I only Can feel you.
I See
All I want to see in you…….
I can promise you everthing that lives in my Heart, it’s pure, it’s full and only for you,
Once I get close to you, I just want to breathe in deep.
Once you holds me, I will never escape, I will never want to.
I See
All I want to See in you……….
You and I are fragile pages of hope bound together by destiny and love is the author of our story,
If you allow me, I would be your every thought and someday a sea within you, other days a shore for you, one day a lover in your arms.
I See
All I want to See in you………..
Jul 2014 · 626
"Morning first Light''
You are the first light of every morning……..
And I the hopeless man.
I planted dreams and then you grew..
Your eyes, speak with a sound deeper, than all oceans.
You’re the first light of the morning and I the Hopeless Man.
you are every peaceful word, every breathless sigh and every piece of music that leaves a shiver on my spine.
You’re the morning first light and I the hopeless man..
What you are to me, is nothing less than spring to the autumn leafs.
I have been picturing you as my most addictive thought since a thousand words ago
Without you, I’m just like the unfinished rainbow painted at the cloudy sky.
You’re the morning first Light and I the hopeless man
They say there is gold at the end of a rainbow and I would say that is true, because at the end of my rainbow I found you…
And The truth is that you are the beautiful lie the silence has ever whispered to me.
You are the first light of every morning and I the hopeless man
Jul 2014 · 503
I write raw,

    I  write rough,

    but I keep writing about you.

    Because they look beautiful,

    when I read
    them thinking of you…
    See me from those eyes

    I saw all my world
    in, once;

    Hear me from
    those ears again,

    whispered all my love in,

    And it’s not just

    Even these words
    turn so beautiful,

    when I
    describe you,

    thoughts always turn

    when I
    imagine you.

    Stains left,
    each time I write you,
    isn’t of the ink I write,
    It’s your memories
    which I want to, but
    could never write…
Jul 2014 · 367
I Have
I have heard the call of the Stars.

    I have tasted tears of the Sunrise and held the heart of the Moon.

    I have felt their infinite.

    But I want have

    To feel your smell, to breathe  still.

    To feel your voice, to hear still,

    To feel your sight to,see still,

    To feel you, to love still
    But If I don’t have then

    I still Can Feel You…

    You’re far away,

    but I can feel you.

    You exist in my every breath,

    In every beat of my heart,

    Adding a spectacular sizzle in all the right places.

    Even when I close my eyes,

    I see your face and feel the fire of your caress.

    Your presence is a tangible thing…

    yet as hard to grasp as the air.

    I reach for you, but you elude me.

    Still, I can feel you; the softness of a petal, a warm wind on my cheek, a ray in my vision, a distant light that ever draws me near…

— The End —