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Raven Blue Sep 2020
Undying sadness;
Undying tears;
Undying pain;
But a dying soul.
Raven Blue Sep 2020
Everybody says I'm nothing;
Yes, I'm nothing.
I'm not popular,
I'm not beautiful in other people's eye,
They say I'm crazy, I'm horrible, I'm a loser.
But  I have my family who cares for me;
I only have few friends who supports me;
I only have few people who truly loves me.
Those "few people" are the ones who makes my day complete.
Those "few people" are the ones who makes me happy and they are a gift to me.
Yes, You can say I'm nothing;
But I have everything.
Raven Blue Aug 2020
It's raining;
They are crying;
I can hear the screaming;
It is called loneliness.
Raven Blue Aug 2020
We started from enemies;
Until we became allies.
We became closer and closer;
Until we were struck with limerence to each other.

Our love for each other was ineffable;
And we treasure each other.
But there was an accident;
That flipped our entire lives.

We protected each other;
And in the end, we died together.
Our lives maybe ephemeral;
But our love will last forever.

What happened to us proved the promise that we made for each other;
"Till death do us apart."
Raven Blue Aug 2020
Worse than a nightmare;
Worse than death;
It is being alive with so much pain inside.
Raven Blue Aug 2020
I always have fun and laugh with people but deeply I am sad and hurt;
I always smile at people but my heart is frowning.
I always say that I'm okay but truthfully I am not;
I always say "Yes" but my real answer is "No".
I'm a man of many masks and pretend to be someone that I'm not;
I always tell lies and have hidden desires.
I always act and put on my mask in the crowd;
Yes, I'm a great pretender.
Raven Blue Aug 2020
Poem is the art and emotions of the person writing it;
It is a gift and a friend whom we can lean on anytime.
We read it when we're sad;
And there we can find some inspiration and courage;
To continue our lives bravely and not give up.
We read it when we're angry;
To calm ourselves and think thoroughly.
We write poems to express the feelings and thoughts that we have;
We write poems to give inspirations and to motivate others.
It is maybe just words but through writing and reading poems, we can clearly see and understand the reality ;
All of us maybe read the same poems, but truthfully we read it differently and have different thoughts about it.
But what we have in comparison is that, we read and write poems because it is a cure to us in any emotions that we have and we need it in our lives.
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